Friday, January 24, 2014

Blind Item #5

This West Coast Real Housewife yelled at her kid for not having a smile on her face when a pap was taking their photo.


Kristin Wigs said...


Simon said...

Yup, Kyle

FSP said...

Turn that frown upside down!

Katie said...


JSierra said...

Giggy you betta werk!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's Kyle ... as unlikable as she is, she loves her kids and would probably shield them from the paps.

How about that really horrid one ... Tamra ... and she could have done it just to spite her ex, who doesn't want the kids to be on TV ...

Unknown said...


Alexis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katie said...

Brandi doesn't have a daughter.

Eros said...

Adrienne maloof or brandi or tamra.

Unknown said...

Queenie - Why do you say Kyle is unlikeable. Her laugh sometimes gets on my nerves, but for the most part, she is the most down to earth one of the show. Carlton gives her hell because of some comments she has made, but Brandi can make a similar comment and it is OK. Carlton is GROSS!

Sugar said...

tennis I agree completely. Volley!

JSierra said...

Kyle is a snake who knows how to use the cameras to her advantage on the show @tennis. I agree about Carlton, she creeps me out.

Anonymous said...

@tennis peach - because she is incredibly two-faced. And I have a long memory - she was really mean to Camille in the first series, then in the second series when she hid Brandi's crutches ... I mean, who would do such a horrible thing?

Brandi is cheap and nasty. Carlton is dispicable ... I think she's trying to be 'edgy' but instead comes off as being incredibly weird. And as for her love of all living things ... well, clearly she's not who she says she is as she happily wears leather and eats meat. She's a bonafide weirdo.

I think the most likable of them all this season is Joyce (although her dizziness does my head in - like at the shooting range, where she should've just shut up and listened to the guy) ... she has a heart of cold. I know Lisa is most peoples' favorite but I've always found her a bit bitchy.

I liked Adrienne - and her lifestyle is what kept me tuned in for previous seasons ... I want to see their lovely homes and lifestyles, not some weird witch's sex antics.

Sugar said...

But Yoyce is such a dummy! Did y'all see the conversation she was having with Lisa when she didn't know what 'reprimand' meant?
I do think Yoyce is sincere though.
#TEAM KYLE (but she needs to lose that gigantic fug necklace she's been wearing lately)

crila16 said...

Kyle is nasty...that's who it is I bet.

I can't stand Joyce. I think I dislike Joyce more than Kyle. She's so annoying, and I hope they don't keep her. I thought she was attractive at first, but for some reason...she's become unattractive to me. She's so self-absorbed and makes every story someone is telling, about her. That's a HUGE insecurity. There's nothing worse than a self-absorbed, selfish person who thinks they're so loving, giving and kind.

Anonymous said...

She's not the brightest crayon in the box, sure, but I think she's a lovely person and her husband seems really nice too ... they're relatable. And for someone who English is a second language she does pretty well I think.

I can't believe more wasn't said about Brandi lying to Gigi about Joyce being jealous of her looks at Yoyo's dinner party (as if! She loves good looking women - it's her business!). Hopefully that'll come out in the reunion ... will be fun watching Brandi try to backpeddle her way out of an explanation for that.

Anonymous said...

@crila16 I know what you mean but I don't think that's her intention - I see it that she tries to empathize with someone's situation by offering up something similar she went through, to make them feel better.

I hope the producers fire Carlton at the end of this series - she brings nothing to the show and doesn't even turn up for most things - and Brandi too ... they need to up the ante and get some rich Beverly Hills housewives (that actually live in Beverly Hills - not Bel Air like Kyle, Malibu like Yolanda, Calabasas like Brandi, and BH Post Office like Lisa) ... but the problem is, the really genuinely wealthy women wouldn't be seen dead on a show like this, especially as the storylines all seem to center on fights that most people recall from high school.

Anonymous said...

Adrienne and Brandi have boys only

Kristin Wigs said...

I personally love YoFo and her French Renaissance powdered wig realness.


Anonymous said...

Yoyce sucks. She's vapid, shallow and boring. Kyle would cut a bitch for good publicity this is her. Carlton gives me nightmares.

Sugar said...

YoFo my love was hysterical during that self defense class! And tap! tap! more! more! is my new jam.

Joyce needs a haircut more than anybody I've ever seen in real life.

Carlton is a fakey fakerson of major proportions. She can be voted off the island and I wouldn't miss her.

JSierra said...

Ugh I think Jaqueline is a snake Too! She got lucky that Brandi started shit with her so she could hide behind that all season and play that story beyond it's death.

Also, am I alone in thinking that there is no wary Kim is sober?

JSierra said...

Oops, did i say Jaqueline? I meant Joyce :)

Sugar said...

"Joyce is a big fat pig!"
cc: Brandi

Eros said...

Good catch, Queenie. :)

My guess goes for taylor armstrong or tamra then. Kyle is a big fake but I dont see her yelling at her daughter over this.

Sugar said...

Taylor is awesome on Couples Therapy! Everyone is awesome on Couples Therapy. It's my newest obsession.

Eros said...

@Sugar... Ive yet to catch that show even tho yesterday I was channel surfing and lo behold there is jon gosselin and looky tayl taylor armdtrong.. I was loling to myself a little. So anyone who is kicked off a reality show is taken in at couples therapy huh?

Eros said...

Queenie what a top notch assessment!! I thought it was just me .. carlton weirds me out! Brandi used to be my bitch but I'm not feeling her this season for some reason. Joyce seems ok.. I dont feel one way or the other for her. I like Lisa because shes a sneaky little bitch and probably the most clever out of the bunch. I also really really like the dutch? Chick with lymes disease. She is probably the most real out of the bunch. She don't give a fuck. I like that!! Kyle and her boring ass sister need to be kicked off. They both bore me to teara.

Beth said...

Yoyce does look like a Jackie to me too! Brandi is over the top this season, hope she gets it together, it's not attractive or sympathetic her acting out. She needs to stop giving Yoyce ammunition. I think she really is in pain and hope she finds some peace.

Carlton really doesn't have a place on the show..Next! She's trying too hard. Don't find either her or her husband attractive, so all the build up about their romper room turns my stomach.

I can't see Kyle chastising her kid to smile at the paps. They've been in Hollywood too long. Kyle is many things, and one of them is a great mom. She's not even one of my favs.

More likely it was Taylor or Vicki, trying to get Briana to stop scowling.

I like Joyce's husband, he's a gentleman. I will never warm to Joyce. I do admire they seem to have a strong bond.

SueRH said...

Vicki G.

M. Brown said...

I'm in the it's not Kyle camp but if it was she would probably yell at Sophia. The poor kid is 13 and clearly doesn't want to be in front of the camera. The Richards come from a stage mom family so you never know. I cannot stand Carlton. We get it you're a Wiccan that wants everyone to believe you're screwing the nanny. Also you are emaciated. Maybe she's the one that yelled at her daughter?
I don't mind Yolanda but get a stepford wife vibe her husband worship is a bit over the top.

jjrez602 said...


Princess Nobody said...

I think Kim is off the booze, but on some serious pills. Remember when she was talking to Paul about the multitude of pills she was poppin? I think this is Kyle because she loves to control everything, including her kids. I felt bad for her daughter that didn't want to walk in the fashion show. Kyle was all like, "My mother, yadda , yadda. It's all about me." Poor kid. Let her be.


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