Friday, February 21, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Reese Witherspoon seems to be lately dressing like she wants a spot in Town And Country Magazine.

A previously unreleased photo of Alexander Skarsgard in his South Pole trek.
Trying to compete in the ab showing contest is Ryan Lochte.
When you get groped by a fan as Sarah Hyland was, you get police, security and your boyfriend with you before
filming your scene.
Sarah Jessica Parker and her kids and one of her nannies.
Sharon Stone filming in Vancouver.
Usher and his hat. Pharrell has obviously started something.
Vanessa Hudgens shows off her ballet award. or it could be a gift for Taylor Swift.


BitterBlondin said...

I like Reese's style, she always looks classy.

TalksTooMuch said...

That is. Huh. Thank you!

Reese looks great, as usual.

Please don't make fun of Sarah Hyland. She was just assaulted and maybe you don't understand how that affects your sense of safety, but I bet a bunch of us readers do

Jessi said...

Oh man, Alexander!! Fanning myself!

sandybrook said...

Who would ever cast Sharon Stone as a politician? :(

Imma getting a magnifying glass to check the bulge in Lochte's tight shorts

Kassandra said...

Damn that man has a fine body. Can't wait for True Blood to come back (last season) - the gratuitous amount of eye candy on that show has been sorely missed.

sandybrook said...

Kassandra didn't Askars melt in the hot sun in the very last minute of last seasons True Blood?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Vanessa got her lamp fixed...

Waiting on another Reese skirt blown up & no panties....

Kelly said...

Love the Nanny's side eye.

Kassandra said...

Yes, but he'll be back for the last season. They'll write some ridiculous explanation on how he can come back from meeting the sun.

parissucksliterally said...

What, no Rumer picture today?

Sherry said...

Shhh Paris..don't let the Enties hear you.

Susan said...

Harry Knuckles - You made me laugh. Sarah Hyland does have a hottie bod, for sure.

LOVE Reese's prepster look. From a fellow preppy J. Crew whore, I approve, dahling. I always loved her Legally Blonde wardrobe, too. I so need a sparkly bikini....

auntliddy said...

How come we never see nahla coming home from school with gabe anymore? We used to see the smiling face everyday, now, nothing. How come??!!

M. Brown said...

I picture Reese, Gwenny, Kate Huson, and Jen G in some super snotty private school mom's club being mean to the Melissa McCarthys and Amy Poehlers of the world. Reese is from money and that's how all the ladies at her CC back in Tennessee dressed. I think about this a little too much.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Skars can get it! Holee Shit!

Susan said...

M. Brown - I love your theory. That would make a great novel, actually. As if I have time to read something other than UsWeekly....and CDAN.

CanadianMiss said...

I never "got" ASkars, but with the face covered... I think the kids need to got to bed early tonight.

Anonymous said...

Rees+oversized bag+cocky grin=booze in her bag.

I'm convinced.

M. Brown said...

Same here. I'm actually on the fence about Jen G. She'd be the wild card.

Aoife said...

Let me get this straight. Ur-sher is wearing a fur hat while dressed in a tee shirt and jeans. My first thought was "a**hole".

Anonymous said...

Reese stylevis impecable. lol Sarah s nanny. seems to say something really bad with that eyes.

shakey said...

Jen G would be the "friend" in the group who gets picked on.

It saddens me that I can see daylight between Skarsgard's upper thighs, but I feel downright embarrassed for Lochte. A boy that dumb needs to have something to keep the ladies coming back.

shakey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anotheramy said...

My little pony Parkers nanny could be her double in movies only shes so much prettier.

Bee Jus said...

Remember when Enty made up that blind item about Alex being some hairless OCD freak that was obsessed with cleanliness? Yes, the man in his underwear in the south pole and covered in hair suuuuure sounds like the same guy.


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