Thursday, March 13, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

November 30, 2013

This B- list mostly movie actress who is rated that high only because of some name recognition is married. Apparently her husband waited until after their recent marriage to explain his kink to her. Now they take turns with the ball gag and the whips. She has really pale skin so you know its going to leave a mark.

Evan Rachel Wood


Violet said...

Well, that was bait of luck for Jamie that she was in to it too.

TalksTooMuch said...

I cannot see that phasing her. And it was a super fast marriage, right? 15 minutes ago I was reading an article where she was all about the ladies, me and the writer thought it was for attention, but we may be just cynical

Karen said...

He should have told her before they got married, but good for them if they're both into the same things.

sandybrook said...

Shes kinky. I bet she used her strap on on Marilyn Manson when they were together.

Seven of Eleven said...

Aw, 50 Shades of Meh!

WritergirlinLa said...

So Billy Elliot is kinky now. Hmmm. She dated Marilyn Manson. Why is this even a blind?!

NaughtyNurse said...

I would have been more shocked if she WASN'T into his kink.

Unknown said...

Interesting to me how young people are getting into kink. If "regular" sex is getting that boring that young, what are you going to do when the kink does not do it anymore.

NaughtyNurse said...

Hm. Interesting observation, Tina. I hadn't thought about that. I think there is something to it. We are breeding a younger generation who need constant stimulation, whether it's tech or drugs or BDSM.

rajahcat said...


Count Jerkula said...

Hot. I would throw a beating on her.

Anonymous said...

She's bi & into freaky stuff herself...she was with Manson also

Sherry said...

How does this sort of thing get out of their bedroom?

Grown ups and consenting adults and all..

Tori said...

There's nothing wrong with discovering your kinks sooner rather than later. Tastes can also develop or change over time. Save the judgment for your bedroom, not someone else's.

Kelly said...

I always think of how he said a man's job is knowing how to use his tongue on a woman.

Count Jerkula said...

Question fo a betch:

How long into a relationship before you tell someone what the kinks are? Second date, before sex? First time banging blurt out "Choke me and pull my hair!" Just leave kinky shit around the house when they come over, so they get the hint?


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