Friday, January 10, 2014

Four For Friday

Announcement time. I will be posting all weekend with blind items and reveals and breaking news and on Sunday afternoon will post a space for everyone to talk about the Golden Globes pre-show and then another separate post for the actual show. If the comments get high enough I will then put up another post. If you would like to follow me on Twitter as I attempt to organize a concert for my basement I am @entylawyer

#1- This actress is probably B- list. She was mostly movies and finally got her big break in television. Famous family. Our actress is very germ phobic to the point where her sex life is all about condoms and gloves. Her long time boyfriend says that she likes to use gloves when touching him otherwise she feels the need to wash her hands every five seconds. She apparently loves sex, just has issues with germs. Oh, and kissing is a big no no.

#2 - This B- list mostly television actress who can also sing used to rush home with her co-star and have sex with him before her other co-star roommate would get home. Those two ended up dating.

#3 - This Bravo reality star has split with her boyfriend but refuses to acknowledge it because she thinks it will be the end of her career.

#4- This Disney Channel actress on a hit show for them is a minor with an unusual name. She also has an eating disorder and weighs herself twenty to thirty times a day.


  1. #2 Agron and Michele
    #3 Patti Stanger

  2. 4. Chyna Anne McClain from ANT Farm since Shake It Up is no longer on the air if not I would have thought Zendaya

  3. #4 bridgette or the girl from Austin and ali

  4. OT- Are others experiencing delays in posting comments today?? I'm using mobile site and a delay after hitting publish button. A few times I've gotten an error message.

    1. Me too Texas rose, I'm ready to toss this thing across the room! My comments are eaten, I get stuck on black screen version...eep!
      If it weren't my only day to play with you guys for a awhile, I would leave...

    2. Steam-i too had comment eaten. The enty beast is hungry today.

    3. Anonymous7:36 PM

      @texas rose - yep; I get a 'page cannot be displayed in frame' message on a regular basis. I'm on the mobile site in a little beach side suburb in Sydney, Australia, though, so it could be reception issues.

  5. I thought Gretchen for #3, but I like the Patti Stanger guess better.

  6. #2 agron, michele and monteith - but I'm not sure what combination of these 3 you mean we're having sex and dating.

  7. Texas, I've been getting those too. You have to type your post over again, or just give up (which have I usually do). It usually happens when I'm using my phone, but it has happened on while on my desktop too.

  8. #2Emmy Rossum

    @Texas Ive had problems loading the entire site in my mobile today cleaned out stuff and its doing better now. Try cleaning the cache or trashing some stuff on your mobile (I clean out about 25 .Pdt files I didn't know were taking up space.

  9. @Texas, it's been happening more and more to me. I'm on laptop. Mostly.

  10. Dang Golden Globes. By the time I get home from dropping off my son, I'll be 200 posts behind and spend the entire time trying to catch up.

    @Lotta: I'll do lists for the GG red carpet pics on Monday.

  11. .pdf files spelchek, was correct!

  12. Anonymous10:23 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 2. Michele was having sex with Monteith she confirmed recently they briefly dated when Glee started and she was living with agron at the time

  14. My friends and I have watched nearly all the main nominated films. Going to the annual gay sports bar coverage to watch on the big screen. Like ESPN Zone with drag queens.

  15. Number 4 might be Zendaya - I know she's on a dancing show so she would definitely feel that she can't get "fat." Plus she's thin as it is and for her last big award show red carpet she wore a very, very loose, flowy 2-piece outfit. People with ED's sometimes wear loose or baggy clothing because their own clothes got large or because they want to hide their body?

  16. The Golden Globes and all the HBO shows debut at the same time plus Ill be drunk from all day NFL fun times!

  17. @Kristin--you said you saw Her right? I know I will enjoy it but the friend I am going with --well she tends to only watch movies with Ryan Reynolds in them lol ---not a movie girl---is it really weird or can an average gal enjoy it?

    1. @Derek It is a bit weird (sex scene is uncomfortable) but everyone I know who had seen it loves it. It is so well done and sweet (for lack of a better word) that you can't help but root for those 2 despite the bizarre set up.

  18. Lea said it in a recent interview in
    Elle Dec 2013 that she and Cory dated briefly in 2009

  19. Yay enty, thanks for the time. Something to look forward to. Gonna miss the preshow ( w***) but I should be tucked in for the show.
    Gonna have to charge the electronic cigarette :-D

    1. Do those work? Been thinking about getting 1 but too many conflicting opinions.

    2. @faegirl, they will slow you down on your smoking. You get to smoke inside since the vapor has no scent and more often, if your careful.
      It will never replace the comfort and joy of a cigarette while dealing out the same amount of nicotine. worked for a while but I haven't bought new cartridges.

    3. I got one of those $10 Blue e-cigs. Eh. I dont think I would replace regular smokes with it. I had it for about a month. Kept me down to a pack a day, most days, and saved a few late night runs to the store.

  20. Was going to comment on the Lea thing, but you all beat me to it.
    #4 I thought Zendaya, she is so thin.

  21. @Lotta: I'll do Top 3 Bottoms if they gimme the right angle ;)

  22. The Google has been a pill lately with conflicting edits and lost comments. For those who type a post and lose it due to crashes, check out the Lazarus extension (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) - it automatically saves what you type in forms and you can get it back by clicking on the Lazarus button. It uses your clipboard, so it's not permanently saved, but it'll keep if you have a Google hiccup.

  23. I wonder if the girl in #1 wears those big heavy duty yellow gloves for scrubbing out the stove?

    # 2 is either BS or people other then the 3 from Glee. Maybe a plant. Monteith was gay and Michele and Agron are maybe / likely gay.

  24. #4 China Anne McClain is a bobblehead and that bothers me because she is totally talented.

    I would hate if this were Dove Cameron because I love her too.

    Caroline Sunshine has a strange name, but she doesn't appear anorexic (and neither does Dove)

  25. #1: Emma Roberts, with American Horror Story for the tv show? I dont know where else she got a big break, except with her last name.
    #4: Victoria Justice? Is skinny and I find her name odd.

  26. #1: Emma Roberts, with American Horror Story for the tv show? I dont know where else she got a big break, except with her last name.
    #4: Victoria Justice? Is skinny and I find her name odd.

  27. Scratch Justice, not a minor :)

  28. #1 is sad, are there any good treatments for OCD?

  29. I'm pretty sure 4. Could be G. Hannelius from Dog With A Blog. Sad if true because she is a pretty and talented girl and I like that show.

  30. Meds and cognitive behavioral therapy. There was a show on VH1 a couple of years ago called The OCD Project that showed a group of people getting treatment. It was pretty good.

  31. I like the Emma Roberts guess for #1, but she seems kinda germy in photos. (wouldn't she wear regular gloves more?)

    #3 is totally Patti, and breaking up with that guy won't be the end of her career as that show is as addictive as a compilation of train wrecks. And I hate myself for admitting that.

  32. My first thought for number 2 made me think of Zooey Deschanel . all that stuff about her and her costar twisted my head

  33. Thanks Sue, it's a horrible way to live, hope she seeks treatment.

  34. #4 Genevieve Hannelius
    aka G. Hannelius
    (Dog With A Blog)

  35. It could also explain why Emma beat up Evan, he must have touched her without washing his hands or cleaned the house and accidentally threw away her gloves

  36. #4 is definitely G Hannelius. Qualifies for the unusual name. at 15 years old she is not even five feet tall and is seriously underweight.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Anonymous4:20 PM

    #1 is obvi emma roberts

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Anonymous4:23 PM

    well maybe not i don't know if that is a big break

  42. Rumor has it that Dianna Agron and Cory Monteith were secretly screwing around in the past (before Monteith started dating Lea Michele). When Michele eventually found out about it she was furious that they never told her and that's why she and Agron don't speak anymore.

  43. #4 is G Hanelius on Dog with a Blog.

  44. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I hope that #4 isn't Bella Thorne - she is absolutely gorgeous albeit a little thin, I feel. Fun fact: on Fashion Police last week, she said that the Disney channel employees get three (or was it four?) free passes to Disneyland a year - that's all!

    Good guess about Patti Stanger for #3, Kristin - it would take a very patient man indeed to put up with her. Her prejudice against redheads always makes me shake my head. I read that her two sidekicks have left her agency ... that's a shame for her.

    #1 needs to hook up with the Blind reveal whose manse resembled a clinic ... the one who had rubber gloves everywhere ... I forget who it was. That would be a match made in santisised heaven.

    1. The big gonk from true blood, askars? I thought of the Mara girl who was in the first AHS for #1
