Friday, March 28, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Bill Murray and his PBR pants get the top spot.

Bella Thorne filming her new movie.
Cat Deeley out shopping with her husband.
Charlize Theron headed to the airport.
Some of the Downton Abbey cast a charity event.
David Beckham wandering through an airport.
Damian Lewis on set  filming his latest project.
Emmy Rossum with her daily pap shot.
Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield in Singapore.


Jessi said...

Hot damn Becks is fine! He knows how to dress. The sunglasses hanging off his tight T, purrrr!

sandybrook said...

Look at Charlize rocking Chuck Taylor's !
I thought Bill Murray preferred Old Style not PBR?

Seven of Eleven said...

I have no idea why, but Damian Lewis gives me the creeps.

Run, Charlize, RUN!

Downton! <3

I feel like Becks and Emmy Rossum are the new Jessicas and Klum. I don't even know what Emmy has starred in.

Cleodacat said...

Damian is looking good. I don't know why but the Bella girl irks me.

Violet said...

Oh Bill. even in those trousers you are amazing.
Becks is not being seen with Posh much these days - is he trying to escape her daily sexual advances I wonder.

LottaColada said...

Am i supposed to know who Cat Deely is?

Violet said...

@Lotta - Cat is Patrick Kielty's wife. What more is there to know?

Count Jerkula said...

Charlize is looking rough, but I figure a couple minutes in make up will do the trick

Chick w/ Bill Murray



loopymommy said...

Hiya, @Seven!

I agree about Damian Lewis. Some gingers are so adorable (Simon Pegg, Rupert Grint, Prince Harry nearly every day) while others are, uh, a tad bit creepy (Damian Lewis, David Caruso, Prince Harry in full Nazi regalia).

Kelly said...

@Lotta She's the host of So You Think You Can Dance and she's awesome!

Anonymous said...

I can never look at Garfield in a suit without remembering Justin timberlake calling his suits RIDICULOUS in the SOCIAL NETWORK movie.

" come in here with your ridiculous suits..."
"...guess what I read about you on the internet? (Mouths SLOWLY) NOOOTHING..."

Love that movie.

Harry Knuckles said...

Does anybody know who the girl with Bill Murray is? Very pretty.

Cat Deeley with her lovely smile.

Charlize all butched up for her flight.

Beckham is seriously loaded yet he always dresses like a slob.

Possum tits. Still waiting on Possum pussy. What seems to be the hold up, Emmy?

I fucking knew Emma and Spiderman were faking it. I've been saying all along that they are both gay and bearding for each other and everybody was all "shut the fuck up Harry you think everybody is gay". Well, who needs to shut the fuck up now?

Anonymous said...

Emmy was a park avenue princess, she did the movie version of Phatom of the Opera & thought she was gonna be a didn't happen that way...she was supposed to be after a famous boyfriend for a while, but it doesn't seem like that has worked out, she thinks she would be a star if she had one. She got on Shameless & William Macy, who I love, can not stand her or her attitude along with the rest of the cast & crew.

B626 said...


Sherry said...

AnnaBdelle..Someone told the story of how WHM told her off in front of everyone cast and crew for being a snotty bitch. Ha!

Seven of Eleven said...

@loopy, spot on with the gingers! Prince Harry in Nazi regalia? WTH?

@Dizzel, thank you - that's on my to watch list!

aemish said...

Guys, I googled PBR in an effort to decode this mystery after reading it here twice now and all I could come up with is Pabst Blue Ribbon

Please explain!

Dena said...

She bugs me, so yay on the intel! Love WHM, hope he's one of the good ones.

Dena said...

His pants have the Pabst Blue Ribbon logo on them.

Anonymous said...

Pabst Blue Ribbon is cheap beer, the logo is all over Bill's pants.

aemish said...

oh, Duh! haha :p

Nice, Bill. I happen to love those pants with or without the logo :D

headrot said...

if i had Bill Murray's PBR pants, not only would I be thrilled to absorb the essence of Murray's awesomeness, but i would have a complete PBR outfit, accessorized with PBR countrified belt buckle.

nah, not really. but it's possible.

headrot said...

i will totally take damien lewis, especially since ya'll think he's creepy, he is super hot.

MissInfo said...

The chick with Bill is Lindsey Boetsch. Weather reporter in Florida.

Mama Abroad said...

He creeps me out too. Small beady eyes and oft pursed lips are what do it for me

califblondy said...

Owen on Grey's Anatomy is the first ginge to get me going.

Cindy said...

I had no idea Cat Deely was gay. Her wife is kinda cute, in a Justin Beiber-ish kinda way.

Iknowpeople said...

There is a better photo of Bill in those amazing shorts with a war vet to whom he gave an all-terrain wheelchair yesterday at Caddyshack Golf Tournament. The chairs cost $12k or more.

BeckyMae said...

Now we have MORE evidence that Bill Murray is an IRL superhero...

Bill Murray Stops Robbery

Lady Heisenberg said...


He is known to be the greatest of party crashers and allegedly even washed the dishes once...

Murray proves yet again that he sure knows how to dress to impress (the hip young college bunch). Love him. Who remembers "What About Bob?!" Can't. Contain. Murray-love.

I drink Stone but cheers to all my

Leekalicious said...

@Iknowpeople What an awesome present. Perfect gift. I've read that Bill M. is a really good golfer.

aemish said...

High 5 @Lady H and all Bill Murray supah fans :p

Count Jerkula said...

PBR's motto should be "Atleast it aint Bud".

Kelly said...

"Baby step onto the elevator. Baby step onto the elevator." "I'm in the elevator."

Unknown said...

Love Michelle Dockery's dress. Anyone know the label, designer?

Lady Heisenberg said...

Right back atcha! Here are four more awesome Murrmemes for Friday!!!





Lady Heisenberg said...

@Rebecca: She is wearing Oscar de la Renta

Lady Heisenberg said...


Unknown said...

@Lady---love my PBR! xo

Lady Heisenberg said...

Yay! Derek is back! I think I may need a drink! Earthquake scared the bejesus out of me - I was in the bath tub! Yikes, hope no one was hurt

Anonymous said...

@Lady H, Me too!!! I'm in Anaheim. My final words will be profanities in an earthquake-end situation.

Lady Heisenberg said...

@cocoa; so glad no casualties reported. Holeeee shit.

keeshlo said...

It lasted a long time! Keep waiting for the aftershocks!

Anonymous said...

Can I get you a drink, @Lady H?

Anonymous said...

How you doing, @keeshlo? I'm a little spooked. Gonna think happy thoughts now...

Lady Heisenberg said...

HELL YES, let me get ready first @cocoa

Lady Heisenberg said...

Oh no @keeshlo! Did the aftershocks get you?!?

Lady Heisenberg said...

We will be ok @cocoa. Whenever I start to freak out about these things, I always follow my Daddy's advice: never paint the ghosts on the wall until they are there. Let's just hope the worst is over and stay positive until we have reason not to! Good night everyone & hugs to everyone in Southern California who got spooked!

Anonymous said...

Good night, all! Whew!

Kristin Wigs said...

Don't worry Lady H, Cocoa. That rumbling was just @Sugar deadlifting parts of CA in search of the Efron letter writer:/ Keep it down, Sugar.

dee said...

Bill in Little Shop of Horrors was my turn on to his majestic hotness. I love you Bill.

Hope all you LA locals are ok x

keeshlo said...

Thanks for the positives lady h & cocoa! After posting I just shut down & went to bed! No after shocks after ambien!

Lady Heisenberg said...

Yay!!! Signs of life from keeshlo!! And thanks to Wiglet for making me laugh my ass off first thing in the morning

iknowpeople said...

He loves to golf. The Caddyshack tournament is a great event he and his brothers host in St Augustine every March. It benefits firefighters and is a two-day party with lots of fun celebrities, ah I mean "entertainers."


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