Thursday, January 09, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Gwen Stefani just gets better looking with age.

Anne Hathaway does her Daniel Craig coming out of the water look.
Jane Lynch at LAX.
Jason Statham and Rosie are back from vacation in Hawaii.
Justin Timberlake hung out at Taco Bell. Anything to keep from going home.
Katherine Heigl and one of her children.
Kellan Lutz takes a photo with a friend and
then gets his face licked by Cara Delevingne.
Kelly Osbourne and Justin Bieber tagging. This is why there is Random Photos.


MISCH said...

Looks like Annie got herself some new breasts

califblondy said...

AnnE is so unfortunate looking. Sorry.

Ginger said...

I must say Katherine Heigl looks good in this photo.

Gwen does look pregnant in this photo. Did she ever confirm it?

Is that really Kelly Osbourne? It's fuzzy, but to me it does not look like her.

sandybrook said...

Boy Cara sure got around that night. First she gets to taste Michelle Rodrieguez's tongue then Lutz gets licked and I guess he is the answer to today's blind not Toothy .

TalksTooMuch said...

Ewwwwwww Cara whatsername and WonkyEye. Jane Lynch is a class act and she looks great here

Seven of Eleven said...

Gwen looks great, I heart Jane, and Jason Statham in skinny jeans doesn't do it for me. He should take them off.

discoflux said...

Hello, AnnE's boob job!

Unknown said...

why is Kellan Lutz still happening?

Lucas said...

I think AnnE looks good. And clearly she can't win around here. How about we give her some credit for not wearing a teeeny bikini to flaunt them new bewbs?

onehotrobot said...

What is with Cara Delevingne now? She wasn't always like this, right?

Is AnnE's boob job an answer to a blind?

And that looks like Kelly Osbourne to me with her shorter haircut. Though weird she's with Beiber.

Harry Knuckles said...

So, if Lutz and Cara Delevahjt are both gay, then wouldn't they be a perfect PR match? I wouldn't be surprised if they start "dating". I think she might be a total whack job though.

NapAssasin said...

New or old bewbs, AnnE seems to flash those nipplEs anyway she can.

Carla looks dirty. Like physically.

discoflux said...

I didn't say she doesn't look good, Lucas. I was just welcoming her new tits to the world. ;)

Flashy Vic said...
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Flashy Vic said...

I know nearly everyone here has downer on the Hathaway lass, but I would ride her till I spunked blood.

Kelly said...

I dunno. I think Anne's bewbs look the same.

Anonymous said...

Naughty boy!

((Smacks Vic on the head with rolled up newspaper))

Seriously? U would waste bloody spunk on that skank? YIKES!

ktmonster said...

I don't understand why Anne goes out of her way to look like a dumpy middle age housewife *no offense*

Flashy Vic said...

Well I cant afford to be fussy.
And she looked really cute in that Prada film with Meryl Streep.

TalksTooMuch said...

As a dumpy middle-aged housewife, none taken.

keetz4 said...

Statham isn't wearing skinny jeans but he's strutting like he's on a catwalk. lol.

Harry Knuckles said...

If I can go first I'd also like a ride.

Runswithscissors said...


Runswithscissors said...

And her boobs look natural to me, they are certainly not the bolt ons and they you can tell they are fake even when they are places under the muscle.

Runswithscissors said...

I do take offense, I look worse than that, thank you very much, my bathing suit can double as a LBD.

chopchop said...

How *dare* Anne Hathaway have hard, wet nipples while swimming in the ocean! What a whore!

Not A Ninny said...

Hathaways tits are causing me to overlook her smug. I hate it when that happens.

Anothergrayhare said...

@TTM if you're a middle aged housewife, I'm going to have to come up with a new term for myself.

trudi said...

If I remember "Brokeback Mountain" correctly, Ann didn't look like she needed help in the breast department.

Pip said...

Kelly Osborne is a douche.

Hathaway does not have a bad looking body at all. I don't understand why she would choose that as her bathing suit. It has absolutely no support.

PookieTwo said...

Those aren't implants on Anne. She's gained most of her pre-Les Mis weight back and her boobs are back to normal size.

Looks cold where she is though, I'll say :)

cowbulls said...
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cowbulls said...

I think Anne has a bitchy side just like all women. I have yet to meet a woman that was nice all the time. I think Anne has her FU money and doesn’t try to hide that side of her personality. I see a classic beauty that looks great and she is one of the rare pale complexioned women that look even sexier without her clothes. She has a tremendous body with great breasts and long sexy legs. She’s built for male sexual enjoyment.

Lucas said...

I never paid much attention to her boobs so good to hear they are all natural. I'll take a natural B over a fake D any day.

TalksTooMuch said...

Okay! Do you wanna be Princess Banana Hammock, or can I be, anothergrayhare??

Anonymous said...

I think that is Selena Gomez in a pink wig (remember she kept wearing one a year or so ago)

parissucksliterally said...

Gwen is so damn fabulous. I love her.

Kelly O. looks pretty in that pic! I am being sincere!

Anonymous said...

Gwen must be such a cool - fun - Mum. And yes, she does indeed get better with age.

I thought Jason and Rosie had split?

I can't wait for the sticking-tongue-out trend to disappear - forever!

Aoife said...

I got my hair done today and that CBS talk show with Moonves wife and Sharon Osbourne was on the television. Seems that Timberlake's mom issue some statement telling people that her son and his beautiful wife are very happy and in love and that they need to be left alone in their happiness. Uh Huh.

Does that mean a separation by June?

Anothergrayhare said...

Princess Banana Hammock..... hmmm, I'll have to think about that one. Reminds me too much of Borat.

tookiesmum said...

I would love to raid Gwen's closet. Her style is flawless, in my opinion.

Cara takes great pics but is rather, um, underwhelming to look at in real life.

figgy said...

I am so over the Gwen's monochromatic platinum blonde hair.

Unknown said...

Nope she didn't confirm but am guessing unless she's doing a -once it's real & she's mighty gurgeous.
Don't know what to say about Justin - he can be pretty damn funny tho love the late night raps.


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