Friday, February 21, 2014

Your Turn

Emma Stone says the photo is not her. Emma Stone has never appeared naked in a movie and only from the back on a television show. With all that being said there are a lot of people who think that the selfie floating around the internet is her. You are the best detectives on the planet. What do you think?


FSP said...

Uh oh!

sandybrook said...

Not her eyebrow shape.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Are you kidding me with this shit? Titties for errrryone!

Unknown said...

it IS her. She has been photographed with that exact phone and cover. Fact.

Sugar said...

Why the censorship? I want to see her boobies!

Sarah said...

That's why I leave the face out of the shot

gradybridges said...

not her. she has a tattoo you would see in the shot.

gradybridges said...
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SugarTitz said...

You know that was meant for Taylor Swift right? ?

parissucksliterally said...

Ah, who cares. None of these stupid girls learn from others' mistakes. They all think their naked phone pics will be the one that is NOT leaked.

Kelly said...

Nah. Don't see it.

Bacon Ranch said...

It does look like her. Why make such a big deal about it if you want it to go away? Now it's on the radar. Hush up already.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Face OR titties, never both. Wise move ;)

plokzy said...

I don't think her body would be that nice, especially the boobs... If it is her tho, GODDAMMM!! Never thought she was all that but this could change it.

Bacon Ranch said...

Heya parissucks, I saw on the D a week or so ago about your pup. Is everything ok now?

Lady Heisenberg said...

Could be an old picture. I have a long standing joke that I can estimate my age in any pic before age 24 very accurately because I can assess time according to what piercings I had. My face is like a tree stump, count the rings to determine age lol

However, this could have been taken before whatever tattoo you are looking for was ever acquired. Either way, great call on looking for those kinds of identifiers!!

Leekalicious said...

First time poster. This looks like her and it was planned.

Unknown said...

i think most naked pics are planned... isnt it the whole lindsay-scale-of-worth? the more famous you are, the more they will pay to boink you? so i.e. a recent nude scandal all over the tabloids would make the price go up due to more interest...

great. this site has made me so cynical about everything.

Seven of Eleven said...

Feeling your pain, Emma

JSierra said...

That definitely looks a lot like her. I thought she was a lot skinnier though, and I do not mean that in a good way.

Angela said...

I don't think it's her.

There are some real see-through pictures from her that were taken during a photo shoot on a beach:

She's actually quite flat chested and it doesn't match the breasts featured on the selfie.

Kimba said...

@sandy, disagree - based on brow shape, and head tilted, yeah, think it's Emma.
Naked selfies are embarrassing - especially if they are in a skanky bathroom (not talking aboot you TTM!).

Unknown said...

I think it is her if you look at her phone in the photo it's the same phone in this pic of her at the airport So Boom It's Her.

nurysp said...

a part of me feels a hollywood person has no problem showing it all titties face and all that

Harry Knuckles said...

sugarbread, are you saying tha Emma and Taylor are sweethearts? They've been friends for a long time and I'm pretty sure that both are gay so if they are scissoring then I need to go and sit down and do my breathing exercises because that little movie in my head is gong to make my cerebral cortex go all China Syndrome.

Seven of Eleven said...

@Harry, you used way too many words to just say what you meant to say

Amartel said...

Why is this interesting to you?

TalksTooMuch said...

Kimba, whut??? I've never taken a nekkid selfie in my life! No joke. My drinky Tina would be so disappointed in me!

Count Jerkula said...

NSFW Uncensored.

If you could blur out the frog face in real life, I would bang.

Angela said...
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Josh said...

Simply, it's her. Smart lady and good PR people work. They are such a pros.

headrot said...

i'm waiting for the day when i go out on a date with a guy and he recognizes me from online performances/images

Angela said...

@Keith Bowman
The iPhone case in the picture at the airport depicts sunflowers. The one in the selfie is more like a rainbow or some abstract drawing with bright colors.

The girl looks like her, but there are thousands of girls in the US who model their style on her. I can perfectly picture one of them taking a selfie on an iPhone with the low def picture that could make people assume it's Stone.

Kimba said...

@TTM - just you wait, you stil have time, lotta years a head! This game better end soon, with the win for us - my dogs are going craycraycrazy.

Count Jerkula said...

@Headrot: Links please. Via email is fine. Thank you ;)

There was just a case of a freshmen at Duke getting outed for doing porn. There is a HuffPo piece about it. Allegedly her stage name is Belle Knox.

Here is a photo NSFW

rajahcat said...

I believe her

Harry Knuckles said...

You're right Seven. Brevity is ... soul needs wit .... no .... wit needs soul .... this is hard ......brevity is the opposite of going on and on and on and on and on and on ..... so ...... wit shouldn't be something that goes for a long long long long long long long long long long long time ..... "wit's soul comes from brevity" .......catchy ......I'm gonna trademark that! I'm gonna be rich!

michaelbchnn said...

It isn't her. Emma is a natural blonde and this girls bush is clearly brown/black.

Eros said...

My vote is its her. The symmetry of the face nose eyes and eyebrows are the same. Definitely her.

parissucksliterally said...

Hi Bacon Ranch - my pup is hanging in there. She has a mass on her heart, which may rupture or leak at any time. I have her on meds for the arrhythmia , which seems to be helping. She is tired, but still perks up when people she loves come by, still is very interested in food.....all good. But I am a fucking wreck - I can barely eat, and although I am enjoying every minute with her, I am also terrified of the other shoe is not an easy time. I have had her 17 years, and I just can't imagine her not being with me.

Thank you for asking. xo

cc423 said...

This is not her. The eyebrow and forehead are all wrong.

Seven of Eleven said...

@paris, I'm so sorry. :(

When I lost my dear pet that I'd for most of my adult life, I wrote on a card: "Remember that for all the days you had her, on the last day, she had her favorite gift: you". I buried her with that note and her favorite blanket.

Getting a little teary up in here. Hugs to you, paris.

parissucksliterally said...

Thank you Seven. There is not a day that goes by that I don't cry at some point. Tonight will be 2 weeks, since she collapsed and we discovered there was a problem. I try not to let her see me cry, I do it while she sleeps....

MISCH said...

Personally I don't care


So sorry, I know just what you're going, fingers crossed for her… I lost my big boy a few years ago and even though I had gotten him a playmate who is wonderful he was my first baby…my first grown-up dog, take care of yourself/

Harry Knuckles said...

Count, are you saying you don't find Emma pretty. Geezus you have high standards! To me she is fucking gorgeous!

Hall Monitor said...
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Count Jerkula said...

@Harry: Not high standards, just not my type.

Meanie Reese said...

Oh, Paris, I'm so sorry about your baby. Hugs and love to you. :'(

Lady Heisenberg said...

Word ;)

Lady Heisenberg said...

Sending lots of love to Parissucks! Hang in there!!!

crila16 said...
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crila16 said...

Yes I think it's her...and who the F cares. It's just boobies. It's not like she's spread eagle, driving drunk, doing drugs or making a porn video.

parissucksliterally said...

Thank you, to those who have wished me and my baby luck, and to those who comment after me. It is so hard, but I have a lot of support - in real life, and my online community...

*wipes tears*

Karen said...

@parissucksliterally, I'm so sorry! I hope your pup feels better!

katiekat said...

Parissucks, so sorry and big hugs your way! Xoxo

Anna said...

Not her. Texture of the hair is wrong in the selfie. Emma's hair is finer texture, not this thick, and the eye makeup is what Emma would wear for a photo shoot, and here it seems is copied. But I don't know why anyone would care.

Sherry said...

Paris sending you big hugs. There nothing worse than seeing your treasured companion in pain AND knowing there is an end coming soon. Had my girls for 19 almost 20 years and they mean everything to me!

This isn't Emma. All things are similar but her nips are very dark in the beach picture, much smaller and her pubic hair is dark and she's a natural blond. Similar I'll admit but not her.

Ms Cool said...

Paris, I am sending you a virtual hug. I am sorry it has been tough.

auntliddy said...

Wonder why she wld lue about it if true?

auntliddy said...

Paris-those little creatures, those little angels on earth, crawl right up into your heart. Ive lost dogs, its brutal. Hugs to you.

sandybrook said...

So sorry Paris.

Susan said...

Paris - Sending you prayers.

Kelly said...

@Paris, I am so sorry. Thinking about you and your pup.

Alita said...

Derek, give me a pap shot of your phone case and I'll shop it onto a selfie of some buff guy with mega abs. If we want it to look seriously realistic, it'll take closer to 15 minutes than the 3 minute 'it'll probably pass' job you do just for funsies with your friends.

"Seeing is believing" is a crock - fact.

parissucksliterally said...

Again, thank you everyone. It really means a lot to me.

Kristin Wigs said...

@Maple Leaf Sinise I do not not approve of you putting your zero gravity mammories on the web. Just don't expect a muffin basket from refraining.

TalksTooMuch said...

I would never do that. Nor would I expect a muffin basket. You tense, bff??

Alita said...

Just had a closer look at the uncensored photo that Count posted - this is a photoshop job. You can see the blending.

Obviously I am only stating my opinion - but imo there's no question. So do you trust me, punks? Of course you should!

TalksTooMuch said...

Sorry to hear about your fur baby, paris.

Kristin Wigs said...

All is well, TTM. Out of pocket and behind the curve today. Popped my head in when I heard from our temporary castaway.


TalksTooMuch said...

You're touring the facilities and picking up slack?

Unknown said...

@Alita---its cool---I look good regardless

olliebolliesnollie said...

Totally not her.


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