Thursday, March 20, 2014

Blind Item #7

She is talking. The former B+ list mostly movie actress who got one big starring role and then was relegated to smaller roles because she had to be there to satisfy the whims of the man. Well, she is tired of him and tired of everything and she is talking. She knows absolutely everything. More than anyone else knows. When they make this a movie, and they will, I wonder if she will be alive to watch it.


  1. BLAAAAKE---in a Amy Winehouse voice

  2. Dun dun DUN!! Hey wait, is Enty intimating that she is in danger?

  3. Did Kelly Preston ever have a big role?

  4. Sorry, Blake is labelled as mostly television here.

  5. Ryans going to kill her. Like that movie with the better and more talented Ryan (Gossilin)-All Good Things.........

  6. @Skipper---true...\

  7. Katie just bc I really want to see this movie!!! But please don't kill her you crazy cult!

  8. What about Liz Hurley---big movie Austin Powers?!

  9. and I am listening......

  10. Dominique Swain/Enty

  11. RFK/Marilyn Monroe.

    Only way they would make a movie about Blake and Ryan is if he killed her.

    I think this has to do with someone who has a little more stroke. Producer, director, politician.

  12. Katie Holmes. Has to be someone on co $

  13. Whoever this is isn't just talking about her own marriage (so not Blake) but shocking Hollywood stuff. And sounds like someone older who has been around. The last line could refer to the age, instead of being killed.

  14. someone and Weinstein.

  15. Jane Fonda and Ted Turner?

  16. I think the Kelly Preston guess is an interesting one @Bacon. But, to your point, I can't for the life of me find "that one big starring role" to make her work.

    1. It was Secret Admirer, Candyland!

  17. Maybe Mia Farrow / Woody?

    1. I think Mia has already been talking for years.

  18. I was thinking Mira Sorvino in Woody Allen's "Mighty Aphrodite" but she wasn't a child, so I've got nothing.

  19. @leek interesting guess but she been talking a while now!

  20. Gretchen Moll?

    She's got kids, though, yes? May be too much for her to risk... hmmm...

  21. Wow! Throwback Thursday, TTM! Skipped right past it on IMDB. I'm thinking this is Kelly...

  22. Chicago as big movie,CZJ, MD as the man,and she'd know all the Douglas family issues.

  23. Please be Katie Holmes!!!!

  24. Katie Holmes did Batman then was not in anything else....

  25. Kelly is pure Scientology through and throughout she isn't going to talk…

  26. @Derek & texas

    Plus she would never do anything to make it worse for her kids.

    1. Leekalicious - she has fired all of her bullets. The hate between them has been palpable for years now. She isn't just now finally tired of him. Just think it doesn't fit.

  27. BAG and Megan? Although is that interesting enough to be a movie?

    1. Violet - she could fit but agree that not enough people care about BAG for it to be a movie.

  28. Not sure if Katie is mostly movie though???

  29. Just checked The List. Entry calls her B list mostly movie (Katie)

  30. Katie did alot of TV. Dont think its her but would make a great story if true

  31. @Lisssa: I think Katie's wooden performance had more to do with her not getting much work after BatMan than having to "satisfy whims".

  32. I'm with Violet. I think it's Megan Fox and BAG.

  33. Good point...I still want it to be her. Tom is a creepy dude and I want him exposed.. A girl can dream...

  34. I hope its Katie but I think its Kelly. She has more to talk about.

  35. Kelly Preston has never satisfied Travolta's whims, but her big role was Jerry Maguire. Katie Holmes got tired of GMD a long time ago. So it's got to be Blake.

  36. megan fox dishing on Michael bay. steven speilberg and the casting couch in general.. bag has his residual checks. the book will sell.

    1. Now that I would be interesting.

  37. I want it to be Kelly Preston so hard! She seems like such a hardass - bet she's spill EVERYTHING, and with a vengence.

  38. And hard hard hard hard. Because that's my word of the day, apparently.

    But just think - she could blow Scientology wide open!! I have no idea if she's a hardcore COS - if she is, then of course my guess is way off. But maybe she's just had it with the whole charade (please pronounce sha-rad).

  39. If CZJ started talking about the Douglases, it would be easy for them to discredit her (unfortunately) because of her mental health issues. There's probably a lot of dirt on her that they could dispense to make her seem drugged-up or, if not on her medication, manic/mentally unpresent/etc for the things that she claims to have seen and heard.

    I don't think John Travolta is violent or would allow his wife to be killed - he seems like a very sensitive (maybe troubled re: the gay rumors) person - and the tragic death of his son seemed to cause a crisis of faith. At least, we heard stirrings of that publicly. Kelly also has two children, one very young, and very few places to go - does she have non-COS friends and business contacts?

    I thought Blake but unless RyRy has something really dark the ominous tone doesn't match.

    Katie for me, then.

  40. I just had to come back and add: yes, Jerry Maguire was KP's "big role", but don't forget about her star turn as the mom in the Cat in the Hat movie. I know I'll never forget it - my youngest kid watched it like 150 times.

  41. Except she wasn't the female lead in Jerry McGuire. She basically had a few scenes showing what a bad girlfriend she was so you could appreciate Renée Zellweger's character by contrast. It was the same role Parker Posey played in You've Got Mail.

  42. I was thinking Denise Richards/Charlie Sheen. He has stopped paying child support/hush money. She no longer has anything to lose by telling all his secrets.

    1. Dammit Sean! Was going to guess that! I think Denise is fed up and ready to spill now. He kicked her and the kids asses to the curb out of pettiness, selfishness and pure spite. His violent antics, isms and porn habits will likely be revealed soon. I bet Denise is also rightfully mortified that Charlie will knock up yet another loser, whose kids she will inevitable be forced to care for one day. CS has both the disposition and means to hire someone to kill Denise.

    2. One big role= Bond girl. Well played, Sean!

  43. But Secret Admirer, for real! Her big ole head is the only thing on the movie poster!

  44. Seriously, though, Kelly was the female lead in Twins in 1988, a movie in 1989, and one in 1991 (the year she married John). And now I will quite obsessing about Kelly Preston and this BI.

  45. Denise Richards FTW. She may also come clean on the prostitution.

  46. I do like the Denise Richards guess.........

  47. But CS can't just stop paying for his kids, while he can sell the house that's a court ordered stipulation and while CS is many things he's not a complete idiot.

  48. What more could emerge about Charlie that he hasn't already made public himself?

    1. Its been hinted that Carlos enjoys very young girls.

  49. "What more could emerge about Charlie that he hasn't already made public himself?"

    Well, if these blinds are any indication
    Close friendships with drug cartel bosses.
    Child prostitution and porn.
    Serious violence towards women.

  50. If she had hardcore evidence of him being a pedophile, I dare say that would totally wreck his career, and I can see someone resorting to murder to keep something like that quiet. Having said that, I can't really guess on who the answer would be...

  51. It could be either Kelly or Denise spilling on that train wreck Sheen. Just remembered Kelly was shot by him. And must know about the kiddie porn crap. And Kelly also has Travolta and COS to throw in for a very spicy book!

  52. It's also been insinuated that Charlie not only enjoys young girls but also young boys.

    I'm pretty sure he would not want any of that coming out. Not that we know for sure if any of that is true.

  53. Zaza Gabor keeps comming to mind. Don't think it's Liza Manelli, but could be Denise Richards too.

  54. If it's Denise she can spill on not only wat CS did but everyone else that was involved as well. CS has many H'wood contacts that probably partied with him. If she is holding on to evidence and does not turn it over to police then she can be prosecuted as well. Knowing the LAPD and the Sheriff, I'm sure some of the evidence against big movers and shakers will be either "lost" or "misplaced". If he is doing more than fantasizing about underage girls I hope he gets maximum sentencing.
    That said I think Id rather hear Kelly's takedown of the CO$.

  55. Never thought of Liza. Big hit was Caberet. She's been around for forever. I bet she's forgotten more than we will ever know. She's been through several eras. Would love to get her just drunk enough to get her talking. I bet she's got fascinating stories.

    I don't think Zsa Zsa because I think she's on enough drugs to make sure her brain isn't working so her husband can raid her accounts and steal her money. I MHO he's a sleaze bucket. That's what I've read in the gossip mags. Hopefully her assets are in a trust where her needs are being met and no one can raid her money or take and or sell her possessions.

  56. LOVE the Denise Richards guesses!!! I was reading comments & not really feeling Blake it Kelly because how dark the tone was... Denise though... Something happened / she found out some shit. Their divorce came abrupty when she was preggo with 2nd daughter. It was instantly ugly. Who's divorce agreement includes & stipulations of NEVER being allowed around your own children unsupervised EVER?

  57. With Wild Things or Bond for her big hit...

  58. Agree with Denise guess. And THIS is why she took his other kids in when Brooke couldn't care for them. Because she (Denise) wouldn't be able to live with herself if he harmed those kids, too. Girl, you in trouble...

  59. My first thought was Kate Capshaw/Steven Spielberg.

  60. This does sound like Denise Richards. Didn't Corey Feldman drop clues that led people to think that it was Charlie Sheen that abused him and Corey Haim?

  61. Elisha Cuthbert and Harvey Weinstein. Gretchen Mol got tossed to the curb ages ago.

  62. I'm hedging my bets on Denise, but inside I'm praying this is Katie and she is about to blow the lid on Tom & Co$. Where the hell is Jenna Miscavige?!?!?

  63. Whoever this is - hire some round the clock bodyguards and SPILL!

  64. I do like the CZJ guess but the Denise Richards guess is good too.
