Saturday, March 08, 2014

Tina Fey Didn't Want To Include Lindsay Lohan In Mean Girls Reunion

Lindsay Lohan was not Tina Fey's first choice to star in Mean Girls and Tina is not a fan of Lindsay at all. When news broke this week that Tina was planning a Mean Girls reunion the story was that Lindsay ran into Tina Fey and Tina told Lindsay about the reunion. That is not exactly what happened. Apparently another cast member from the movie told someone on Jimmy Fallon's staff who then confirmed it with Tina Fey and Tina and Lindsay had a phone call because Tina was cornered and had no choice. Tina hates that the movie is always associated with Lindsay Lohan like Lindsay was the only actress in the movie. Lindsay's fans always point to the movie as an example of great acting by Lindsay. No, it was great writing and she got to play herself and wasn't whacked out on drugs 24/7 and thinking highly of herself. Justin Timberlake looks great on SNL and doing skits with Fallon but he is not a good actor. There are good fits. Bill Cosby is a great stand up comedian and great on television. If you put him in a movie he is going to be awful unless it is with Sydney Poitier and Sydney could make Verne Troyer look like an Academy Award winning actor. Lindsay Lohan was an ok actress. Tina hates that when the movie is mentioned that Lindsay's name comes first and planned a reunion that would have shown off the best parts of the cast not named Lindsay.


Seven of Eleven said...

{checks for the little red dot on the calendar}

Unknown said...

It would not make sense to have a reunion without her. She was the STAR of the movie. How stupid.

TalksTooMuch said...

I think it's awesome that you have that much insight into Tina Fey's brain. Honestly. And of course Lohan should be there, it's the only good thing she's done.

Cleodacat said...

Kind of hard to do Mean Girls without Linds, that said, I would have opted never to do it were I end her shoes. Does Tina need money that badley?

Unknown said...

TTM what about your favorite movie--The Canyons?! ; )
and of course I Know Who Killed Me...

TalksTooMuch said...

20 minutes I'll never get back!

Anonymous said...

Tina's a mean girl herself, maybe she should be in it

ecua said...

If I were Fey, or anyone else associated with MG, I would cancel the reunion. Unnecessary, and no way would I want to be stuck in the same room as that walking ass boil, Lohag!

Beetlejuice said...

JT does the best skits on SNL!

Kristin Wigs said...

Enty, you need an awkward hug from the group?

Any guesses on whether Rachel and Amanda are still ditching calls from Blohan?

Seven of Eleven said...

I'm with Miss Cleo (ha!) here. You really can't do it without Lilo but she's made such a mess of herself, it's better to just not do it at all. Rachel and Tina Fey have done far more with far less than LiHo ever will, but she exists in some sort of weird bubble that makes her an untouchable train wreck happening before your eyes. RUN, TINA, RUN!

The Real Dragon said...

Lindsey is mean girl. Kinda dumb not to bring her back.

Unknown said...


Sydney is a girl.

cubsfan1990 said...

lindsay is the star of the movie?
who the fuck wrote this

PugsterMom said...

Cancel the stupid reunion. Duh...

hollywood dime said...

Sydney Poitier is SIDNEY Poitier's daughter. But I'm sure you weren't talking about her, were you?
And like everyone else has said a reunion would be impossible without Lindsay.

Cleodacat said...


Basil said...

What kind of reunion is this supposed to be? Tina and the cast do a TV special, or just meet for coffee and film it? A sequel to the movie? But the big question is....why? It was an enjoyable movie, but it wasn't a classic, or even a cult classic and the only reason people remember it at all is because of the drug addled hooker who starred in it.

Unknown said...

Basil---I agree reunions are usually lame but it is very much a modern cult-classic (not even THAT cult). Everyone I know under 40 loves it and can say lines from it at the drop of a hat.

Lee said...

I read that Tina and Lorne tried an intervention on LiLo right after the taping of Lilo's SNL apearance, but it didn't take. I don't blame Tina.

Jessi said...

I respect Tina being a mean girl when it involves Lindsay. Really who wants to be associated with that trick.

Kelly said...

I doubt Tina hates her. Gimme a break.

plokzy said...

Maybe I'm too young, but saying Sydney Poitier would make mini-me look like an Oscar winner is kind of a shocker... Always heard of him as one of the greats, no?

Leekalicious said...

How about Mean Working Girls?

clearly4you said...

I never thought Mean Girls was that knockoff of Heathers, which brought us the iconic line, "fuck me gently with a chainsaw". That being said, I can't stand LL and she looked beat on Fallon...can't imagine how she looks without makeup. Too many drugs, drink and cigs will age you fast...

Sprink said...

Enty meant that Poitier is so good he could elevate mini me to his level. Of acting.

Sprink said...

I want to see this reunion. I want to see them update The Burn Book.

ItsCourtneyD said...

Geez're awful insightful today. Not to mention you're obviously outta midol. Sounds like a certain enty found out they're in the burn book...

Sherry said...

They don't need to remake every movie for God's sake. And they don't need to make anything with Lohag. How about something NEW?

Jazzy said...

Do they mean a reunion for Paley Fest, because other than that they need to leave it alone.

Ms Cool said...

Leave Cosby out of this.

Kimba said...

The reunion will be the real Mean Girls Hollywood version. Poor Lilo, always being bullied. Awkward.

audrey said...

Examples of Lohan's bad acting and even worse singing...That whole mess that is Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen.

rajahcat said...

I say no reunion

lazyday603 said...

Mean Girls is a classic. It's to the 2000's what Animal House was to the 70's, Sixteen Candles was to the 80's and The Big Lebowski was to the 90's. An entire generation can quote every line in the movie.

AKM said...

I can't stand anything about JT but THIS. He could be a FT cast member for realz. Lorne, get on that.

AKM said...

Heheh, yes. DEATH PROOF and "Veronica Mars." Come on, Enties.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Bill Cosby is a great stand up comedian and great on television. If you put him in a movie he is going to be awful

Which is why he won Emmies for his first two years on his first acting job, the TV series I Spy with the late, great Robert Culp. Cosby himself will cheerfully tell you that he went into that gig knowing nothing whatever about acting -- but you can see him again and again in three years of I Spy, in episodes like Si Long Patrick Henry and It's All Done With Mirrors and Cops and Robbers and Laya and Trial by Treehouse, delivering truly riveting dramatic performances.

You can also see him bringing it home, money in the bank, in the made-for-TV movie To All My Friends On Shore and the brilliant private eye flick Hickey and Boggs.

In short, Enty, when it comes to Bill Cosby, you're a dumbass.

AKM said...

HEATHERS IS the gold standard, yes! God, I love that flick. But MEAN GIRLS IS immensely quotable and brought the genre to the millenials.

timebob said...

The fact that Tina blew off Lindsay when Lindsay hosted SNL (albeit strong arming Lorene into it) speaks volumes.

I think that was the last time Lindsay gave a decent performance. Even though it was the writing and co-stars that made the movie shine. Lindsay is still front and center in every poster.

Really Rachel McAdams owned that movie much more than Lindsay did.

But if that was the last great thing I did I would be screaming it from the mountain tops like Lindsay does. It is all she has to hang onto. Even if it was 10 years ago.

Aeol said...

The sequel is Mean Moms, it was never intended to be a Mean Girls reunion. Jennifer Aniston is supposed to star.

M. Brown said...

Taylor is that you?

Alexa Rose said...

Are they talking a reunion movie or interview? Either way, Lindsay should be involved. Could you imagine the publicity it would get? Everyone loves watching a good train-wreck. Frankly I am amazed she's still alive.

Krissie said...

I'm with everyone who doesn't understand what this "reunion" is supposed to be, exactly. All the stars being filmed sitting around talking about the movie? Taking audience questions? Sounds silly.

As for people who's mentioned a possible sequel, there's already a sequel to this movie, it's called "Mean Girls 2" (creative) and none of the original stars are in it, except I think Tim Meadows has a small role. I actually saw it with my brother because he loves the original and we wanted to see how bad the sequel was. It was SO BAD. One of the main jokes is that one of the mean girls has OCD and is always spraying down things with Lysol. Gee, that's really funny. Another one of the big jokes is that one girl is a virgin. Wow, that is also hilarious. Ugh!

M. Brown said...

If it's a real reunion you can't have it without Lindsey. Doesn't make any sense. If I were Tina would I be less than enthusiastic about having a drug addled, hot mess, opportunistic, cleptomaniac forever associated with my first movie? Of course. Would I rather sit around and and talk to Rachel McAdams and that chick from Big Love and Mama Mia? Who wouldn't? Oh well! I've seen Tina get asked lots of questions about Lindsey over the years like what advice she'd give her. she must be sick of it. I love Tina but anyone that succeeds in comedy has a bitter side somewhere. It's bound to come out once and awhile.

Ramone Love said...

It's SIDNEY Poitier, dumbass

lazyday603 said...

Syndey Poitier? Sister? Daughter?

Unknown said...

New York magazine interviewed the director of Mean Girls for the 10 year anniversary. Simply reading the article will poke so many holes in all this made up bull about Tina vs Lindsay etc...stop making up things that can easily be fact checked.

Wen said...

Maybe Tina would want to associate with "yesterday's" Lindsay, but is now mortified by "today's" Lindsay and wants to disassociate her from her film. Can't blame her.

carrowsboy said...

Sidney Poitier directed The Cos in GHOST DAD and it was hardly "magical."

Rom said...

While this story can easily be believed, its Bullsh** because there are so many holes in this story. The article on Vulture where the director of Mean Girls (Mark Waters) gives details on some of the behind the scenes stuff on the movie disputes everything in this story. Two examples being here when Enty says:

"Apparently another cast member from the movie told someone on Jimmy Fallon's staff who then confirmed it with Tina Fey and Tina and Lindsay had a phone call because Tina was cornered and had no choice."

Another castmember from Mean Girls talking to a staff member of Jimmy Fallon and then confirming with Tina Fey herself?! That's stretching truth quite a bit. Also, Had no choice in Talking to Lindsay?! Its not like Tina Fey HAS to do a Mean Girls reunion.

Another thing Enty says:

"Tina hates that the movie is always associated with Lindsay Lohan like Lindsay was the only actress in the movie."

Unless Tina Fey has been voicing her displeasure of Lindsay publicly, there is no way in hell Enty could know that. While Enty does post some truth on this site every once in a while, a lot of his story are just flat out lies.

di butler said...

Tina Fey is not all that. I don't know why she gets so much adoration.
Lindsay is just a mess, always will be.


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