Thursday, February 13, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

November 11, 2013

This A list diva/celebrity/singer would not stop talking trash about this reality star turned B list singer turned B+ list mostly movie actress the other night. The diva feels like the actress/singer is taking all the parts that were once hers and is still ticked about that award the actress got and will tell anyone that she turned down the role.

Beyonce/Jennifer Hudson


Harry Knuckles said...

I'm not happy until Beyonce is not happy.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Time to bow down and eat that humble pie every now and then, huh queen Bey?

rajahcat said...
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MontanaMarriott said...

Sweetie you need to take some serious acting classes before you are even nominated for an award.

Anonymous said...

Can't understand all the fuss about Beyonce - if it looks like a bitch, talks like a bitch, sounds like a bitch and walks like a bitch ... then chances are, it is a bitch.

Jennifer has, and always will have, more class and elegance than Beyonce could ever hope for.

rajahcat said...

Funny that JHud could get so far under Queen Bey's skin....

Jennifer is a damn good singer and actress...Bey not so much an actress

I don't think Bey would have fit her part at all-does anyone know if it was offered to Bey first? I kind of doubt that.

rikkitikkitavi said...

circling around the tuna can...

rikkitikkitavi said...

dont start with beyonce. #houstondonttakenomess

Anonymous said...

@rajahcat - I strongly doubt it; maybe she felt the role should be offered to her because she is the Queen of Everything (ha ha)

Seven of Eleven said...

Grrr, that's the blind where Fake Count insulted the beautiful and witty It's Just U. Hey, Fake Count.

Anonymous said...

Here's @VIPBlonde looking good in Dallas:

auntliddy said...

Jennifer is classy. Bey cant have EVERY part, no one can. Theres room for both of u. Be nice bey bey!

Anonymous said...

Correction - looking good AFTER filming Dallas

Anonymous said...

@KateHolmes - take note - this is how you greet paps and your adoring public

Freya said...

She was nominated for Best Actress. Forgot who it went to though.

timebob said...

I'm just happy Jamie Foxx didn't get his way and Fantasia was cast instead of Jennifer Hudson.

While I think Beyonce is pissed that JHud stole her thunder. That was supposed to be Beyonce's Oscar grab movie. No way would she put on the weight required for that role and a fat suit would of looked silly.

I guess she suffers from the same disease that Jessica Biel tells herself she has. "I'm just too pretty to be hired for a role" No you're just shitty actresses.

But Beyonce is still winning life.

rikkitikkitavi said...
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Unknown said...

There was all that Oscar talk about Beyoncé in DreamGirls and then all of the sudden Jennifer Hudson came out of nowhere and literally stole the show. Beyoncé cant say she "turned down" that role because Jennifer's role was never supposed to factor into the Oscar race and Beyoncé's always was. Instead of a month long cleanse, she should have taken diction classes.

Anonymous said...

@AlexTuttle - Well, if you're a believer in conspiracy theories / Illuminati control of the industry (I'm a lukewarm believer by the way - I work in the industry but haven't seen half the stuff that is reported) - Jennifer was catapulted to superstardom in return for sacrificing her family. Sick, yes, but just another well-discussed point of view.

sandybrook said...

Beyonce doesn't have much talent for anything except sticking a pillow to her stomach and making believe shes having a babeh.

Anonymous said...

Bey's daddy sold her soul to the devil along time ago...but she still can't act

Anonymous said...

#Enty - if you're reading this, can you please consider reinstating the 'CDAN Message Board'? Presumably there was one at some stage - or there is potential for that link to go somewhere? It would be neat if we could all discuss O/T things somewhere more appropriate than in the comments section of the blinds. :-)

Poni-Tayl said...

Courtesy of

Unknown said...

I'm a believer. Those threads on LSA have some good ones.

Its just U said...

Awwww, you made my fat face blush 7.

Violet said...

Co sign. She's a bit emperor's new clothes to me. But then I'm old so what do I know.

Rosie riveter said...

Bey was best in Austin Powers Goldfinger, so beautiful! after that it all downhill, she started believing her hype. Now seems to be morally bankrupt. shameshameshame She could bringIt back in the day

Rob Kardashian said...

Hi Rosie. Wanna go Go-Karting with me?

Matt said...

I don't see why Beyonce would be jealous. So Jennifer Hudson won an Oscar. Beyonce's career has far eclipsed Jennifer's. Despite having a stunning voice and winning an Oscar, Jennifer isn't really having too much success with either. I'm surprised she even ranks as a high a B+ here. She continues to record but none of songs seem to ever catch on and become hits, and I can't recall too many hits on her acting resume either. Just a few small parts in a few big films. Why would Beyonce be jealous?

crila16 said...

...but Bey is not that great of an actress...and Jennifer is. Jennifer also (in my opinion) has a far better singing voice than Beyonce. Beyonce singing sounds a little whiny and screechy after a while.

Rob Kardashian said...

Kim tries so hard to be friends with Beyoncé! It's hilarious how she is shunned by her over and over again. Kim is used to getting everything she wants and cries about how mean Beyoncé is to her. I love it.

hothotheat said...


Unknown said...

illuminati blood sacrifices... a good read on a day snowed in

TanGyal said...

Funny...Beyoncé invited JHud to Tina's 60th bday party and JHud went - they all posed for pics together...why hate on her, then invite her to your mom's bday party??

Cheryl said...

@Alex Tuttle- Diction! Yes! Bey and JLo are the worst, and they would both love to be considered great actresses. All that money spent on wigs, makeup, plastic surgery, etc. would be better spent working on elocution and acting classes.

MISCH said...

Even if Bey got the role (she refused to gain the weight) she wouldn't have won an Oscar.

S said...

Jennifer has been stealing parts from Beyonce?

Of course! The first thing you think of with Winnie Mandela is Beyonce.

Jennabean said...

I heard bey was offered j- huds role but bey woulda had to gain 20-30 lbs so she turned it down

Howard Schultz-Shameless Profiteer (S.S.!) said...

Beyonce is a talented performer, and an underperforming intellect. Smile, sing repetitive chorus (bills, bills, bills...survivor....etc) gyrate nearly nude, repeat endlessly. Twirl tiny dancer twirl. A human version of the ballerina in the music box. Poor girl went from a controlling and womanizing dadager, to a micromanaging and womanizing husbagent. Someone apparently feels more secure being led by men. Sad.

hollywood dime said...

hmmmm....not saying this blind isn't true but, I've worked with both several times. And Jennifer Hudson is one of the nastiest, rudest, bitchiest people I've ever met. I've seen her give directors/producers/assistants the hand to the face while they've been speaking to her or trying to give her direction. She mentions that damn Oscar as much as possible and whenever possible, if it's relevant or not to the conversation.
Beyonce on the other hand is disgustingly professional, kind and eager to do a perfect job. Anyone who has ever worked with, only has nice things to say. Not so much with jennifer. Beyonce being able to pull of dropping a secret album, with no one uttering a peep, only worked because people who work for her adore her. And yes there were confidentiality agreements signed, but believe me a lot of people did not.
make of that what you will.

hollywood dime said...

and beyonce was never offered jennifer's role in dreamgirls.

hollywood dime said...

@auntliddy Jennifer is FAR from classy. Unless you're spelling it with a "K".

Meanie Rhysie said...

Oooh, @hollywood dime, thank you for sharing!!!


Unknown said...

I thought an Oscar got you a list status. She had GO in egot, just needs an emmy and a tony. She did the whitney tribute at the grammy's. I think she is happy living off her money from weight watchers and her fame as is. I hope she does win an emmy and a tony...then Bey can really cry.

Sylvia said...

BeYonCe sounds like a back-stabbing bitch. Never content with what she has. As an actress she will never success in that category.

Alita said...

Thems some good vittles, hollywood dime!

Seriously guys - illuminati? Really?



I hope I did that right. Because illuminati crap just that ridiculous. And there is no book or website that I have ever seen that makes it sound like anything other than a crazy made up crock.

So there ;p


Kim Kardashian said...

Rob, I have allergies! I wasn't crying over Beyonce. She is such a basic bitch. At least I didn't have to fake my pregnancy

Unknown said...

Everything you said!!

Sherry said...

Oooh good one H'wd Dime.

wanton said...

Isn't that what the OT thread is for?

rikkitikkitavi said...

@hollywood dime very intresting... they say jhud got her stomach stapled, she states she lost the weight the old fashioned way. ill give her the benefit of the doubt. her husband is under suspicion for being gay, but its their relationship. we cant judge. but if she hit me with the ole talk to the hand idgaf, it would be roundhouse kicks to the face with that pharrel song because im happy playing in the background.

under-a-rock said...

Of course Beyonce is miserable and jealous, people that try that hard pretending to be perfect everyday, are always the most bitter.. #jussayin
1st time poster, long time lurker here. Jus wanna say all of u that I've read on a regular basis like the count, vipblonde, sugar, TTM, Seven, etc have become a daily addiction for me! lol.. Has anyone thought of developing the CDAN msg boards into an office-place sitcom!

under-a-rock said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rajahcat said...

I want to hear more from Hollywood dime......

Allison said...

To back up hollywood dime's statements- a relative of mine worked at a studio where jhud was recording. he said she was really dumb and could not figure out where to come in to the song, because she had a hard time counting measures. And also that she was bitchy. This was pre-oscar.

Unknown said...

Some songs just dont click with you sometimes, doesnt mean she is dumb. On the flipside, i can count to infinity by 4s in my head. If you threw a polka song at me I would be very "dumb"

Pink Cashmere said...

Gosh I seriously dislike Bey. Yuck.

auntliddy said...

Hollywood, sooo disappointing about jhud! I can totally believe beyonce being nice.

JoElla said...

WOW @hollywood dime!

Could it be true, that most of our Bey hate is misplaced?!

hollywood dime said...

@ joella VERY much so.

dishy said...

Beyonce is a dumb cunt

sarah.estell said...

Right.....producers wanted to fatten up and ugly up Beyonce so they offered her the Effie part but she turned it down? Really? I'm not buying that for a second. And if she WAS offered Effie and turned it down (likely for vanity), then she's an idiot.

deran said...

But isn't the role JHud played more the star-making role anyway? On broadway,Jennifer Holiday became a star in that role and had hit. It is also thought to be the story of the Supremes;where Beyoncé is Diana:the star, but not the best liked. It is told more from the outsider pov.

alyssa said...

That's ridiculous. And hurtful.

soulakuarian said...

Why oh why Bee, You still mad coz of Dreamgirls?! Get over it already, You have it all and she prob looks up to you. P.R. wise apart from having your loved ones killed...Just do a featuring and make your peace(out)

di butler said...

Interesting. Never heard any JHud gossip. I have heard Beyonce was terribly dim. Huh.


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