Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Blind Item #1

This celebrity offspring of a permanent A lister is a one time reality star. She is also the biggest crack head around but is not something that really shocks her family. The thing is she can barely function because she would rather smoke crack than eat and is killing herself.


FSP said...

Francesca Eastwood

ethorne said...

So as long as she eats, they're cool with the crack?

sandybrook said...

Bobbi Kristina

FSP said...

I like your guess better.

Candyland said...

I dunno FSP, I thought Francesca when I read this, too.

sandybrook said...

very sad guess though :(

Anonymous said...

Perhaps she should eat the crack. COMPROMISE. Everybody WINS!

Cecilia00 said...

Bobbi Kristina. I can not see Clint NOT being shocked at a crackhead daughter.

AsileM said...

Crack is Whack

Katie said...

Definitely Bobbi k. Bikini pics showed up on lsa a few days ago

Steampunk Jazz said...

Snap Crackle, pop. She'll eat when she wants.
Going with Francesca on this, Eastwood strikes me as a "wash his hands" kinda dad.

Zelda Zonk said...

Didn't Olivia Newton Johns daughter Chole have to apologize for making pro anorexic comments recently? She was on a singing competition reality show before

Candyland said...

Although after checking out those photos of Bobbi K...I didn't realize how emaciated she'd become.

Henriette said...

Bobbi K was on her parents' reality show, so I'm going with her. It seems all of the celeb spawn have eating disorders, drug problems, or a combination of both.

Bacon Ranch said...

Bobbi Kristina is in the DM today along with her father saying she's perfectly healthy.

Zelda Zonk said...

Wouldn't Bobbi K be a 2 time reality star with Being Bobby Brown and The Houston's On Our Own?

WritergirlinLa said...

Was thinking the same thing! Smoke up! Here's a sandwich!!!

Unknown said...

Maybe Ali Hilfiger? She has had well documented drug issues.

Anonymous said...

Im with Sandy

Sherry said...

Come on family, how about an intervention? Oh yeah, if it's Bobby Kristina then they'll get the $ when she dies. Horrible. Just horrible.

Remember what mama said, "Crack is whack!"

Beca said...

Bobbi K. There was an article about her in the daily mail today, about how thin she has gotten.

Unknown said...

all that money, all that potential to make a difference, to help the world... omg... please hollywood, i will be a much better actress/model/humanitarian/human being... give me a chance :'(

feraltart said...

Clint Eastwoid doesn't even gave the balls to break up with people. They just come home to find the locus changed. He did that to Frances a Fisher & she'd had his kid. So he had locked his child out as well. Arsehole.

shortyp333 said...

I am going with Nicole Richie

D'Money said...

I think the use of the word "permanent" says it all. It means this person will never be anything else but A list.... Whitney?....Bobbi K

Shocky said...


sheit_ur_duinit_wrawng! said...

My first thought was Nicole Richie too. She has become scary skinny again.

MadLyb said...

I'm going with Nicole since she was also my first thought.

Unknown said...

First time poster here. While I initially thought Nicole Ritchie, a little digging found that she was adopted by Lionel & his wife. Therefore, cannot be construed as "offspring."

Sprink said...

Welcome Craig. Adopted would still count here, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Yes...Welcome Craig...

Anonymous said...

And as for anyone else lurking / casually reading, comment, please. Your perspective is welcome.

Unknown said...

Fair enough. I will then stay with my instincts and select Nicole.

Btw....thank you.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

I too go with Nicole Ritchie.
Was my first thought so I'll go with it.
Plus, we already have heard she's not eating and her hubby poss cheating. That sounds like a "please pass the crack" act.
Or Tori Spelling.


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