Friday, December 20, 2013

Random Photos Part One- With Reader Photos

There are just a few more days remaining to send in your photo for Reveal Day. If you want to be in Random Photos and then appear on Reveal Day, just e-mail your photo to

Five parts today.

Robin Thicke has upgraded to two pinky rings. That must mean his resolution in 2014 is to be extra sleazy.

Wearing no pinky rings is Reese Witherspoon.
Another day another Amanda Seyfried with her dog in NYC photo. I wish she would at least come back to LA so we could get her out of her hat and coat.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6


Kelly said...

I can't help it, I think Robin Thicke is hot as hell. Sorry folks.

Hi Readers!

Kristin Wigs said...

Hi Readers! I'm just to sit in a dark corner with my hob goblin-self. Karen, are you #1?

Seattle_Strips said...

Cute place, #6!

sandybrook said...

The girls all look tremendous and waiting to see if Derek Harvey got his pic in in time.

Sugar said...

Hi Readers! Looking good!

trainrides said...

@Sandy When Derek's photo shows up, do you think Craig will come back? ;)

Unknown said...

Ah yes. Greasy Reese strikes again.

VeeBee said...

That Reese is one smug looking bitch.

Honey Bunny said...

I love mr some Robin Thicke to.
Reese doesn't have any pinky rings on but she can get the finger. :)

califblondy said...

Me too, must be a blonde thing.

hairydawg said...

Reese's chin must do a number on Jim's balls when she blows him. Yikes!

Sherry said...

#1 looks like a brunette Anna Farris. And that is a compliment. Seems as though Enty does a bit of a theme in reader's photos. I'll be showing up in the old lady cat pics folks. IF he shows it. #5 looks saucy! Of course love seeing the faces behind the AVI.

AJ said...

Hi lovely Readers !!! Happy Friday.

hothotheat said...

Amanda's dog is well-dressed in that photo.

Reader #1, love the Ombre.....

sandybrook said...

Ah @trains he might if he has something bad to say about it. So Mr. #4 who are you? Tell the girls.

Kristin Wigs said...

When is @TTM allowed to come back to the sandbox?

sandybrook said...

This soap opera is all inter-connected isn't it ?(dont mind me I'm on some isolated island that I bought somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle.)

dezzie disaster said...

I'm #5!! I'm sometimes a Lil saucy ;) I work nights so I'm never up to comment when all you regulars are! But I feel like I know and love you all! Lol

urban chaos said...

#6, I adore your sweater!!!

Anotheramy said...

who the heck wears black pants to the beach?

jvanchicago said...

I'm Mr. #4-been reading for years, and finally decided to send a photo. And then I'm put in with all the pretty girls-what a waste for a gay man ;)

Mari (from her other mail acct.) said...

This is another illustration why I'm never going to send in my picture. Sigh.
Such gorgeous readers, I don't need to compare myself to them! Better than the celebs every time.

PugsterMom said...

Great pic! :)

PugsterMom said...

Haha! Wrll, you are a very attractive man!!! :)

jvanchicago said...

Thanks! Just the boost my ego needed tonight!

dezzie disaster said...

Thanks guys :) I appreciate all the kind words!

Kristin Wigs said...

Sexiest you're gorgeous!

Kristin Wigs said...

You're pretty cute jvanchicago :)

Kristin Wigs said...

I meant Dezzie! Oy.

Maui623 said...

I'm #6 in the bunny sweater. I just got glasses so now I really look like my son who is posing next to me!

dezzie disaster said...

Thanks Kristin!! I sometimes go by sexiest too ;)


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