Saturday, January 11, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 20, 2013

This forever and ever A+ list mostly movie actor sent back two escorts to an agency he is using in NYC this summer because the escorts told him they were older then 29. That is a huge no no to our aging actor. The LA agencies know much better than that. He does like them to be older than his youngest kid, so that is a good thing. Of course this will be revealed.

Jack Nicholson


Unknown said...

whatever happened to quality customer service...

Anonymous said...

Ewwww. I thought he had some stationed permanently in his pool house for convenience?

TalksTooMuch said...

What kind of escort doesn't lie aboot her age?? Poor form, ladies! Poor form

Anonymous said...

Oh ... this was in NYC ... they live in his LA pool house.

Kelly said...

I remember when I was little and saw him in Terms of Endearment and thought he was as old as dirt then.

Unknown said...

At least he's thinking of his daughters when he does that?? Yeah, I don't know how to word that right. Haha!

Unknown said...

@TTM and other Canadians---that show that enty is suppose to be on---the secret society of hollywood is finally going to air in Canada tonight at 9pm on the Canadian E network I noticed---I will be watching

TalksTooMuch said...

Oooh, Derek- viewing party online! I still have wine left over from last night because Kristin and Sandyboo were hiding oot, warming up the snuggy!

Anonymous said...

@Derek Harvey - Melanie from E! (the English one) is quite good on that - drops a few interesting comments. I'm surprised more of the people who speak out about the industry don't have their faces hidden as Enty does ... especially one woman, who works in the biz. It's a good watch.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Violet said...

Not to speak ill of the old and infirm but I would be amazed if he was still able to 'perform' - at least enough to warrant two escorts (and some permanent ones stationed in LA).

Anonymous said...

Who remembers when Jack's daughter with Rebecca Broussard, Lorraine, was a Miss Golden Globes? She was a stunning young lady ... I'm surprised we haven't heard more from her (she is, predictably so, an actress).

Unknown said...

@Reno I agree! He looked old in the 70s lol---wonder if he is wearing crocs when they show up--
ps--my posts are acting screwey

Unknown said...

@TTM we have different time though dont we? It is 10 after one here---where in Canada are you again?

Sophie Helene said...

@ TTM about age:

Maybe they were 42 and said they were 30...

TalksTooMuch said...

Oh right, you're in TO, so that means 7 pm my time. Okay, start without me! I'll catch up!

TalksTooMuch said...

Right, right, Sophie Helene. You can only smear vaseline on camera lenses, you try that shite on a client's eyes and you get bounced fast, I bet. I don't know why anyone lies aboot their age anyway, for reals.

Kimba said...

Thanks @DH for the heads up, are we really gonna see Enty, which one?
What if he doesn't live up to our Wizardness? What will Dorothy do?

surfer said...

Thanks for the heads up, Derek.

Unknown said...

Thanks DH I keep missing it!

Unknown said...
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Kristin Wigs said...

@TTM I heard you were asking for us TommyKnocker-style.

@Derek Enty doesn't look quite how you'd expect on the E special.

sandybrook said...

I wasn't exactly hiding out @TTM as I mentioned in the above post I was uhhhh asleep by 11PM and I'm sticking to that story too. :)

sandybrook said...

And I wad waiting for Hillary Duff to give me a call while I was falling uuhhh asleep :) but she never did for some reason!

TalksTooMuch said...

What does that mean? Were you passed out? On a date? Trapped under something heavy? Actually, never mind, think I just answered my own question. Atta boy!

sandybrook said...

Yeah @TTM you did, one of those ones.

TalksTooMuch said...

Well, that's helpful. Don't forget, those straps on the back of your fridge are meant to be attached to the wall, to prevent exactly this from happening. Safety first, sandyboo

Kristin Wigs said...

Look who decided to roll out of their booze-laden slut cave. Hiya Uncle Sandy.

Its just U said...

I know TTM. Buncha newbs. Don't they know the rules?

sandybrook said...

Hiya Kristin!!

urban chaos said...

Thanks for the heads up Derek! Will be sure to have everyone upstairs and asleep by 9!!

Anothergrayhare said...

Figures, the weekend I'm in the US Enty is on TV at home. Shazbot (is that how you spell it?)

Gutter And Fame said...

Enty, when you say 'youngest child', do you mean his youngest publicly acknowledged child (a son) or do you mean the daughter that he financially cares for but ignores?

OneEyeCharlie said...

Good thing I speak Canadian, so I can hang oot with you guys

OneEyeCharlie said...
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Count Jerkula said...

Good for you, Jack! Those friggin agencies with their bait and switch tactics suck.

Alexa Rose said...

Well, if he's paying for it he should get what he wants. Could you imagine how many times a hooker over 30 has been around the block?

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

Does he change the age of his escorts when his daughter has a birthday?

Tru Leigh said...

Poon? You want poon? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE POON!

lutefisk said...

Not scandalous. He isn't asking for underage escorts, just younger than 29. he has plenty of money to pay for what he wants, and he isn't out picking up woman and raping them.

P!LL said...

@Tru Leigh
You win the internet for that comment :)

P!LL said...

@Tru Leigh
You win the internet for that comment :)


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