Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lets Talk About Kate Winslet

I want you to know that for the most part I love Kate Winslet. I still consider her appearance on Extras to be the greatest cameo ever on any sitcom and I thought it was especially great because I really didn't like the show that much. I think she is funny and sexy as hell and if I had the chance I would fawn all over her while buying her nonstop drinks.

I think most people feel that way about her even though if she was not likable I think people would feel a little differently about her. How so? Well, she has been married to three different guys and dated another half dozen and there have been boatloads of cheating rumors about her but no one seems to care. She has three kids by three different fathers but no one seems to care. She told the world flat out that she doesn't care about any 50/50 visitation thing and that she has the kids 100% of the time and if their fathers want to see the kids they need to come over to her place and when they are finished seeing the kids they can leave.

Think about anyone else saying and doing these things and if you would like them as much. As I have said I think she is amazing and I like the fact that she eats and drinks and smokes and has a wild streak and doesn't take herself to seriously and says what is on her mind, but I also think about how many people we might skewer if they did the same things.

Kate had a baby boy yesterday and apparently has not named it I Love which is what I was hoping for.


MontanaMarriott said...

Either that or this post is a proposal should she ever leave her husband.

Henriette said...

I'm not a fan. I think she is a lying hypocrite, especially about plastic surgery.

Really nice parenting skills she's got with treating her babies' daddies that way.

Kelly said...

I agree. I love her, but something is off with the love life. I wknow I might get bashed, but I love that she cares if her kids are thrown from pillar to post.

Karen said...

If her ex-husbands agree to her having sole physical custody of their children, why shouldn't she make some rules? If they don't care enough to fight for equal custody, that's on them.

Also, the general public doesn't know these things about her. I think there were more cheating rumors about her last husband than her anyway. And so what if she has three kids by three different husbands? It's not like she can't afford to take care of them.

auntliddy said...

I read that interview and i got out of it her fierce love for her children. She says their not going off on a plane with a nanny, they are with her. She works about 33 days a year, rest of time is a mum. First i was like, wow, but then i thought, neither of her former husbands have ANY problem with this, so it must be working. I think shes right. Let fathers come to kids turf and hang out with then and intergrate into their lives, instead of other way around. 3 kids with 3fathers? If she were a man, no one wld blink an eye. How many freaking men have"child from previous relationship?" Um, 60%? So dont even. She may drink and smoke or whatever, but apparently kids are job one. Love her.

Unknown said...

I think her attitude is refreshing compared to many in Hollywood. I might not agree with all her choices, but that's why those are her choices and not mine. And since I definitely don't know every (any!) detail about the arrangements she has with her ex-husbands, I won't try to speculate on what she does or doesn't do about visitation.

Karen said...

I'll add that I definitely don't agree with trying to keep your kids away from their other parent! She and her ex-husbands have money, though. This isn't the case of one parent winning custody because the other parent can't afford a decent lawyer. I don't know the details of her custody situations, though, and I doubt that Enty does.

Henriette said...

Actually, I think men who have multiple children with multiple women have a problem.

Well, her parenting methodology explains why she doesn't have a problem scheduling with all the different fathers. They are not fathers, but sperm donors.

Unknown said...

I agree with those above who said her kids come first...she loves those kiddos, that much is clear!

Beetlejuice said...

But what did she name her baby?!?

That's all i care about.

Anonymous said...

You're really twisting her words there...she said her children live with her and there's none of the back and forth, spending-half-the-week-at-your-dad's-and-half- the-week-with-me. It sounds like she has a joint custody arrangement with the fathers but she has sole physical custody of them. I saw pictures of Sam with their son Joe last December in Barbados and Sam said their son attended a lot of the play rehearsals for Charlie & the Chocolate Factory when he was directing it, so clearly at least one of her kids spends time with his father outside of his mother's house.

loopymommy said...

"Olive Rocknroll?"

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of hers. And yeah, if this were any other Hollywood "starlet" people would be throwing some nasty names around.

But it's good to hear she loves her kids.

Cheryl said...

I just can't with someone who marries a dude called Ned Rocknroll. I think he's related to Branson but changed his name legally.

sharka2002sharka said...

Perhaps the fathers coming to her home for the children is easier than keeping a schedule of what-kid-goes-where-for-how-long.

It's their business, not ours.

Give us more deets on the cheating rumors. That's what dedicated readers of this site care about anyway.

__-__=__ said...

I hope she found true and ever lasting love. Props to her for still trying. I bet those kids have a fine life and grow up to be something more than famous for their gene pool lottery win.

sharka2002sharka said...

Oh, and the more you post about the KTrash, the more they stay in the limelight. Ignore them and they'll go away.

roxie said...

only works 33 days a year???

MissMoPR said...

Well, if the fathers of the kids wanted different visitation arrangements, they could petition a court and get them. But they either dont want more time or cant get a court to approve it...

Anonymous said...

I'm also curious about these alleged cheating rumors. Enty, didn't you write a blind this time last year about a B-list actress who always thought her ex-husband was gay and Kate was the top guess? Doesn't say anything about the cheating rumors, but if this is true should Kate have stayed married to her allegedly gay husband?

Single Man in Love with Love said...

@Karen what crack are you smoking. From your first line, 'If the husbands don't care enough...' I guess you wrote that because you honestly think and believe in your super small brain that custody is granted on a 50/50 basis by the court on the majority of the time right? Wrong. Your supid vaginas usually get the court to side with it. Hence cunts like Brooke Mueller gets to keep her kids. Even when the mother is useless the court will side with her. I guess they figure your tits should be used for something...

crila16 said...

I think she's gorgeous and I think she's an excellent actress...I personally don't care what she does in her personal life. That's her business. She's also never done a thing to me,so I have no issues with her.

aemish said...

Meeeee too, @Reno

Topper Madison said...

@loopymommy Brilliant!! You win for comment of the day.

Discobitch said...

And you're single? Wow can't see how *sarcasm mode off*

Alicia said...

Why would anyone care if she had three kids by three fathers other than the family itself? I'm confused..

lazyday603 said...

The kid needs to be named Punk. If your last name is Rocknroll you really need to take advantage of the fact. If the kid wants to become Duncan Jones when he grows up like Zowie Bowie did, fine.

Anonymous said...

Dear Enty. I love you for mentioning Kate in Extras. Cleaning out her veg draw, polishing her husband's oscar, or fudding herself. Love.

Anonymous said...

Alicia; judgey isn't it?

Anonymous said...

@lazyday: my nan wearing a Bon Scott t-shirt is more rock n roll than that cashed up, entitled twat she married.

LoMo said...

I agree with her that 50/50 visitation is BS, if there's a devoted, rock solid mother.

ForSure said...

Did you know Kate Winslett can sing? Here's her video:

FlirtyChick74 said...

If Kate were a man most of you would be complaining and doubting whether he actually spends time with his kids.

ND said...

Ok I wasn't gonna go there, but I'm so sick of hearing about the '3 kids/3 dads' thing and I'm beyond annoyed about the double standards as well as the stigma.

I think there are a lot of inconsistencies in your post, though. First of all, what cheating rumours? When Kate and Sam Mendes split, the cheating rumours were about him. It's funny how Rebecca Hall denied it and laughed it off like the most ridiculous thing in the world...and then a rep for Sam later confirmed they're dating. I don't believe for one second that he wasn't fooling around behind Kate's back. Kate Winslet strikes me as a very straightforward, no BS person. If her man is fooling around, she probably wouldn't stick together for the sake of the kids. The kids shouldn't be the sole glue in a relationship. It just doesn't work. Kids are better off in a happier, healthier environment. For example, I live in a household where my mom verbally abuses my dad, and over the years, I have watched my younger brother begin verbally abusing my dad to the point where it's now common and he thinks it's totally ok.

Secondly, a lot of people misinterpreted the 50/50 comment and took it out of context. She was talking about living arrangements, not the amount of time her kids see their fathers. She said her kids live with her permanently...when she said they're not being thrown from pillar to post, she meant they're not living in her house one minute and her ex-husband's house the next. The kids live with her full-time. That doesn't mean they're with her 24/7...they still see their fathers.

Finally, the attitude towards women in the 21st century is appalling. Having 3 kids from 3 men is automatically seen as outrageous, dirty, low, almost criminal behaviour. People think they all pick 3 random men from the street and don't care about relationships. It's frustrating. We live in a society that still looks down upon people who are unconventional. We don't know what to do with people who are different, we don't understand them, in some cases we are scared of them, and we often hate what we don't understand. There is no such thing as the perfect family. A family is a group of people who love each other, thus the existence of different types of families. Kate has a blended family. So what? The kids need love, and I have no doubt that Kate Winslet gives her kids love. I can't stand the people who think traditional families are automatically the best ones. This past summer I read a story about parents who purposely starved their little boy to death. 1 mom, 1 dad, biological son. Now I'm not saying all traditional families are bad. My point is no one should judge others simply based on what everything looks like on the outside. I just don't get why people judge other people. Don't act like your shit doesn't stink. Everyone has problems, flaws, Kate's just happens to be relationships. But she doesn't complain about it. She keeps going and finds love again.

Kate has been married and divorced twice, and her kids have always lived with her full-time. Doesn't that tell you something? If she weren't a loving, caring mother I doubt she'd be able to just move on with her kids so freely without anyone saying shit. The exes can only fall under one of two groups: 1) they support her/agree that the kids are in a good environment, 2) they don't give a shit about their kids. I highly doubt it's #2.

discoflux said...

I shower you with applause, vodianova.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Right on, Vodianova, right on!

NaughtyNurse said...

Whatevs. I like her.

Hegg said...

You forgot the part about how she prefers to blow directors and does not care what their marital status is. Oh, and she is condescending.

Hegg said...

Oh, and she goes on about judging women for getting any work done when she gets regular maintenance and has her nose done twice.

redronnie said...

so what, who cares, love her on screen. Great in both drama and comedy, who gives a flying fart how many times she's been married or who the father of her children are..she's not coke mom, she's not letting the nannies raise her kids, or pretending to save the world while strung out on drugs. Who cares she had plastic surgery look at 95 percent of actors or actresses, damn those noses look similar.

VeeBee said...

I've said it before but I'll just remind everyone that Kate is my #1 secret celebrity girlfriend. I fell for her in Heavenly Creatures and I've adored her ever since. She is so real and smart and lovely and soooooo sexy! I like to think that maybe the reason she hasn't found the right guy is that she really just needs the right girl. (Hit me up Kate! Holla!)

anon said...

Christ on a cracker! It's not like she picked up three dudes in an alley! She had 3 kids WITH HER HUSBANDS! Fuck. Right. Off. Whichever Enty you are today - she seems like a good mom.

Henriette said...

Thank you! She is a total hypocrite about plastic surgery.

di butler said...

Yeah, think she's a hypocrite about the plastic surgery, DGAF about her kid to hubby ratio, I got 100% full custody of my kids, visitation optional, and my kids rarely saw their father, and not at all since age 13-15. He is a psycho who tried to murder me, more than once. I don't know her life, maybe one or more of these dudes sees his kids all the time, or one doesn't care about daddying, or is an abuser, or whatever. I have no idea, & It's easy to judge when facts are limited. She's a pretty good actress.


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