Thursday, December 12, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Abigail Breslin takes some time off from posing naked for Tyler Shields to pose on the red carpet for her new movie.

Also there was my favorite Scientologist, Juliette Lewis.
In London, the entire cast of the original Anchorman got together.
Daniel Craig showed off his long locks and tight sweater in NYC.
Evangeline Lilly and Orlando Bloom keep doing that Hobbit thing.
This time Brooke Shields and
Patrick Wilson showed up.
Oh, and Lesley Nicol from Downton Abbey.
Long time no see in the photos without Kelly Rutherford hanging on for dear life is Matthew Settle.
Mark Wahlberg and his neck brace from a "sleeping" accident.


Hegg said...

Daniel Craig is so douchey

Harry Knuckles said...

Sure hope Wahlberg dies young.

TalksTooMuch said...

Wow, Matthew Settle is a hottie! Still don't know who he is, don't care. Patrick Wilson is wow. So wow.

Unknown said...

Agree...loooove Patrick Wilson. Yum.

rajahcat said...

love both Matthew and Patrick

so that Abigail Breslin thing is a reveal then?

what is a "sleeping" accident????

Sarah said...

What happened? Dude looked hot not so long ago...

shopgirl said...

Wow "sleeping" Hahaha

Kassandra said...

Patrick Wilson is very hot. His sex scenes with Kate Winslet in "Little Children" are steamy :)

msgirl said...

Yes, an Abigail reveal. We pretty much guessed her. How sad. She is being prey for him.

Anonymous said...

It's not really a reveal when the pictures are all over the internet.

Jacq said...

I didn't even recognize Applegate. Work much?

detown359 said...

Brooke Shields looks just like her mother here.

Snootches said...

Yes they are! Love him in that movie ;)

Alicia said...

I second that @ dizzel - I'd really like to visit her dermatologist

Unknown said...

Craig has been the type I like all of my life. I'd take him off Rachel's hands if she doesn't want him anymore.

Kelly Bassin said...

I love Juliet Lewis too, and she looks amazingly beautiful in that pic!!

Nothanksdarlin said...

Jez, Scientology must has some bad a$$ plastic surgeons and dermatologists! Juliet Lewis looks stunning

Aoife said...

What is a "sleeping accident?"

Aoife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Awwww Abigail - she's still only 17 (underage). She's grown into a beautiful young woman but hope she doesn't go the tragic hollywood child star route (I heart Raising Helen & Little Miss Sunshine)

Runswithscissors said...

Love it when Patrick Wilson gets to play douchy characters, he is really good at those, you just want to punch his face, I bet he is 100% the opposite in real life.
Craig, he's hot, but strikes me as the guy who lives acting (not too good at it), loves the art of it, hated the fame that comes with it.


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