Friday, February 21, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Garrick Utley - RIP

Katie Holmes busted while smoking.
Bradley Cooper coming out of his hotel.
Britney Spears going on a shopping spree at Michael's. Lots and lots of glue.
Carnie Wilson does her Sharknado acting impression.
At the same event were Rita Wilson and
Mike Love with John Stamos
Chrissy Teigen with John Legend and Michael Symon.
Kate Upton was at the same party.
Gigi Hadid was there too.


TalksTooMuch said...

Well if that isn't a blind confirmation, I don't know what is

John Stamos AND Bradley Cooper...I think Enty knows this particular demographic

LottaColada said...

That guy next to Bradley Cooper has some gnarly sideburns.

Meanie Reese said...

Katie Holmes is a grown-ass woman, fuck shaming her for smoking. Seriously. Yes, it's a horrible habit, health issues, it stinks, blah blah blah blah...but it's HER life! /end rant

RIP Garrick Utley

Bradley Cooper gives off serial killer vibes.

Count Jerkula said...

I bet Stamos has blown every living Beach Boy, or at least jacked it while he watched a girlfriend do it.

Kelly said...

Lots of boobies!

parissucksliterally said...

At least Katie is not smoking around Suri.

Carnie Wilon got huge again.....

Unknown said...

+1 @melanie i hate hate hate when people shame someone for having tobacco, and then have no problems promoting/glamorizing alcohol.

let the adult be a freakin adult. or be consistent and take a total health/drug-free stance.

Pink_Palace said...

My heart goes out to Carnie. She seems like a beautiful person, inside and out, but she can not win the battle of the bulge.

Loved Garrick Utley!

Count Jerkula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Count Jerkula said...

Cigarettes are a great replacement for a meal.


TalksTooMuch said...

T'aint no shame in that game

Meanie Reese said...


Sherry said...

Not really Count. I was friends with some French people and they actually smoked THROUGH a meal. Eat puff...repeat. It was weird!

There's my boyfriend Michael Symon!

Poor Carnie. Didn't she have that surgery and she's big again?

Kimba said...

Suprised Katie smokes - not shaming - but does go against her image, sneaky smoker. Does she locks herself in the bathroom and blow smoke up the fan too?

Stamos and Copper are cootie cads.

Kimba said...

Grrr, auto correct....Coooooper!

Count Jerkula said...

@Sherry: Now we count the French as people??? What is this world coming to?



Leekalicious said...

OMG I thought that was Don Cherry with John Stamos for a minute.

Susan said...

OMG. The comments on this post are hilarious.

Gigi Hadid is gorgeous. She is the one glimmering light on GHBH. I hope Yolanda doesn't fuck up her mind with the starvation and all. You can eat one crumb of your graduation cake. The fuck?!?

John Legend's wife looks so annoying to me all the time. Completely making snap judgment, but on a gossip site, aren't we all?!?

I need my wine....

If Katie wants a smoke, who cares?!?

Harry Knuckles said...

I'll bet BCoop has some girls back in his hotel room for later. Or maybe the sideburns guy beside him.

Kate Upton got shortchanged in the leg department - no calves - just skinny pins going up to her knees. She looks good as a brunette though. Wonder if the carpet matches the drapes.

I plan on marrying Gigi Hadad so watch your filthy mouths.

Susan said...

^RHBH. I don't know what GHBH is.

sandybrook said...

You can lose weight Carnie if you actually diet and exercise but you take the easy way with bypass which almost never works. It doesn't work because you go right back to your old habits because you havent changed a thing about your life and why you got that way in the first place.
Today's pics were disappointing.

MK for short said...

Katie Holmes no longer has to "audit" or confess her transgressions anymore to Scientology, so cut the lady some slack for an occasional smoke.

Kate Upton used to be considered a "plus-sized" model once right?

I confess that I find Mutton-Chops-Man next to Bradley Cooper vastly more interesting.

That picture of John Legend, Michael Symon and Chrissy Teigan looks so off - like someone said "smile", the men smiled and she went "AHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD THAT'S SOO FUNNY!!"

SuSu said...

At least Suri is not smoking around Katie:/

Oopsy_Daisy said...

Does anyone else find it odd that all of GMD's wives are closet smokers?

Unknown said...

Next thing you know Suri will be pulling one of her infamous diva tantrums for a candy cigarette. I use to like the chocolate ones. yum.

Sherry said...

Derek I liked the candy ones because they rolled them in some type of sugar -it was probably cornstarch and when you first blew on them it looked like smoke coming off them.

And guess who became a smoker ...go figure.

Now, now Count...We have French Girl here and she's adorable all the time. I actually think the French have a terrific sense of humor.

Susan said...

Candy cigs were AWESOME. I totally would blow the powder off in an attempt to be a Hollywood starlet at age 6/7/8. I love how the packaging shamelessly looked like Pall Malls. I always thought it was powdered sugar.

I laugh now, but I've never smoked anything other than candy cigs. It is totally horrifying that this kind of thing existed. And Garbage Pail Kids. Now, candy rings. Those were AMAZING.

Unknown said...

@Sherry---haha me too!
@Susan--Garbage Pale Kids! lol! so ugly and gross, as well as being horribly politically incorrect..

chopchop said...

I got fired from a babysitting job because of candy cigarettes. I was walking around the neighborhood, pretending to smoke, & the parents of the kids I sat for drove by with a horrified look on their faces. Never got called to babysit after that.

WritergirlinLa said...

Yeah, back in the day I puffed my candy cigarettes while riding my bike without a helmet and flinging yard darts at my best friend and we turned out alright. Well, maybe not completely alright....

Sis said...

Loved candy cigarettes!!! The tip was pink, lol. The chocolate ones must of been before my time, I am sure I would have loved those too!

SugarTitz said...

"PERSONAL assistant" is this his was of keeping it in the closet? Biel should just hire her go full time as "assistant"

SugarTitz said...

If the worse thing "Kate" is doing after 7 years with Tammy is smoking consider her lucky.

SugarTitz said...

Just remember , mommy allows her 2 almonds when she gets a headache. But no more. You have to be skinny to marry a fat rich prick, like mommy.

SugarTitz said...


Lady Heisenberg said...

Believe it or not, John Stamos has been known to frequent this one bar in Orange County on their line dancing nights...So strange.

Lady Heisenberg said...

As in, not rumors, he has gone line dancing there several times in the last three years. A friend of mine who lives in the area goes religiously and has taken pics with him there. She said he is very nice but always went there alone. Hmmmm....

Lady Heisenberg said...

Brenda L said...

That Gigi person is working the hell out of that pose....Angelina, pay attention...THAT is how you do the LEG

Count Jerkula said...

Everyone of them dudes with the star sideburns should go into a wood chipper, feet first. That way they can contemplate the error of their ways as the blades turn em into chum.

Lulu G said...

Slightly off topic and I apologize if this has been posted but there's a "Where's Shelley?" article in Vanity Fair.. . Sorry you have to Cut and Paste to clicky.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Oooh, thanks, @Lulu G.!

Where's Shelley?!

Anonymous said...

"You said shit didn't you"
Yes, I did but I'm a black woman from an urban area and I routinely say axe instead of ask. So there ya go.

Trashaddict said...

And ran around in thunderstorms getting soaked on hot summer days, and nobody worried about getting struck by lightning..

Trashaddict said...

And ran around in thunderstorms getting soaked on hot summer days, and nobody worried about getting struck by lightning..

lolaluvs2snack said...

My mom bought me candy cigarettes because I would beg. I would also walk around like a Hollywood starlet puffing my cigarettes. I've never smoked a day in my life, both of my parents are smokers. I liked pretending and eating the candy :-) Leave the smokers alone, it's bad enough they have to fly to planet Saturn to smoke and it's $10,000 a box.

Alexa Rose said...

I say smoke em if you got em. Can you imagine the things Katie knows and has seen?

Still think John Stamos is hot.


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