Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mariah Carey Needs Rehab

Remember back in the Glitter days how we watched Mariah Carey slowly freak out until she went over the edge on Total Request Live? That was way back in 2001. Yes, that is when MTV played things called music videos. It also had a host named Carson Daly who probably still doesn't know what Mariah was doing when she walked into the studio, took off her shirt and passed out ice cream to the audience members. Two weeks later she went to rehab. Yesterday on Power 105.1 she had a similar meltdown. While sipping champagne she said she fires her nannies all the time because she thinks they shouldn't get too comfortable. She also said she has no idea where her husband is most of the time and you get the feeling their divorce is just a matter of time. It is a really long video but perhaps you will have some time to watch it in parts throughout the day. The bottom line is Mariah needs rehab and someone needs to tell her.


Lucas said...

Damn. More proof that I find crazy at least as attractive as a nice rack.

Kourtney Kardashian said...

Nick may be on the market soon? I'll have to tell my sister.

Sherry said...

Anyone get the idea Mimi might be manic depressive? And didn't she go to a mental hospital last time? I feel for her. She needs to be well for dem babies.

Meanie Rhysie said...

@Lucas, LOL

Henriette said...

I thought she had a nervous breakdown back in 2001. The urban blogs seem to think Nick is her drug supplier, so maybe a divorce could help her clean up.

Kelly said...

Sad for those twins.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why she and Nick are selling their Bel Air home?

Her tales of staff firings sound much like what Catherine Zeta-Jones is rumoured to do with her staff ... complacency and happiness does not sit well with these types.

auntliddy said...

Yeah, shes prob self medicating her crazy away. Only it doesnt go away. Get help, you have 2 children depending in you. Oh, and if you keep saying shit like i fire my nannies alot, cps is gonna be on your doorstep. Chill baby.

Matt said...

Still sticking to the divorce story? Like you've been saying for months they will be splitting and rarely are ever together? Yet their instagrams are filled with tons of family pictures, most are candid ones. He even showed up while she was on MTV last night and either they're both phenomenal actors or they looked pretty happy. Damn I miss Enty on this site. These new people and their blonds and stories are just plain weak and full of contradictions .

Matt said...

That was supposed to be *blind* not blond lol

Bruce Jenner said...

Oh Mariah, please get some help. Kids need their mothers. My girls used to idolize her when they were younger. I was hearing We Belong Together in my sleep for a while there.

Henriette said...

Enty is not the only talking about these two divorcing. There are plenty of sites talking about it, so Enty is not alone in speculating on that.

Heather said...

@Matt The new people get their own blonds? Damn, I don't need a job but if I get my OWN blond...

Good morning Bruce :)

Heather said...

Oh, I see, that was "blind"...

Matt said...

@henriette that's interesting, I must keep up with at least 6-7 of the bigger blogs and I've only ever seen this stuff here. But you have to admit that the blinds say they're rarely together yet the pictures don't lie. I just don't think entry would have run with stories or blinds that had so much evidence to the contrary. There's been many others in recent months too. Yeah Mariah is a bit whacky, but in comparison to so many others out there, I don't get why people make a such a big deal out of what she does. She's pretty tame compared to most others.

Meanie Rhysie said...

I ♥ you so hard, Bruce!! LOL

Henriette said...

Go read the urban blogs like Hollywood Street King and Media Take Out, they were talking about this way before Enty and so has Page Six.

rikkitikkitavi said...

how many bottles of wine do you think mariah drinks each day?

Henriette said...

I forgot to mention, Enty is tame compared to what others have been saying about these two, especially about Nick being her "handler" and "drug supplier." Also rumors of Nick having an affair on his new show with one of the dancers.

amanda0825 said...

Anybody see her when she was the guest on WWHL just before Xmas? I couldn't tell if Andy Cohen was in compete awe of her or if he was completely terrified.

BeckyMae said...

She brought her own lighting people to this interview....that was for RADIO....someone ring 'Promises'...

Henriette said...

She did that on another radio show and did it on Larry King too.

Seven of Eleven said...

LOL @ Lucas!

Nothing wrong with champagne in the morning. Splash some orange juice into it and you have a proper lady's beverage.

I honestly don't get why diva behaviour calls for rehab, though. It sounds like she's a raging diva, but she seems to adore her kids and she always looks happy in photos with Nick (remember the Thanksgiving photo?). And wasn't she the answer for the blind about a famous singer who helps out at a children's camp incognito?

BeckyMae said...

Bless her diva cotton socks!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, because they're all such reputable sources *eye roll*

Anonymous said...

Her prob is drugs from Dr feel good & booze & too many sycophants on her real people in her life...she's isolated & everyone around her keeps telling how "special" she is

Anonymous said...

Rehab seems to be the adults' version of the naughty corner

Matt said...

@henriette I've tried a few of those blogs in the past, but always found major issues with A) their credibility (most are based on street gossip that spreads and takes on whole new aspects as the story goes from person to person and B) I like blogs that don't need to be translated into normal conversational English. Not necessarily the ones you mentioned, but some of those hop blogs are just completely impossible to understand. Like a totally different language. this was always my top, go to bc Enty's had a great stories (like most gossip probably not even close to 100% accurate) bit at least he tried to be somewhat credible. Whose ever running things now is just nothing like him and prints any BS. That's the downside to Internet gossip, anyone can say whatever they want about whoever they want, no need to conform storied or have any kind of credibility of their own.

Matt said...

And those of you commenting about bringing the lighting crew, did you watch the videos? The fact you can "watch" them should have been a clue, but they actually addressed it one of them. Filled with video cameras bc they always get posted online now. I get she's a diva, but frankly I still don't get why ppl make such a big deal about it. There are much bigger things done by other celebrities that don't see to get as much attention.

Anonymous said...


Matt, you're not alone in thinking this, but on here if you dare to express your opinion and it's different to the masses then they pounce ... of course all the stories are recycled; they just make up something saucy then draw names out of the hat as to who it will apply to this month.

Beetlejuice said...

Jacky Jasper is totally legit!

Matt said...

@stepforded I have no issues with having intelligent, adult conversations/debates with people. I don't think I've raised any points that aren't true from what I see. And I just don't bother with the "trolls" who start name calling and just look to fight lol.

Seven of Eleven said...

I grow weary of this whole "you're not allowed to express your opinion" nonsense. I express my opinion daily and it doesn't always coincide with that of "the masses". I don't care if someone jumps on me, I'm a big girl and can stick up for myself. The idea is that you express your opinion respectfully, not with a*hat comments like "You morons believe everything on this site". Actually, no - there are very few people who actually believe everything on this site, but act like a tool and you'll be treated accordingly.

Meanie Rhysie said...

+1 or is that YUP2?

rajahcat said...

agreed about the naughty corner

she has always been bat shit crazy........

not a good thing for dem babies

Anonymous said...

So who is trolling, name calling and looking to fight?

Seven of Eleven said...

My apologies, @Stepforded, that came out rather snotty with the word "nonsense". I just think people are unnaturally afraid of expressing their opinion, believing they'll be attacked for it.

Kimba said...


BeckyMae said...

+1 Seven....respekt!

rikkitikkitavi said...

@matt HSK is the best. #teamjacky
ok so media take out can be a little far fetched at times...i agree with that

Matt said...

@stepforded not you or anyone else on this thread so far lol. I was speaking in general about how there are people out there who can't engage in a conversation in these situations without resorting to name calling or bullying tactics.

Beetlejuice said...


Matt said...

@seven of eleven: I think you make some really valid points but I do have to respectfully disagree on one thing; I believe (very sadly) that the majority of people actually do believe what they see on the internet. I can't tell you how many times I see inaccuracies reported on websites and blog, or even in chain emails or other forms of social media, that are obviously incorrect or contain incorrect pieces of information. Yet tons of people still continue to forward or bring up these things. I love to read all these gossip blogs bc they entertain me and sometimes they may contain a model of truth, in some cases they have a lot of truth. Buy I take everyone I read with a grain of salt bc I've seen the majority turn out to be mostly or totally untrue. I always compare gossip (especially in today's world of the Internet and social media) to playing the "telephone game" in school as a child. If a story can start one way and pass through less than 20 people and come out totally different than it started, imagine what that does to the world of celebrity gossip.

Kimba said...

@matt, the telephone game goes on all the time in these threads - see the last week, last month, last....yesterday!

Back to Mimi - not a huge fan of her Muzak, but her voice is one of the best, she's been at her core a real person with real struggles, and a diva all the way - these I give her my respect and hope she continues her glorious life in Mimiland.

crila16 said...

I just listened to her on Elvis Duran yesterday around 7:30am. She seemed really cool, nice and down to earth. I know it's just a facade and she's a Diva and all...but she came across as super nice, made sense and seemed like a really hard worker. She even almost had me fooled. She was also drinking rose champagne with the cast. Maybe by the time she had the 105 interview, she was wasted.

Sherry said...

+Yup 4

Unknown said...

She is a loopy diva and thats why I love her. More normal than some other people I have had the misfortune of interacting with lately...

surfer said...

Yup +5

califblondy said...

Dem babies are how old now and she still asks to be congratulated for having "two twins"?? I cracked up when I heard that. I also thought the mumbled "fuck Nick" was interesting even tho she tried to play it off.

Slap-n-Tickle said...

Ah, I like Nick Cannon, and I think he and Mariah are cute together. Is Mariah a diva? For sure, and I'd punch her in the throat if I had to deal with her on a daily basis, but from afar, I find the antics amusing.

Unknown said...

Mariah Carey Christmas movie and baby book? Yes please! Just stop dropping GODIVA chocolate in your drank of champagne---I died a little inside watching her do that.

Unknown said...

I've got a soft spot for Mariah but do think she's a bit of a lush. Nothing wrong with mimosas though!

Mix that shit with prescription meds and you've got a problem. I could see that being an issue with our dear Mimi.

FlirtyChick74 said...

She was fine on that show. Yeah, she was a little boozy but so what? It was a very relaxed atmosphere and it sounds like she was on her way home after the show to relax. She came across as nice and very personable. I'd have a bottle of champagne with her but I wouldn't want to work for her. She's too much. I couldn't stand the main guy talking on there because every other question he was asking he was trying to bait her into saying she's been to a strip club. He was useless. Everyone was tired of him. The other lady was good. Mariah sure did channel Eartha Kitt though when she spoke.

FlirtyChick74 said...

I laughed at that nonsense too but she lives on her own planet.

Its just U said...

I think you're right Sherry. It's not so much rehab as mental help she needs. No shame in that.

delete account said...

@Sherry--yep, me, back when I saw her on TRL in the ice cream episode. I told my mom back then Mimi was bipolar.
Anybody else remember the suicide attempt rumors and how she denied them? She probably didn't even remember what she was doing at the time. I remember when she started out, then around 1999 or so (the Rainbow album which was the first album of hers I couldn't stand) she started acting strange. She's never been the same since.

Its just U said...

Yup yup buttercup.

portlandgirl said...

@stepforded ... lmao ... So true!

AKM said...

Hey Enty, whatever her diagnosis may be -- which YOU are not qualified to give -- it may not even need rehab. There's all kinds of outpatient options, you know. Jesus.

Unknown said...

Please, stop saying get it together for the kids. She sees those kids about an hour a week. Its an insult to those of us who actually care for and about our kids.

Henriette said...

@matt's gossip, my view...everything should be taken with a lot of salt. It's still fun for me.

I just disagreed with you saying Enty was the only one saying Nick and Mariah are never together, when it has been speculated on other sites quite a bit and before he ever brought it up. Page Six, a pretty main stream site, did it last winter.

Datalounge, which is hilarious, is a site I read, even though I doubt much of what I read there.

Henriette said...

Oh I forgot to mention, I seriously doubt any celebrity is going to come out and mention a nervous breakdown, plastic surgery, infertility issues, STDS, threesomes, S&M, or abortions publicly, so how can the public ever really know? The public can only speculate.

Matt said...

@ henriette : the people I know personally that have had abortions or std's and do on haven't exactly been forthcoming to their friends and families, do I'd think celebrities would be even more careful about who they tell. So it calls into question a lot if the sources. Since this topic was originally about Mariah, let's talk about how many of these sources are people with an axe to grind. I have an ex who worked at Sony as well as an aunt who worked there. Both In positions. And they said it was all true about what tommy mottola did to her. Stole her music and gave it to jlo, made up fake stories and paid radio dj's to report them, in order to start a smear campaign against her ( confirmed on air by Wendy Williams) and purposely holding back in promoting her records and releasing singles to diminish her success. Mariah would have broken the Beatles record if 20 # 1 songs years ago if about 5 of her singles from the 90's had gotten commercial releases. She was able to prove all of this, hence the reason she got out of her deal with Sony early (she got out, some compensation money, and he hot fired). In return she didn't file a massive lawsuit.

cgarcia said...

An alcoholic is always an alcoholic. Therefore, since she was already in rehab for alcoholism and is drinking again, she is what they call...FALLEN OFF THE WAGON. Time for child welfare to visit again.


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