Friday, March 07, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Steven Spielberg and Ed Burns co-directing a movie.

Emma Watson hanging out with a friend in London.
The Olsen twins hit Fashion Week in Paris.
Hilaria Baldwin shows Alec his birthday present.
Heidi Klum wanders through the airport.
Johnny Depp borrowed the hat from Samuel L Jackson.
Chris O'Dowd and James Franco flank Leighton Meester while promoting their new play.
Jake Gyllenhaal in Rome after eating dinner with a blonde woman.


Seven of Eleven said...

Franco, get your Batmilk self away from my boo Chris O'Dowd. I have fingernails and I'm not afraid to use them.

Whatever, Hiliariaaaa! Dogs aren't brake and gas pedals, brain trust.

TalksTooMuch said...

LOVE Chris O'Dowd!!! Yay!!

Yuck, Hilaria, is that really necessary?? And kennel those puppies, that's not safe! And then get off my lawn. Grumblegrumble

TalksTooMuch said...

Hee hee hee, Seven, sometimes I swear we share a brain!

Seven of Eleven said...

@TTM, look at us grumping about the same things at the same time! Get off our lawns!

TalksTooMuch said...

BWAHAHAHA, and we're still doing it!!

Seven of Eleven said...

LOL, we are good!

Violet said...

Chris O'Dowd group love. Think I will go and binge watch some IT Crowd.

Count Jerkula said...

Looks like Hilaria can lick herself. Sweet.

Unknown said...

Oh God, Hilaria just seems so fucking desperate.

Jacq said...

Congrats, Enty, on correct use of the word "flanking"

headrot said...


also, johnny's hat is much more spike lee. unfortunately, johnny is doing the wrong thing :(

Jillian said...

I always wondered what Alec saw in Hilaria. Now I know.

canadachick said...

boy hilarious isnt going away any time soon.....she reeks of desperation

Steampunk Jazz said...

I knew she was a yoga instructor but seeing is...tmi about her marriage.. My brain is now in a very dark place...
Is Spielberg directing another Raiders? The clothes look rather 40's.

Unknown said...

Is Jake Gyllenhaal still supposed to be gay? Straight? Is he just trying to keep it all private?

Anonymous said...

WOw. Today has been a day of MUSTS for me. MUST stop smoking. MUST start running. MUST learn Hilaria's lil trick.
Life can only improve mastering that trifecta.
She is over sharing though. I mean in the comfort of your own home in the midst of a drunken party u look like the belle of the ball, but in the front of an SUV with two "over it" pupps is a bit desperate.

TalksTooMuch said...

Right, fancy?? A well-timed cartwheel in the middle of a bachanalia can be a good way to liven up the crowd, but this just looks sad

Anonymous said...

TTM that is something that should only b shared whilst cocktailing.

I mean...if u MUST. Lol


Sherry said...

My thoughts exactly. Try hard much Hilaria? Boy that's pathetic.

Leighton Meester seems very pleased to be next to O'Dowd. I don't think it's Franco you have to worry about Seven.

That Ho Amber bugs me worse that Asslee. She even got a notice in the H'wd issue of Vanity Fair, saying Texas couldn't hold her. Riiight..

Ri said...


auntliddy said...

Yeah, wtf hillaria?

sheit_ur_duinit_wrawng! said...

I'll second third and fourth the WTF HILARIA. That is just idiotic. We get it that you are a yoga instructor. What was the set up for the pap to get that picture? She is just the person to send Alec raging over the edge. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they go at it in a fight over her stupid pap attention whore antics. He despises them and she goads them. Cretin.

sheit_ur_duinit_wrawng! said...

I'll second third and fourth the WTF HILARIA. That is just idiotic. We get it that you are a yoga instructor. What was the set up for the pap to get that picture? She is just the person to send Alec raging over the edge. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they go at it in a fight over her stupid pap attention whore antics. He despises them and she goads them. Cretin.

Seachica said...

Amber Heard is incredibly boring looking. I couldn't pick her out of a line of starlets if it killed me.

Anonymous said...

Stop me if Im wrong but Hilaria is bit..mental case. mmm thinking. alec baldwin.. hilaria.. yes!!she is mental

sandybrook said...

Hilaria is capable of eating herself out if she needs it ok good night.

Trashaddict said...

It's really scary when you start thinking like the Count- AAAIIEEEE!

PotPourri said...

Hilaria, you are DISGUSTING! Why would you show someone in public you can do that? What trash!

Johnny Depp, please burn that hat.

Lucas said...

I'm sure this will start a shitstorm, but while you're whining about Hilaria how many of you have coughed up the $ to see Cirque du Soleil? Then quitcherbitchin.

Aoife said...

If Mrs Alec Baldwin is doing that yoga position in public things must be really bad on the home front. Showing what you do in the privacy of your bedroom in the front seat of a car is, how do I say it, tacky.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Hilaria, just stop it. Even your dogs are embarrassed!

But seriously, that photo is a tutorial. It was taken to show Alec Baldwin how to pull his head out of his ass!

Anonymous said...

it's so annoying when u do this. What does your comment even MEAN? Cirque du Soleiling in the front seat of an SUV is an act of desperation PERIOD.

But what should I expect from MENSTRUAL MAN.

Maggie said...

That is the reason alex stays with hilaria.

Maggie said...

That is the reason alex stays with hilaria.

Leekalicious said...


Hilaria may have FINALLY got Alec's attention with this stunt. I think he thought with Hilaria he thought he would get a nice non-industry (non-competitive) wife who happens to be a contortionist. That fact may have kept Alec's attention for a good long time. I wouldn't want to be her when he sees this picture. He is still smarting from the bad parenting / Ireland thing, and now, his wife embarrassing him like this? Keep your party tricks to yourself, Hilaria.

TalksTooMuch said...

I should not have laughed, fancy, but I totally did

Lucas said...

@Fancy - but you don't know the context. She could have been just sitting there when someone asked if she could do that and she obliged. Which would actually kinda be a nice thing to do. I mean, if paps are going to be there you may as well try to make it as non-confrontational as possible, right? I dunno. I just saw the photo as her having a bit of fun.

And if implying that I am somehow womanly is supposed to be an insult you should take a good hard look at yourself. Since you are in essence saying there's something wrong with being a woman, which you are.

TalksTooMuch said...

We're gonna need a sense of humour to Randoms 4, please! With a side of "it's too early". Thanks!

Anonymous said...

TTM, do you ever sleep?

TalksTooMuch said...

X X X, I don't believe we know each other well enough to talk about my sleeping habits. Unless you're under a new name?

Rhody said...

I met Ed Burns a few years ago at a dinner party. He was so nice (and so handsome).
Hilaria has posted about 30 selfies too many. I love Alec but every time she posts a pic of them together I think of how their divorce will play out in the media when it eventually implodes.

Leekalicious said...

Someone is jealous of TTM! I've never seen her post a mean thing about or to anyone, except celebs.

Leekalicious said...


Alexa Rose said...

Hilaria makes me feel really bad for her with her cries for attention.

keokuk said...

Doesn't that look like Zach Galafanakis with Jake??

KittyKatMeow said...

Hilaria is ridiculously embarrassing...jeesh

putchka said...

Man, Alec. Another fine mess you got yourself into.


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