Friday, March 14, 2014

Four For Friday - Traditional

I love Fridays. It is the best day of the week. It is the best night of the week to go out. If you go out on Saturday then Sunday can be a recovery day and the next thing you know you are back at work. If you rest all day Saturday you still have Sunday to enjoy. Anyway, I know I owe you all the updated list with all the names and it will be coming tomorrow. There were just too many names for me to finish it by today. If you can't make it here tomorrow, then don't worry because there will be a link somewhere on the sides of the site for you to easily access it. I hope you all had a great week and I know I don't tell you enough, but I do appreciate all of you. If you would like to follow me on Twitter I am @entylawyer

#1 - Two weeks later and not a peep about this A list mostly movie actress being in rehab. I wonder if she will make it the whole 30 days without anyone noticing.

#2 - This C list mostly television actress on a long running hit network show is in a position to move to B and then A in a matter of months. She is petrified that someone is going to discover she is gay. Literally shakes about it.

#3- This B- list mostly television actress from a hit network ensemble show took two days off from filming last week to have a procedure. Yep, the one you think I'm saying. The producer who got her pregnant said his wife would never understand.

#4- AP saw coke mom at a party last week and coke mom was back to her old coke snorting tricks. Did you know she doesn't have custody of her kid(s). That is a good thing.


  1. I can hardly wait for the comments after the list gets posted tomorrow.

  2. Amanda saw what?? Where's the poster that is working with Coke Mom right now??

  3. Is Enty going to reveal Coke Mom now that he's hit 20K followers?

    1. Karen, I am only at 19,993. I still need 7 more followers.

    2. Twitter says you have 20K :)

  4. What names will be listed, I must have missed that.

    1. msgirl - earlier this week enty asked people to submit names of celebs and they will put them on a ratings list. Not sure if it will also explain rational or just a listing.

  5. We haven't seen much of JLaw recently
    #4 w/o custody of kids CZJ? Or one of Charlie's exes z?

  6. JLaw hasn't really done TV has she? I think she was in that MTV commercial years ago but that's the only thing.

    1. She used to be on one of those cheesy comedies on TBS. I think the one with Bill Engvall.

  7. She started off on Tv on Bill Engvalls show Ms.girl

  8. Oh I see that she did TV.

  9. Oh, cannot wait for the bitch fest that is sure to happen on the List post. LOL

    1. Meanie - I'm sure there will be people shitting bricks about it. Hopefully no one will stroke out:)

  10. coke mom is Deborah Messing

  11. If it was JLaw wouldn't the description include academy award winner/ nominated?

  12. Jlaw is working on Mockingjay

    what about Emma Stone for 1

  13. Yes!! @Karen, we NEED a reveal!!!

  14. 1. AJ
    2. Sarah Hyland

  15. Yeah JLaw is still filming so not her.

    texas rose - ohhhh this should be interesting!

  16. That's a classic @TexasRose! As far as the blinds, I ain't got nothing yet.

  17. Angelina is considering more preventative surgery for cancer.......

    could that be a cover?

    1. I like this guess. Something is up with ange lately. Cant put my finger on it though. I chucked it up to relationship problems but maybe its drugs.

  18. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Alot of people in the Arts & in the industry are that I am older & work in the industry, and know what some people go through, I'm rather disapppointed with Jodi Foster...I had the opinion that what you speak about of your private life is up to you, but Jodi could've really been a trail blazer...

  19. #teamweekend

  20. This post sounds like OG Enty.

  21. @entyonamobile, thanks for the info!

  22. As you get older, arch support becomes more important. I love my Born boots. It's a jeans and boots Friday for Charlie.

    1. @oneeyecharlie it's a pajamas hangover Friday for courtney

    2. Yay for jammies. Sometimes Jammie days are the best.

      Boo for hangover. No good for Courtney's smile.

    3. @oneeyecharlie I survived. Was feeling all better by 5pm so I got cleaned up and went back at it! And I must have raised my tolerance cause I feel fine this morning. Go figure!

  23. #2 - Shailene Woodley?

  24. i like that guess^^^^

  25. I'm still with America's farting Cookie Monster for 1.
    2. Someone from Glee.
    3. Messing

  26. I like the Shailene guess for #2 but I kind of see her as someone who wouldn't be afraid to be openly gay.
    #3 someone from Glee?
    #4 Debra Messing
    *where is urg8urg or however you spell it? Isn't she with coke mom right now?

  27. Divergent is about to make her a very big deal.......I can see her not wanting to be outed right now if her

    1. I think Shailene is at least B list after Descendants. She has already done interviews about being attracted to a person not a man or woman so don't think she is 'shaking' about being outed. She basically already said she is bi.

  28. Messing supposedly has joint custody, although legal rights and physical reality may differ.

    Anna Belle - while there are some societal considerations the major reason for managements not letting their clients come out is the international marketplace - which now represents 50% of revenues. If movies made their money on the liberal American coasts it wouldn't be an issue. However, in some of the major international markets gays are as likely to be stoned (and I don't mean non-prescription drugs) as hugged. Unfortunate but true.

  29. Shailene said she'd be open to whomever. Doubt it's her. But Maggie Q is also in Divergent.

  30. Is coke mom Tea Leoni? I hope not but it all fits.

  31. I thought someone from Glee for 3 too.
    Debra for 4.

  32. Anonymous10:48 AM

    @DBrown-I understand, Jodi was trying to be a leading lady & get her career going again after college...she was never photographed with men or women, but even after her Oscar & when she was pregnant she could of come out, she was at the top of her career then, people that I know, older than me, state it was common knowledge in the industry she was gay & who her partner was

  33. don't think Maggie Q is going to be A anytime soon though

  34. I just followed @entylawyer on twitter and it says he now has 20,000 followers. Now spill the beans on Coke Mom. Pretty please. With sugar on top.

  35. I was thinking Hyland for the abortion one.

  36. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Messing is coke see her shrink on Will & Grace and it was during the show run that her nose became weird & very small...not to mention to rep for be a stark raving b*tch

  37. Mayim Bailik for closeted actress

  38. Also think #1 is AJ eros

  39. 1- Emma stone
    2. Mayim- biyalik- maybe.

    3. Sarah Hyland and her new bewbs.
    4. Coke mom Debra messing.

  40. I'm getting a PLL vibe off #2. I'm guessing Lucy Hale. Her new (albeit awful) album is out & she has a HIMYM gig. Or maybe Sasha or someone else that's getting a bigger role next season? Meh.

  41. I'm thinking #2 is a TV actress that was just offered a major film role or who has a major film coming out. Oh shit, what about the Revenge girl? She's in Captain America 2.

  42. I like the Emma Stone guess for #1. She and Andrew Garfield skipped the Oscars because of a "family emergency," right?

  43. Lucy Hale is also a good guess - she recently had a hosting gig with Darren Criss so it seems like she's trying to gain exposure. I have to think that her teen crowd is the same crowd that enjoys/ed Glee and those Glee fans are pretty accepting if not fetishizing of gay people.

  44. Tracy Spiridakos from Revolution for #2

  45. #2: Emily Van Camp/Captain America: Winter Soldier?

  46. I've officially surpassed 20,000 followers on Twitter. I know I don't tell you enough, but I do appreciate all of you. As promised, I owe you a big reveal. Email me at and let me know if you want the Coke Mom reveal, the MV reveal, or another one of your favorites. The first blind to 100 email requests will be revealed.

    1. Wooooohoooo! Tequila time! Congrats!

    2. MV MV MV MV!!!

      If I send 100 emails, does that count, or does it have to be 100 individual emails?

    3. LOL
      BIG moves for Enty! 20k followers PLUS his OG blog on 2 1/2 Broke Girls was cited in the CDaN bible!!! PS- Hey back at ya, 7!

      Enty Made It!

    4. Reveal who that C lister celebrity with A+ name recognition is! Or that B list singer with Z list talent!

    5. Come on enty - don't change the rules now. First it was 20000 twitter followers and then now first to 100 emails. When you get 100 emails will it be an almost reveal with more clues?

    6. I will be so mad if the 20K is an almost or half reveal. Seriously, I will remove E from my twitter if that crap falls down.

  47. I've always been 100% that Courtney Cox is Coke Mom. Debra Messing had a skinny nose all the time. Courtney got her weird plastic job right at the time Enty posted about... but I could be wrong. I'm horrible at these things.

  48. but doesn't Courtney have custody?

  49. who should the reveal be????

  50. At this point, I'm not sure I even care about MV or Coke Mom!

  51. I vote MV. I don't remember the Coke mom blinds so I'm clueless there.

  52. MV! MV!! EmmmmmmVeeeeeeeee!!!

  53. i have a case of the dumbs. what is MV?

  54. @Rose MV = Milli Vanilli blind. A long time pop star who has never done her own singing.

  55. I always thought "Entyonamobile" was Canoper or one of those alts because it appeared at the same time as "Libbyonamobile" plus other CDaN- frequent-posters-onamobile handles.

    Back to being confused.

    1. @Slap n Tickle I'm with you. Thought it was fake ala Libby's troll. Enty would have said something on Twitter if we were close to a reveal.

    2. Entyonamobile is definitely not Enty, and is definitely a CDaN troll!

      I thought people were just being funny by interacting, but now I'm not so sure!

  56. @texas rose - that's why I think entyonamobile is punking us.

  57. Tea Leoni for coke mom?

  58. oh and Revenge is not long running is it?????

  59. What about Rachel McAdams for #1? She just dropped out of that Keanu movie, and where has she been lately? Is she considered A list?

  60. I already sent an email. I don't think enty will count the ones posted on this thread.

    1. #teamthanksforthetip

  61. No!!! Someone's punking us??? I sent an email, too, @Lotta. :(

  62. @anna belle, please tell me more... i always feel like the lgbt crowd gets exposure and support from h'wood and much of the audience so that #2 blind doesnt make sense to me.

    i dont think its a PLL because a character on the show is lesbian and the audience is pretty receptive to it. I dont think it's glee because that show makes its whole story on same-sex relationships and attractions.

    what project is sarah hyland going to take that will push her to A? i think shay is doing well being golden-globe nominated, starring with george clooney and now starring in her own movie - she's not a C.

  63. #4 coke mom= bridget monahon-- giselle and tom always have kid, never ever see her with him

  64. I really want MV to be someone interesting and mind blowing........

    someone nobody has guessed...

  65. I'm hoping it's MV too. It's about time!

    @georgie - just saw a pic last week online (somewhere) of Bridget Moynahan and her son.

  66. I also liked that Rachel McAdams guess.......where is she anyway?


    Oh my goodness my husband is in trouble... hmm now where can I accidently-on-purpose run in to her...?!

  68. rehab actress is not Emma Stone

    photo from yesterday smooching spiderman in lalaland

  69. 1) Emma Stone, publicist releasing old photos as current;
    2) Emily Van Camp, total PR relationship with co-star;
    3) Someone from Scandal, Glee or Modern Family;
    4) Tea Leoni (probably not drugs but mental health problems though), Debra Messing or Bridget Monynahan

  70. Yeah, that's not really Enty.

  71. Hey everyone! Work is hard y'all.

    Missed being able to go OT with Charlie, fight being a troll with Ponytail (or whatever happened there!) and defend our mother hen TTM.

    Hugs all...

  72. Reno - Entyonamobile may or may not be OG Enty, but at least we know the email is legit (same as one we send reader photos to). Soooooo, maybe the real Enty will react and give us some 20,000 Twitter followers blind lovin' tomorrow!

  73. Stone
    Van Camp
    Glee kid sounds right. Or Modern Family. Ugh.

    MV is Brit Brit, I thought...

  74. MV it's been forever but I thought enty couldn't legally reveal this! I've always thought it was JLo.

  75. "I'm still with America's farting Cookie Monster for 1."


    On Emma Stone, one, did she do TV work? Two, Enty recently said, "You can't go wrong liking her."

  76. To those that say Mayim for being gay. The woman nursed a 4 year old, openly on a subway ... somehow I don't think what others think about her worries her that much

  77. I hope Enty reveals the starlet who did a porn as soon as turning 18, but the guy fucked up and forgot to switch to the second tape (Mini Digital VHS, I guess), so the thing got botched, and she was/is getting shaken down. I'm still guessing Minka Kelly & Ed Powers. At this point a tender young sex tape would be about the only thing that could put life into her career.
