Friday, December 13, 2013

Random Photos Part One- With Reader Photos

Less than three weeks to Reveal Day. If you want to see your Reader Photo posted then now is the time to send it in. E-mail it to

Five parts today.

Prince Harry made it to the South Pole. Discovers it is a bong.

Pink believes in tough love with her daughter. No touching!
Roberto Cavalli goes for a threesome with his girlfriend and Miranda Kerr.
Sarah Jessica Parker walks her son to school. Tells him about the time Samantha had sex with the entire faculty of a school. It is a lost episode.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5


Meanie Rhysie said...

Charlie! Is that you? :) Very dashing!

I love reader photos...lovely people here!

AJ said...

Yay !!! Reader photos !!!
My favorite part of my CDAN day.

TinselSass said...

Gorgeous Readers, All!!!

sandybrook said...

I think Charlie showed his one eye. All the readers look fab but one reader is wearing a very ugly hat! #5 has a familiar looking face and smile :)

Sherry said...

Is that hottie one eyed Charley? Datum buoy. You're making me reach for the Hitachi. Too much?

Everyone is are no slouches either. Okay if I fantasize an orgy then?

I seriously don't know what got into me. I apologize. I'll tear up the Opster this weekend so as to be better behaved.

Meanie Rhysie said...

You hussy!!!

Heart ya, dear lady!

Kelly said...

Gorgeous readers! Dayum!

L said...

Yayyy for readers pictures! everyone is gorgeous!

Isn't it Carol Alt in the picture with Kerr and Cavalli?

SuSu said...

Loving the gorgeous readers esp #3 for not supporting Kanye's boycott.

Bacon Ranch said...

You're kind of giving off a Kevin Costner vibe there, Charlie. Well, when he was hot.
Lovely readers, GO RED SOX!!!

sandybrook said...

^^^^ :( :( ^^^^^^

Im just sayin said...

The eye patch fellow is quite handsome...and when I say quite, I mean absolutely! Wow! Quick question: what's reveal day? Someone explain cause I've missed it. Please and thank you.

Bacon Ranch said...

S'ok sandy. Makes for fun rivalries (with the teams, not us commentors ;)

Ginger said...

Love the reader photos. All gorgeous!

Reveal day is when Enty reveals who previous blind items are written about. Does it all day, twice a year!

Terri said...

SJP's kid definitely has the Ferris Bueller look about him. :)

Bacon Ranch said...

Im just sayin

Every New Years Day and July 4th, it's nothing but BI reveals all day.

sandybrook said...

well @im just sayin reveal day is New Years Day and used to be the day almost all the blinds (at least the ones that are true) get revealed it also happens July 4th. But this year almost everyday is reveal day which is why we get 2007 reveals now--to stockpile something for 1/1/14

OneEyeCharlie said...

By Jove, Reader 4 looks like a lovable rogue and raconteur. Oh wait... that's me.

Meanie Rhysie said...


;) You have some of us swooning here.

Im just sayin said...

Thanks for explaining to me! And yes @oneeyecharlie...some of us are indeed swooning. Wowsa!

Kristin Wigs said...

Wait, Uncle Sandybrook is now Aunt Sandybrook?

Count Jerkula said...

LOL @ Sherry.

One problem though: it should be a 2 way street (Safe For Work)

Meanie Rhysie said...

Wait, what?! Huh?

So very blonde...

Sugar said...

I'm still your favorite, Charlie. Right??? RIGHT?!?!?

Gertie Raus said...

Hi Readers!

Gertie Raus said...

Hi Readers!

sandybrook said...

no Kristin Im still uncle sandybrook. (and I thought I had too many!) Just giving props out to one eyed charlie. btw does anyone besides me think #5 looks like Lea Michelle??

califblondy said...

Wow Charlie, such a rugged hunky bad boy look. I bet the ladies love you.

Unknown said...

#5 looks like Natalie Portman!

sandybrook said...

I can see it Derek I'm just trying to figger out why I think she looks familiar (I hate that tho). However if Natalie is here that would be awesome!

Kristin Wigs said...

Oh thank God, Uncle Sandybrook. I thought I was going to have to redo all our Christmas cards.

sandybrook said...

no but you better redo the ones you made with Bruce Jenner :) and the one you and VIP did with Alexis Arquette :(

amused bush said... the reader photos! Charlie and #3 are tres sexy men. Rawr!

PugsterMom said...

Awww Sandybrook, you don't like my Red Sox hat??? I haven't lived in Boston for many years but I'll always love the Sox. :)

TalksTooMuch said...

Yay, Charlie, I mean aaarrrr matey!

That pic of Robero Cavalli made me throw up in my mouth a little. All of you out there that think Miranda Kerr has an awesome life filled with billionaires and Orlando Blooms: at some point she has made some kind of pact that means she has to let that disgusting old sack of shite put his actual lips on her bare skin.

bruce said...

that's carol alt in the pic with cavalli...not his girlfriend...

sandybrook said...

I love you (from the forehead down anyway)and your doggie pugster and I always loved Prince spaghetti! :)

PugsterMom said...

Xoxo :)

aemish said...

Charlie is a hottie!!!!

Kristin Wigs said...

@pugstermom LOVE the red hair!

Who is #3? Very Timothy Olyphant.

@TTM At least that's one photo Miranda hasn't bothered to photoshop on her own. Unless that's really Behati Prinsloo and not Cavalli...

TalksTooMuch said...

Kristin, my skin is actually crawling for her. It reminds me so much of a dude that was the HMFIC at a company I worked for, he was this tiny old chilean guy, looked almost exactly like a penis covered in freckles. He used to kiss all of us on the cheek, except I danced with him at a Christmas party and he bumped it up to lips. It took me almost a year to get him back to cheek. And he was completely marinated in Old Spice also. Whenever I see Cavalli, I swear I have flashbacks

TalksTooMuch said...

Sorry for all the OT!

aemish said...

@TTM.. rofl! ewww!!

sandybrook said...

well if you didnt talk too much you wouldnt be TTM @TTM

TalksTooMuch said...

Lol, I know, right? So gross. And it's true, if I knew how to stop when appropriate, I wouldn't have ANY fun

aemish said...

haha.. sooo you're kind of like a modern day Laura Ingalas sans the underpants... is that a fair analogy?

aemish said...


Kristin Wigs said...

..."penis covered in freckles"...

Thighofchickenissues said...

Okay. Pretty sure I've read in the comments (what really makes this site, especially now) that snarking on a particular "Enty" may be tired and frowned upon. However, for the love of sweet lil baby Jesus, after scrolling from random photos five through one, I could barely bring myself to click on the next set. That's saying a lot bc I used to seriously consider some therapy to address the giddy anticipation I experienced daily since finding this site. This Enty tries way TOO HARD! I love snark but its not even talented nor clever. Yuck!

PugsterMom said...


Steampunk Jazz said...

Dayyyumm Charlie, I'll be seeing you in my dreams tonight ,lol. Not to think you don't dress that way all the time but who did you base your costume on?

aemish said...
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Steampunk Jazz said...

I was thinking the same thing TTM, ulk.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Looking good Readers, and a shout out to pugstermom, she and her pup are gorgeous.

TalksTooMuch said...

Is that pugstermom?? Hey chica, looking good fellow ginge!

OneEyeCharlie said...

@Steampunk The patch is legit. My kids wanted to go on a zombie walk, so I grabbed an old suit that I could muss up a bit. Went a little heavy with the product in my hair. Dragged a 10 lb sledgehammer behind me for the whole walk ("Makes getting at the brains easier").

After all these ladies comments, I starting to think this should be my go-to outfit when heading out on the town .-)

aemish said...
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sandybrook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meanie Rhysie said...

I'm still gacking out on the "freckle covered penis" comment! o.O

Lovely the ginger locks, lady!! :)

aemish said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steampunk Jazz said...

I was thinking one of those pirate/buccaneer things, you know . got the ducats now retired for the title and the bride, I think its the high collar /pleated shirt...;-)

Sherry said...

Takes one to know one! Heart you too baby. Toss your picture into the mix for my session.(Opster ain't home yet.)

Sherry said...

Call me m'Kay? ') That's my version of the One Eyed Charlie smile.

Sherry said...

OMG. Haven't heard HMFWIC in forever.

Pip said...

Pugster, is that your new pup? What kind is it? It's a cutie!

PugsterMom said...


PugsterMom said...

Hope and I thank you!

PugsterMom said...


PugsterMom said...

That is Hope. She and her sister Josie (not in pic) just turned 1. They're rescues so not sure exactly what they are. Mama was a chihuahua mix and dad was likely a black pug. Xoxo

Meanie Rhysie said...

That's right, this is near and dear to your heart, Pugster. <3

PugsterMom said...

Thank you for all the kind comments. When you pass 50, compliments on your looks go a LONG way!!!!! Xoxoxoxo Love you guys!!!

yvettie said...

That's me #1 on the right with one of my closest friends

Dena said...

I totally got the Costner vibe, too!

Kristin Wigs said...

@yvettie Too cute! You definitely have a bit of Nikki Reed going on.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

One-Eyed Charlie, you look like Mayhem in your photo!

(For anyone not familiar, Mayhem is a character in insurance commercials who causes terrible, random destruction of your belongings.)

Im just sayin said...

There's definitely some gorgeous readers on here! :) love the doggie!

L said...

HAHAHA @Dizzel

TexasTiger said...

I'm #5.
Derek Harvey: I've gotten that I look like Natalie Portman quite a few times, but I can't see it at ALL. Very nice compliment though! Thanks! :)

TalksTooMuch said...

Hey, did #3 ever identify?? #5, you are gorgeous!

TexasTiger said...

You are too sweet TalksTooMuch! Thank you!


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