Friday, December 13, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Rihanna gets the top spot today because she has tied the record for most number one Billboard songs at 13. She is tied with Michael Jackson and will probably end up passing him by a bunch provided she stays out of the way of swinging doors.

Dakota Fanning is all smiles with her boyfriend.
Also smiling is Elizabeth Olsen with her boyfriend.
Emmy Rossum finished in second place today with her Gisele Bundchen spoof photo.
Speaking of Gisele she took some time off from breast feeding to fly down to Brazil to show off her new lingerie line.
Halle Berry out and about grocery shopping.
Josh Duhamel and Fergie baptized their baby Axl. Slash is the godfather.
Jenny McCarthy earns a buck.
Kanye West gets out of his car and you know he was talking on that phone while driving.


MISCH said...

So think Halle's trying to sell those baby photo's ?
She had no takers for Nahla and she adorable.

Ginger said...

Not a fan of Emmy Rossum but loved her spoof of Gisele. I thought GB's photo was lame.

What does the "swinging doors" comment about Rihanna mean?

parissucksliterally said...

It baffles me that Rhianna has had as many hits as Michael Jackson. His music was QUALITY and is timeless. She had a great few hits in the beginning, but everything after "Good Girl Gone Bad" has been crap to me. I hate her music, unless she is the "hook" girl in a duet with someone else.

Bacon Ranch said...

Agree parissucks (btw, congrats on the headline win on the D the other day!)

I find it kind of weird that now McCarthy is hawking cold medication.
Wonder where that fits into her anti-immunization agenda?

Unknown said...

I love Rihanna

Brian said...

For once I agree with that gold digging husband stealing Julie Chen in regard to jenny McCarthy. It's astonishing that her and Melissa are related. Melissa McCarthy is a brilliant comedic actress. Jenny has less talent than Nicole Ritchie and that's saying something.

Didn't she get her start on Remote Control on MTV? Bring back Kari Wuhrer who was WAY HOTTER.

auntliddy said...

Halle berry never sold or wanted to sell pictures of her daughter and im sure feels same about her son. She doesnt agree with doing that.

skimpymist said...

I thought halle had the baby already. That shirt and skirt is not doing her any justice.

parissucksliterally said...

Thanks, bacon ranch!


I would have loved to have seen another "sign" incident with Kanye and the car door.

NaughtyNurse said...

I love Emmy Rossum's photo!!!

Tippie Hippie said...

Rihanna looks a mess with that hairstyle LOL

Jacq said...

Looks like Kanye is driving the Ambiguously Gay Duo-mobile.

__-__=__ said...

Good one Jacq!!

Eros said...


Kelly said...

I hate Rhianna's music too. I thought that Katy Perry had surpassed MJ though?

sandybrook said...

nowadays top 40 "hits" come out from artists every 2 weeks or so so 13 isnt all that hard if they put out 4 or 5 from every cd the artist makes. Rhianna sux :(

MadLyb said...

Rihanna is beautiful, but excruciatingly BORING in every way imaginable. Not one of her songs distinguishes itself from another, and her voice is less than mediocre. Even Miley is better, which kills me to admit.

I can't sing a note, but if the wish granting fairy came to me, I would as for Janis Joplin's, Kass Elliot's or Grace Slick's voice or even Sade's or Natalie Merchant's voice. Definitely NOT whiney or "breathless". UGH.

The truth is, most female singers are boring these days, except Bjork, and the new crop of singers who seem to be emerging from New Zealand.

MadLyb said...

"as" = "ask".

TalksTooMuch said...

I like Rihanna as well, quite a few of her songs lately have been awesome - Only Girl, What's My Name, Stay, she's a talented lady and I'm ahoping the Chris Brown stage is ovah

amused bush said...

I like her too @TTM. Umbrella is still one of my favorite workout jams ;)

Madlyb, not all female singers are boring - loving Lianne La Havas, Laura Mvula, Jessie Ware, CHVRCHES, MS MR, Robyn...

Can someone explain Lorde to me, I don't get her...I think she's kinda "meh".

TalksTooMuch said...

Some of her earlier stuff, too, right?? Like Pon De Replay, SOS, Unfaithful, all really good.

Steampunk Jazz said...

I'm glad I wasn't drinking something when I read your comment jacq, I actually guffawed! ~blush~

amused bush said...

I really like her early stuff too. In fact, I did a 25k on the erg earlier today and Rhi Rhi made up a large portion of my playlist.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Is Jenny trying to get a Where's Waldo buzz going for herself? Elizabeth Olsen and her boyfriend look frighteningly alike, Need that similarity to feel comfy,girl?

plokzy said...

Correction: Rihanna's PEOPLE are worthy of congratulations for their (dubious) record. She was just the drugged-out puppet that carried out the actions. Giving her the same level of credit as MJ is laughable, she looks like someone that hasn't mastered tying her shoes by herself just yet.

Catherine said...


Craig said...

Props to Emmy Rossum for that picture. I didn't comment yesterday but I was quite offended by the Gisele picture and I'm a hairy-assed bloke so can't imagine what some of the ladies here must have thought of Gisele's 'superwoman' antics.

So I think it's quite cheeky and most assuredly reasonable for Emmy to take the piss out of her, as we say over here.

As an aside I've seen a few people comment here that they don't like Emmy. That confuses me. Whilst the American version of Shameless is an abortion compared to the UK version set in the area of the world I was born, I found Emmy to be a talented and believable actress for that part. I know nothing else about her. I also find her very attractive, in a plain sort of way,if that makes sense?

Unknown said...

I love Lizzie Olsen. So smart and personable. I also like Rihanna's music, old and new, but what do I know? said...

@V missed you :-)

lostathome said...

Elizabeth Olsen is so pretty. At first I thought her bf was Jesse Spencer.

MISCH said...


actually that's not true she was only offered $250,000
and was insulted so she released the photo's of Nahla for free….

Its just U said...
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Its just U said...

Stretford End or Maine Road Craig?

KLM said...


amused bush said...

Thanks S.Joy :)

Glad to be back and chat with the folks here, especially the lovely ones such as yourself!

lesbianeatwhat said...

love Rihanna her music and her sexuality. We all made mistakes like her. We just didnt have the $$ or tabloids following us. I hope she settles down with a nice girl who will satisfy her needs, drink with her and party with her @ home. I was lucky enough to find the best girl who 1 night a week will party, drink, light drugs, sex, and stay up with me. All while after working our asses off all week. I had my 20's and enjoyed them. But i love my 30's!!!

Aoife said...

Michael Jackson made music. I don't know what to call that noise Rihanna makes.

Nothanksdarlin said...

Skimpy, I know she's all Hollywood but I'm giving her some slack since she is in her 40s and has just shot out another baby

Nothanksdarlin said...

Michael Jackson was accused of molesting children. Can we bring him down off the pedestal now?

Yes I grew up loving his music. His issues trump that for me though. I have retired my love for him in favor of children everywhere

Unknown said...

I kinda do too...she seems to have a genuine personality

Unknown said...

I kinda do too...she seems to have a genuine personality

di butler said...

I've never been pro or con on Rossum, but this raises her in my estimation. Gisele is a very beautiful woman and I'm sure her life is pretty damn glam, and she is probably busier with a new baby, but top model, please! Her Twitter photos are Paltrowian.

Craig said...

@Its just U. Stretoford End hun. I'm a Salford Boy so didn't get much choice. Round there you were Red or dead.
I started going aged 9. Would ride the bus to Trafford road them walk the rest of the way to the rear of the stadium. pay 30 new pence (less than a dollar ) that my Gran would have given me and go into the Stretford End to stand behind the goal, climbing on the fence or the barriers there. If there was a big crush and there often was, some stranger would lift you to his shoulders so that you could see and be safe. Might seem strange in this day and age but whilst perverts clearly existed in the mid 70's you didn't hear much about it. As kids we respected our elders and in return they would protect us. That seemed to be the pact.

The Shameless show was shot on a housing Estate in Gorton, east Manchester ( that's a very Blue area ) the understanding is that the show was intended to reflect life on the Ordsall housing Estate, a mile or so North-East of Old Trafford and in the 70's was considered one of the most deprived areas in the UK.

Sorry for the rambling history lesson all :)

Kels said...

So nobody thought to check Rihanna's "record".

Mariah has 18 #1's......

Craig said...

@Kels. It's Billboard. That stuff genuinely means nothing in the rest of the world. You will have people make it to number one who will generally never ever be known outside of the US apart from ex-pats and enthusiasts.
And it has country music on it. That's enough of a reason for Europeans to actively avoid it ;)

I think the record has Enty, not known for any kind of fact checking when trawling other sites for content for here, confused. It appears to be for the category of 'pop songs'. Which means it's not a record of any kind given that song genre is subjective. Records should be counted on the work rather than sub-categorising it into something else and inventing records. America is obsessed with stats.

Honey Bunny said...

I like some of RhiRhi's music to. She may not be the best singer but hey...
Halle Berry, Halle Berry! Good God that woman is so fine. And I don't believe she tried to sell her child photos.
Julie Chen and Jenny M. One nobody talking about another nobody. Next!

sandybrook said...
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Jenn said...

Emmy Rossum's picture made me chortle with evil, bitter glee. If she'd spoofed GOOP, my inner sarcastic bitch may have died from sheer happiness. Then I'd be nice all the time. She should wield her power with care.

Unknown said...

Good point. May all we feminists band together to support this skank with a hair line problem who went back to the man who beat her and who posts nasty selfies constantly. God bless America.

Its just U said...

Good man Craig Lad. I'm in Dublin and I'm through and through United. 3rd generation. It was hard being a kid in the 80's when everyone supported the scallies. My cousins are from Liverpool, so that's always interesting.
I've been over a lot and love it. I took my Dad to Keano's testimonial. Good times.
Thanks for the reply.

Craig said...

Ironically @its just U I live in Alderley Edge now, where most of the footballers live.

If I'm still showing my face around here when you come over again please feel free to mention it. My friend has a box now ( although it's still not as fun as sitting down by the pitch ) I'm happy to entertain a few guests :)

Its just U said...

Cheers Craig. That's so nice. I have met a few players but the one I have a soft spot for is Frank Stapleton. He grew up a few doors down from my mam. He even came over for my Grandma's funeral during the summer. A real gent.
I was sitting in the North Stand on the night Rooney made his debut against Fenerbache. I was saying to some of the men around that I thought he was gonna do something special. A hat-trick. They all laughed.
What happened? We won 6-2 with a Rooney hat-trick! A magic night.

Craig said...

haha, thanks @Its just U that gave me a little chuckle and a great memory. Back when Frank played for MU he had an Irish friend named Ivan. Ivan worked with my father importing and scrapping Russian trawler ships. Suffice to say there was money made ;)

The first time I met Frank Stapleton was in the toilet of the Four Season's hotel in Altrimcham. myself, Ivan and Frank were lined up against the urinals and Ivan said, "Frank, have you met Allan's son, he's a good lad, likes the craic" and without a break he turned, lifted his hand from his cock and held it out for me to shake. That's how business was done ;)

I have too many stories but I don't gossip, if you can believe that ;) I still have a number for Frank but i've not seen him in a few years. Don't get me started on Kevin Moran ;)

Its just U said...

Ah sure, Craig, I'd well believe them! The man played Hurling and GAA before he took up football. I've heard many a whispered tale about Moran.

PJJ said...



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