Thursday, December 12, 2013

Random Photos Part Three- Breakfast With Oprah And The Kardashians

The Hollywood Reporter had some breakfast yesterday for women in entertainment that was really just an excuse to for all the Kardashians to get their photo taken with Oprah.

Demi Lovato and Oprah
Kim Kardashian
Alyson Hannigan and her husband.
Nikki Reed
Angie Harmon
Maria Bello
Naya Rivera
Judy Greer
A very different looking Mandy Moore.


  1. Oprah your standards have DROPPED

  2. The Fugliest Dresses collection! My fav!
    Ugh...Kim. I can't hop on the Naya train bc she looks too much like Kim.

  3. Mandy looks like a librarian.
    Oprahs fall from her pedestal is amazing to watch

  4. Angie's dress looks like it came from the prop room of Hunger Games Catching Fire.

    I kinda like Naya, but yeah, she now looks more like Kim than Kim does, this is disturbing.

  5. Naya is the pretty pearl in this bunch a clams

  6. Note to kim you are NOT Liz Taylor on any level so stop trying to imitate her. LameO

  7. Yes, Naya looks like old Kim, and Kim looks like crap. I may be in the minority but I thought Kim was gorgeous before she started messing with her face.

    Mandy Moore looks the same as always to me, except the outfit. Is Enty trying to say she had work done? Is she supposed to be the answer to the blinds about the person who keeps having miscarriages and is emotionally troubled? I like Mandy, more so since she married Ryan Adams.

  8. I know its weird and odd, but I like Kims ensemble. Very retro. Go ahead, let me have it, lol.

  9. I like Kims outfit--I agree

  10. kims wasnt bad. mandy moore is unrecognizable to me.

  11. Oh Kim, stop, please! You're not worthy. And this whole collection of gals looks like one long Reveal to me.

  12. Seriously Enty, how much are you paid to do Krap stories?

  13. Willow's dress is cute.

  14. Kimmy K, the mustard stain on humanity

  15. I understand the big O got no SAG nominations for her movie "The Butler". Proof that there is a God.

  16. I understand the big O got no SAG nominations for her movie "The Butler". Proof that there is a God.

  17. If Kanye actually turns Kim into a "Better-than-Beyonce", I will take back every eyeroll I've done when reading about him.

    So I guess Naya Rivera is one of the answers to the "Glee" coke blind...I can now see why she was able to f*ck her way into a bigger part on that show.

    Angie Harmon used to be my girl crush, but then I found out she was a Republican and it sort of killed it. Although I hate the ideology, I tend to get along great with Republicans IRL. Teabaggers, not so much. They're too f*cking crazy, even for me.

  18. Naya is gorgeous but she needs to lay off the botox.

  19. Don't listen to the meanies Naya. I like the way you sing "Santa Baby." Want to sing it for me under my Tree Christmas morning?

  20. Alexis Denisof ?) Looks gorgeous! What is up with Willows' dress? I love the breast down swing but the schoolgirl shoulder/tie part is just...odd.

  21. Don't shoot me... But both Oprah and Kim look really good in the above pix. Take it from a girl who knows, it's all about the angles when it takes to nailing a pic. I saw some other pix of Kim on other sites in different angles and she looked a lot worse. Chunky in fact. So there you have it.

  22. Anonymous6:13 AM

    (For all the Aussies) Kim's outfit looks like the inside of a crunchie bar with the chocolate sucked off

  23. Oh gawd! A bunch of photos of insufferable people! Except Demi.
    Kartrashian'a dress looks like she was scratching her crabs at some point.
