Friday, December 27, 2013

Four For Friday

#1 - This aging foreign born A list action star is single and was dating a series of college age women. Then one of the women introduced him to her male roommate. What was a threesome has now turned our actor into being exclusively with the guy.

#2 & #3 - This former CW actress who was fired from her show and doesn't work much needs rehab but refuses to go even though this A+list celebrity/singer has offered to pay for up to a six month stay.

#4 - This former A list tweener who has quite the year says she first tried Molly with her mom who said she always takes it before sex with the former Tweener's dad.


TalksTooMuch said...

Um, eww #3, obvs Miley

#1 is exactly the definition of a homophobes worst nightmare / dream

MontanaMarriott said...

2.Taylor Momsen

Tori said...

#2 & #3 Szhor and Swift

Star said...

3 sounds like Miley but what is Molly?

Sherry said...

I'm thinking Miley for #4 but not sure Billy Ray is actually having sex with her mom. meh, whatever. Sex really is good on Molly.

MontanaMarriott said...

Molly is another form of the Extasy drug

Tori said...

@Star - Molly is pure MDMA, which is what is in ecstasy, but ecstasy is usually MDMA cut with other things.

Sherry said...

Star It's the latest name for MDMA which was first MDA, then MDMA the ecstasy, e now Molly.

Unknown said...

good guess Tori

MontanaMarriott said...

1.The standard action star who is on the DL response is Jason Statham, but not sure he has dated young girls?

Star said...

man I've been out of the rave seen too long, guess I'm getting old. My husband was always the one everyone thought had E at them, maybe because he was 2 feet taller than everyone.

Kelly Bassin said...

2. Asslee Simpson
3. Diana Ross
4. Miley (yawn)

sandybrook said...

#1 Jean Claude Van Damme

2 and 3 the girl is obs Momson the singer maybe John Mayer.

4 Jesus the Cyruses are complete white trash I almost read that as the tweener has sex w the father

Jaiden_S said...

1. Van Damme
2.& 3. Schor/Swift
4. Miley

Princess Nobody said...

What if 2 is Taylor Momsen and 3 is Madonna? Taylor was the face of Material Girl for a second.

Discobitch said...

1) Liam Neeson
2) assley & ?
4) Miley or the girl beiber

Wellywood said...

1liam nelson
2nicolette sheridan and michael bolton
3 miley

Anonymous said...

#1 - Hugh Grant
#2 - no clue
#3 - oh Miley

nancer said...

yeah, the 'aging' and 'action star' part says van damme to me too. statham isn't 20 but i can't see describing him as aging quite yet.

GhettochipMalfunction said...

#2 is Ashlee with the singer willing to pay being Jessica

Freya said...

Doesn't Van Damme know, the sexually transmitted death sentence?

Sherry said...

Freya thanks to much more knowledge and better drugs HIV is no longer a death sentence. Praise the lord there.

yo said...

1-Hugh Grant

Unknown said...

Since when was Hugh Grant an action star?? Says foreign born aging A List. We know JS is pretty much a an out closet case who dates models but has sex with gay waiters so he would be out. JCVD is hardly B List these days let alone A List.

FrenchGirl said...

1/ is Vandame not again married?
Dolf lundgren is my guess

Stacy said...

#1 Vincent Cassel
#2 Taylor Momsen

sandybrook said...

I don't thonk JCVD has been married for a very long time @FrenchGirl. He had a few problems beating her up the last time.

Basil said...

My first thought for 1 was JCVD, but what about Aaahnald? He aging and he is most definitely A. And just because he is with a guy now, doesn't make him gay, just makes him bi or at least curious, though I suspect when he was in his BB days he had to have sex with guys with money.

I like the Momson/Madonna guess. Madge does not like drugs and she has been known to try and help people before.

OhMyGosh said...

1# Jason Statham
4# Miley Cyrus

di butler said...

1) Cassel

2) Momsen 3) Marilyn Manson

4) Miley has told this story, but she also told someone who is affiliated with a magazine whose name rhymes w Jenner, that she tried it w her brother. Trying to picture Tish and BR and the MDMA during the boot scooting. Yeah, I totally can.

Unknown said...

When was Miley ever on the CW?

di butler said...

Another thought, why couldn't Selma Blair be #2, and Crusty Charlie the A Lister?

Annee said...

@Unknown, #4 deinitely Miley, says nothing about the CW. That's #2-3.

Annee said...

"Definitely" damnit

janette said...

Claude Van Dam (sp)


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