Thursday, January 02, 2014

Random Photos Part Four - New Year's Part Two

John Travolta and Kelly Preston were invited to the Sultan of Brunei party. John brought his best wig.
Two of Mick Jagger's exes were there. Jerry Hall and Bianca Jagger.
Even Mariah Carey was there and I love this staged photo of Nick looking at her cleavage.
Emmy Rossum was also hired to be there and took a quick break with her balloon.
Queen Latifah was paid a lot of money to show up.
Karina Smirnoff threw gang signs at the Hard Rock Casino in Florida.
Fergie and Slash spent the evening together with Slash's wife.
Demi Lovato performed outside. In Canada.
Meanwhile Kaley Cuoco got cake smashed into her face at her wedding.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I watch Demi on TV on NYE - they interviewed her too of course and I think Demi is adorable, she looked fabulous, it was very cold, she did good. I hope she has a great year and stays away from jerks.

  3. Didn't you just tell us that Mariah and Nick had split up? Guess not.

  4. Awww, that's a cute little Travolta munchkin!!

  5. It kills me at the amount of money these Zillionaires will spend to have anything resembling a celebrity. From A list to ZZZZlist everyone is invited, flown privately, given lavish gifts, private villas, sighhhh I so miss my rich ex.

    Is that John and Kelly's new baby? OMG where did all the time go? I thought he was just born yesterday.

    1. That's scientology for you, Montana! He's doing an internship with Goldman Sachs next week, after his pilot exams are finished. He moves the planes with his scieno brain powers.

  6. I agree Demi looks great in that photo. I guess xenu babies grow faster than regular ones. Cute though.

  7. Kaley's dress is so beautiful.

  8. I always wondered if Mariah overpowered Nick in the bedroom. She seems like she'd be a beast.

  9. Ugh, I hate the cake in the face crap.

    Fergie was trying way too hard on the pre NYE show. She was so annoying I had to change the channel.

  10. Only two mick jagger's exes? I bet there were some more, if we extrapolate his statistics.

    I don't think that Carey's pic is staged, unless NC is gay, which he doesn't look like.

    That Smirnoff is playing blackjack, which is a card game worse than the vodka named after her.

    I don't know that Rossum except for some BI, but I would bone her.

  11. My friends in Canada tell me it's FREEZING there so it was a good thing Demi was covered from neck to toe in leather.

    Love Emmy. I hope Enty gives her an easier time in 2014. Don't see that happening though. 10 more days until Shameless!!!

  12. Woah Woah Woah.. Who's that kid? Not theirs...

  13. Congrats Kaley! I love that gown.

    1. Me, too. More brides should wear colour. Especially in this day and age...

  14. Will Mariah Carey EVER get it right when it comes to styling???

    Good lord that woman has NO idea how to dress!!!

  15. Glad I'm not the only one happy for Kaley. Too many folks think she rushed into getting married. I like her, she seems like good people. I wish her well.

    That kid doesn't look like he was produced from JT and Kelly.

  16. It looks like Miss Piggy is about to slap Nick in the face.
    I bet T-revolting was paid his appearance fee in middle eastern boys.

  17. Remember a few posts back, when Enty asked what we would do if we got paid the same (job-wise)?

    I choose being Sultan of Brunei.

  18. John and Kelley's son is soooo stinkin cute!!! His little face!!!

    I would LOVE for Mariah to get a stylist and dress normal. Just once is all I ask. My cousin is Robin Robert's stylist and he would do wonders with Mariah.

    ♥Queen Latifah!

  19. No way is that the Travolta's child. First of all Benjamin would be about 4 and that child looks to be about 6. Also that little one looks like Kelly but this one looks like John, which can happen I know. Still that young'un got awfully big very quickly.

    And the Sultain of Brunei loves celebs and celebs love to whore themselves out. match made in heaven.

  20. Travolta cupping that boy's face gives me the creeps.

  21. Cramming cake in your new spouses face is an asshole move.

  22. I agree @putchka, it's hostile. I really like Kaley Cuoco, and have this feeling that this marriage is going to turn out to be a big mistake. Hope I'm wrong. But the cake in her face isn't a good start.

  23. Demi is a REALLY good singer, as it turns out.

  24. Eh. Some people think cake in the face is hilarious. Maybe Kaley's one of them.

  25. Nick looks like he enjoys those big ole bitties.

  26. Holy Heck...Jeri Hall looks like crap! I am happy for Kaley. She looked happy on Ellen when she was on the show a while ago. I like the pink dress too.

  27. Mariah and her cleav are wider than Nick's entire body.

  28. Anonymous1:28 AM

    I don't get it - Fergie is close friends with Slash, so why call her baby Axl?

    Fun fact: Slash's wife is Godmother to Carlton Grebbia's (Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) son.

  29. agreed about mariah. and your cousin is doing a great job with her styling! robin roberts always looks comfortable and well put together. i especially like her jewelry! ok geeking out on robin roberts! love her and that she came out.

    oh ya - did anyone see how pervy nick cannon was on project runway? i think this is a new image or something. he was so sweet in drumline. now he is just an assclown. :(

  30. Anonymous7:33 AM

    That Mariah drag Queen is soooo convincing!

  31. @ohcowie thanks so much! Yes I agree that she always looks amazing and effortlessly stylish. I love her too :-) and my cousin has gotten many offers from other celebs but he will NOT leave GMA because he says robin is such an amazing person to work for.. makes me love her more!
