Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Blind Item #8

This former star of an old FOX tween drama who is now a B lister got into a big fight with another no name actress on the set of her show which is somehow still on the air. The no namer lost her extensions in the fight and her job. The two won't talk about what set off the fight but there was actual blood spilled on both sides.


FSP said...


sandybrook said...

If they are both no name actresses how can one be a B-lister?

VIPblonde said...

Rachel Bilson

sandybrook said...

Mischa Barton to be different. She seems like the type to throw down.

Sugar said...

Who held onto the earrings?

Unknown said...

Remember the show The Heights?
How do you talk to an angel........

auntliddy said...

Id like to propose ban on extensions and hairpieces. Its disgusting when they fall out. My sons family went to overnight trip to indoor waterpark, and the water was rife with hair pieces, extensions, and other hair yutz. Now that I find disgusting. Not to mention an obvious liability in a fight.

Sugar said...

another saucer of milk for the FOX table!

Leekalicious said...

Ouchie to the pulled-out hair extensions.

Violet said...

I'm trying hard to fit someone from Glee into this but failing miserably.

VIPblonde said...

@Derek Yep!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Yeah, I remember that show Derek.

Didn't last long. I think it started in the fall and was off the air by Christmas

Unknown said...

thanks VIP --that song always brings a tear to my eye!
I think buddy dated Tori for a while---wonder what happened to him. He was suppose to be the next Jeremy Jordan or BAG...

Jason Blue Eyes said...

He released a solo album the same time Alanis released jagged little ill. Dude never stood a chance. All MTV played was Alanis that year.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

*Jagged Little PILL I mean,

Sherry said...

I was wondering the same thing Sandy. No clue..Don't watch Fox.

VIPblonde said...

Jamie Walters ended up the same way Ray Pruitt would have: as a fireman in the Valley

sandybrook said...

After re-reading it seven times its just another poorly written blind Sherry. Instead of another no name actress it should say this no name actress. That way it makes more sense and makes the show The O.C. for the B-lister.

Unknown said...

The chick from Herman's Head and....

No clue, I just wanted to let everyone know my age...

Anonymous said...

Liddy, I'm sorry, I find this disgusting AND funny... :))

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Jamie Walters a cop now or something like that...I remember him doing that Scott Baio Reality Show on VH1, I used to be famous...only watched an episode

sarah.estell said...


rajahcat said...

+1 on the stupid extensions etc...

ItsCourtneyD said...

@jason blue eyes jagged little ill works too. She was ill throughout the whole album.

SugarTitz said...

Jagged little dill. Dick. Prick. Lick. Zit. Zits? ?
Jagged little Titts. Would be Selena.
Jagged little Wits. Would be Jaden.

kpist said...

I agree with Bilson, the actress that plays Tansie has disappeared, real name Mircea Monroe

Sherry said...

Brent Vassar I know the show well...Sad for me!

anon said...

Is Rachel Bilson that tough? She doesn't seem like an asskicker to me.

Kpist - Tansie hasn't disappeared - she was on the last episode. That actress is also on Episodes.

Basil said...

This sounds like something that would make the news. Were police called? Bet there is going to be a lawsuit in the near future.

Bebedog said...

Rachel Bilson and Antoinette Robinson on Hart of Dixie. Rachel kicked her ass because she is doing Wilson Bethal, while still bearding for Hayden . Antoinette was getting to close to him.


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