Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Your Turn

Do you think voting matters?


Kim Kardashian said...

What an interesting topic for a dissertation! Of course, I'd have to get a BA before I start tackling this perplexing question, but you've definitely given me food for thought!

Kelly said...

Of course, well mostly. What an odd question.

Rosie riveter said...

Politics, Enty?
Ima nope the fuck outa here

Kim Kardashian said...

Remember that Your Turn where everyone got to ask me question? That was fun! Let's do that again!

Murphy said...

It does in the local stuff

LottaColada said...

Yes, let's rather do that.

@Kim, why do you hate your brother so much?

Leekalicious said...

Definitely it matters! It's also too bad it takes so long to vote them out again (ie. Rob Ford)

Beetlejuice said...

Like, voting for the new chip flavor from Lays? It matters there.

Unknown said...

not usually. the people are most powerful at the grassroots and local level, including municipal, county, and sometimes state. almost never federally.

@kim, best brand for foundation?

Kim Kardashian said...

Hi @Lotta! I hate Rob because he's a loser and a freeloader and he acts like a whiny little bitch. Khloe still has to give him an allowance because his "sock line" has yet to turn a profit

Meanie Rhysie said...'re saying Lady H is a troll??!!?? I knew it!!!

Cleodacat said...

Most certainly. It is your voice and the foundation of democracy. It amazes me that any given election year, less than 50% turn out. Yes it can be frustrating during the presidental elections, to know that Alaska's few votes really don't matter but the only way to change things is to remove the ellectoral college and allow for each person's vote. Bottom line: you really can't bitch unless you voted.

Kim Kardashian said...

Hi @T.E. Cuz! My makeup artist usually uses Tom Ford foundation and YSL powder

Anonymous said...

Voting does not matter IF u don't know what it is u r voting FOR. People have to educate themselves beyond the smarmy smile and BS talk of hungry politicians just wanting to get in office..

Bruce Jenner said...

I vote family first!

Has anyone heard from Brody?

Karen said...

@Kim Kardashian, why do you let Kanye dress you up in clothes that don't fit your shape, causing you to be the butt (haha) of jokes? It seems like he WANTS to embarrass you.

fontlover said...


Beetlejuice said...

Your contour is on point.

Unknown said...

@kim, cool. i usually use maybelline because i am a broke millennial.

Kim Kardashian said...

Hi @Karen! Ye loves my shape and he's so proud that I've lost (almost) all of the baby weight! I'm lucky that Ye has so many close friends in the fashion industry, and I love all of my outfits!

Anonymous said...

Its very important to start getting involved with your local government. Completely agree with u.

fontlover said...


Kim Kardashian said...

Thanks @Ray! The contour is courtesy of my Kardashian Beauty bronzer!

MISCH said...

Yes, especially with the Congress we have now.

Susan said...


I've never missed an election.

WareCat said...

I'm 30 & voted once in my life.
I was happy w/ the outcome.
I'd do it again.

Brody Jenner said...

I'm right here, dad! The surf was weak this morning; had to spend some extra time out there to catch one decent wave

Bruce Jenner said...

Hi Brody! I've had an off day, it seems Rob broke the Vitamix and you know how I cant function without my morning smoothie!

lucy said...

Yes. After the debacle that was the 2000 Presidential Election, I have to say it does.

Brody Jenner said...

What did he try to liquefy this time? Leftover In N Out again?

missbunny said...

Yes, but I keep my opinions of who to vote for largely off of facebook and gossip sites. Everyone should vote, that can, even if it's for yourself or Mickey Mouse. I believe in the concept of tacit consent, if you participate you have a voice. .. if you don't participate then you have consented to to majority rule and don't really have the right to complain.

Bruce Jenner said...

Brody, it was some of those leftover chicken wings you brought over a few nights ago!

Unknown said...

humor time:
"I have solved this political dilemma in a very direct way: I don't vote. On Election Day, I stay home. I firmly believe that if you vote, you have no right to complain. Now, some people like to twist that around. They say, 'If you don't vote, you have no right to complain,' but where's the logic in that? If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent politicians, and they get into office and screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You voted them in. You caused the problem. You have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote -- who did not even leave the house on Election Day -- am in no way responsible for that these politicians have done and have every right to complain about the mess that you created."

auntliddy said...

It matters hugely. If you think people dont care, think how glavanized to action people became when repubs started passing laws to restrict voting rights! That got people's attention!

Lord Disick said...

I have a question for you Kim. When is the wedding? Rob keeps telling me it's cancelled.

Kim Kardashian said...

Hi Scott! Shhh, it's a secret! Ye started leaking conflicting details to the media to confuse people. Don't worry, you're still invited! Rob's not, though

Eros said...

Nope our system of government and governing is broken. Leaders are chosen before the vote is cast in the higher offices, governorships, presidential.

missbunny said...

For those of you looking for new books: obligations or any essay by micheal walzer. Also Comrade Criminal, it's about the break down of the Soviet union and is very interesting lense to view the Olympics and the questions of political systems. .. I'm a bit of a nerd, but I'm not off topic ♥

Bruce Jenner said...

I have a question: what the hell was Rob thinking putting chicken wings in my juicer?

Kim Kardashian said...

Hi @Bruce! He was thinking "How can I make my ass even fatter?"

Bruce Jenner said...

Well I really thought he was trying to do better. This disappoints me.

Kim Kardashian said...

Bruce, I really think you need to do a "fat-tervention." I just talked to mom's PI; he said Rob has been on a bender all morning driving around to different fast food restaurants and throwing empty containers from his car. I can't believe he's a litterbug on top of everything else!

fontlover said...


Bruce Jenner said...

Kim are you serious? Kris hasn't told me anything which is nothing new but this is something I cant watch happen! I might need Brody to help with this one.

Kim Kardashian said...

Yes Bruce, it's true. The PI has a GPS on Rob's car, and he also has someone tailing Rob. That's how the PI keeps getting reports that Rob is throwing his empty containers out the window!

Brody Jenner said...

Anything I can do to help, Dad! I'm here for you!

Rob Kardashian said...

I've been in important business meetings all day and have had no time for this tomfoolery. I'm out there working, making deals and overseeing my sock empire and other endorsements. I have NOT been driving around littering fast food wrappers around LA. Perhaps Kris needs to get a new PI that would actually follow the RIGHT person. He obviously doesn't know who he's following around.

Bruce, I did not liquefy chicken wings or In-and-Out burger in your Vitamix. Kim is trying to bamboozle me and her fat ass isn't going to take me down. #kanyenevergonnamarryKim

Talk about a "fat-tervention"? Kim, you need a fashionectomy, STAT. #twopigsfightingunderablanket #whereisNori?

Khloe hasn't given me an allowance in months either so shut up, dirty whore.

Kim Kardashian said...

Rob, you're not fooling anyone. Please get help

Rob Kardashian said...

Like you'd ever be able to earn a BA, Kim. You actually have to study and be intelligent to earn a BA. I should know, I earned my business degree from USC, hooker.

Kim Kardashian said...

Bruce! Are you going to let your son talk to me like that?!

fontlover said...



Rob Kardashian said...

And your scary waxy face is courtesy of Dr. Simon Ourian.

RowdyRodimus said...

@missbunny if you like books about governments (and what will eventually cause their breakdown) there is a great book called The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin about the formation of the Federal Reserve you might enjoy.

Mary Ann said...

Yes. Especially local and state elections and non-Presidential-year elections. In my state, statewide elections have been decided by fewer than 100 votes.

crila16 said...

No. I wish it did...and it may have at one time...but with this government, not anymore.

BeckyMae said...

In Australia it's compulsory to vote and that doesn't bother me, I think voting is important and if someone doesn't they can just 'donkey vote'. Mind you with the incompetent asshat we have in power at the moment, I worry about the state of the nation! He make Dubya look like a Mensa member!!

OKay said...

Voting WOULD matter, if everybody actually did it. I think we should all be like Australia and force people to vote. At the very least, the will of the people would actually be how things go. Sorry to hear you guys suck, BeckyMae. LOL

AndrewBW said...

It matters to me.

__-__=__ said...

You vote in the local elections so asshats are kept out of higher office. They don't just step in and become President.

astrogirl said...

I used to think so, but all we get now are broken election promises. I hate Tony Abbott he is such a wanker

Aoife said...

If voting didn't matter they wouldn't be fighting so hard to stop some of us from doing it. Yes it's important.

Lawdy Miss Scarlett said...

YES! We must ensure our voting rights, and overturn Citizens United since it allows unlimited corporate spending on elections, or basically in some cases buying them.

Lawdy Miss Scarlett said...

YES! We must ensure our voting rights, and overturn Citizens United since it allows unlimited corporate spending on elections, or basically in some cases buying them.

Bunni said...

Is Obama the POTUS? Yes voting matters.


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