Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Your Turn

What do you think happened to the Malaysian airplane?


Beetlejuice said...


Oopsy_Daisy said...


sandybrook said...

Blown up by the person who hijacked it hundreds of miles off course.

SugarTitz said...

Pilot committed suicide

meltz911 said...

Pilot suicide.

Cleodacat said...

I'm wondering if they lost oxygen...where the cabin slowly freezes and everyone falls asleep. Kind of like a zombie plane. Anyways, if they had turned it around it could have flown on autopilot until it glided into the ocean.

Mitchellaneous said...

I don't know what happened, but I certainly hope that the media will stop showing their families and shoving microphones in their face. Assholes. How do you think they feel? Leave them alone. This has got to be one of the worst, most painful times in their lives. Give them some privacy.

Kristin Wigs said...

It had to unexpectedly veer off course and land safely somewhere off the Malay Peninsula.

Everyone is totally safe and waiting to be found and brought home to their families.

Good vibes.

Cleodacat said...

The only way it could have not left debris is if it landed smoothly and sunk.

Kelly said...

Hijacked and in sea.

headrot said...

Government orchestrated kidnapping or piracy in order to gain control of the programmers and their technology on the plane

JSierra said...

I read an interesting albeit crazy theory yesterday. So as we evolved millions of years ago humans split off into two different sets, us and a group who went totally underwater. They are the aliens and UFO we haveBeen spotting all these years which explains why the look of the aliens and ships has remained constant throughout history. These deep sea humans are responsible for all the alien abductions in the past and either took the plane for experimentation or it flew too close to their territory or they were spotted by the plane doing something naughty. Like I said, crazy but interesting.

surfer said...


If you hijack a plane, it's usually because you want to take it somewhere, and since that hasn't happened...I'll stick with vaporized. If it had blown up, there would be pieces of the fuselage, somewhere.

Unknown said...

@kristen i wish.

prayers and sympathy for the family members

Susan said...


rajahcat said...

dharma initiative..........

MovingOn said...

Oh. That makes perfect sense. ((Slowly backing away))

FrenchGirl said...

Aliens? Or the sequel of Liam Neeson's movie?

D Brown said...

Sudden decompression disintegrated the plane.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Remember in Close Encounters when that giant ship wound up in the middle of the Gobi desert?


rajahcat said...

but seriously hope Kristen is right......

so sick of the crazy speculation and really hope none of it is true

Gayeld said...

If a young Richard Dreyfuss shows up I guess we'll know.

Beetlejuice said...


bowler_chick said...

Mugatu had Zoolander take care of it.

Anonymous said...

crashed due to terriost

MISCH said...

Bermuda Triangle

CharRicho said...

Um..... yah.

jw11 said...

Tear in the dimensional veil. Bermuda Triangle style. Other ships and planes have vanished. The passenger cell phone were ringing as recently as Monday. They should get a satellite location. The families got no comment from government about why they were not tracing phone satellite locators.

CharRicho said...

I was just saying yesterday...

If large debris field = plane exploded/broke up in mid air, and
small debris field = plane fell to the ground/water in one piece...

What does NO debris field equal??!!

I find it all very strange. I guess I'm sure that they will eventually find it and it's been in the water and they just couldn't find it. But I am shocked that in this day and age something would take this long to find. I mean, doesn't the US military have the capability of seeing pretty much every square inch of the earth?

Anonymous said...

Young dumb pilot. As far as I know. who was inviting teenagers in the control room. to take pics. my guess is pilot error and lost. But! Were are all the GPS and triangulation tech?????

Leekalicious said...

One or all of the governments are probably hiding something for whatever reason. With the technology of today how the hell could they not be able to find a jumbo jet?

hothotheat said...

Terrorists would have claimed responsibility by now. Don't believe in aliens. Didn't crash in ocean, would have been found by now.

I think it safely landed in the middle of nowhere and the passengers are wondering around looking for help.

Positivity, especially since one of the passengers is from here (Texas).

Anonymous said...

Coz the location was Mars haha. kiddin

plokzy said...

This! Awesome

Unknown said...

Co-pilot martyrdom.

Olivia said...


th47 said...

4 8 15 16 23 43 execute


JoElla said...

This situation gets more and more bizarre with each passing day.

And with that, it really does leave a lot of room for 'conspiracy theories'.

Kristin Wigs said...

Don't forget we have some Readers from that part of the world.

The last radar reading was piss poor and they're now considering the plane rerouted. That means the search area is 1000s of square miles. An aircraft like this generates a lot of data, unfortunately it's not always transmitted in a practical manner.

th47 said...

My guess is that for some reason, whether it be hijacking or a major mechanical failure, the plane managed to fly somewhere they currently aren't looking for it and will eventually be found once the search area is expanded or someone comes across whatever debris is left on the surface. We can probably rule out a bomb at this point, as the plane debris would have been found scattered over a known area of last contact.

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Hundreds of people spontaneously combust every year.

Unknown said...

The phones are still ringing, if they were all broken because of water they would go right to voice mail. It's possible the reason is because the plane went down completely intact and sunk and they are running out of air. I suppose they could have all frozen just like the greek airliner in 05, but why would the phones still ring and why would not one satellite have picked up debris anywhere on the planet by this time? Either they were kidnapped, or they are intact underwater. Either way it's a horrible story.

nurysp said...

hijacked for the programmers on boards
signals being blocked

Sherry said...

Exactly Wiglet. 1000 sq miles is a lot of ocean to cover. As the time passes the possibility of finding debris greatly vanishes. I wish it were alien abductions or stranded on a desert island but the probability is it crashed into the ocean.
Terrorists would have claimed some responsibility by now.

And isn't it sad that it's even speculated these days that it could be terrorists? What a scary world we've become.

auntliddy said...

Also think pilot committed suicide.

Groggy said...

I'm wondering if it's similar to what happened to the golfer Payne Stewart in 1999. He was on a private jet that lost cabin pressure and everyone aboard died from hypoxia but the plan flew for hours and thousands of miles before crashing in a field in South Dakota.

Melissa said...

Malaysian military shot it down, perhaps by accident. Now covering it up with misinformation.

Unknown said...

I didn't know that about the cell phones, they should be tracked.

Unknown said...

Something valuable in the cargo hold (diamonds, gold or currency). Pilot or pilots in on the heist. Turned off beacons and transponders. Landed on one of the hundreds of islands in the Indian ocean. Stranded passengers. Modern day train robbery. Would explain no debris, no signal for at least an hour after last contact, change of course etc.

MelanieH said...

Take your pick. Conjecture is useless at best and damaging at worst.

Cindy said...

I think it was hijacked and flown to an hidden location -- maybe in a jungle area where they're aren't too many people. When the press starts to die down a bit, then we will hear from the kidnappers. I'm not sure who is on the plane to warrant a kidnapping, or if it's just a random act. Hopefully they are all okay.

Anonymous said...

Keep trying.

feraltart said...

Unknown, was just coming on to mention that the beacons & transponders were turned off 1 hour before they lost all contact with the plane. The last contact was with another aircraft that couldn't understand what the pilot was saying due to static. Also, the area they disappeared in does not have good radar coverage. Planes have to do regular reports to airports to let them know their altitude & position. I mould love it if they landed safely somewhere remote, but I don't think so. I hope the plane is found for closure.

ForSure said...

Man claiming to have seen something burning in the sky right about that time:

Mashable explains why the ringing cell phones don't mean anything

auntliddy said...

Jsierra, i love crazy theiries like this!

BeckyMae said...

+1 for @leeky and @hothotheat doubt it's terrorists as someone would have claimed responsibility by now. My BF has a theory that it's a government cover up as it was accidentally (or not) shot down by either the Chinese or Malay airforce. I think that is entirely plausible....

auntliddy said...

Hrog-excellent theory !!

auntliddy said...

All these theories are sound and really well thought out. Im impressed.

BeckyMae said...

The mush bigger mystery is.....WHERE IS TTM?? I miss her :(

Leekalicious said...

She's OK, just busy ...

Leekalicious said...

@BeckyMae I agree. One of the governments probably did something stupid (like shooting it down) by accident, and they are trying to figure out how to spin it out without starting a war or figuring out what the official story will be.

__-__=__ said...

Russian hockey team theory. Or what JSierra said. Or Unknown.

Fiona said...

Hijacked, turned off transponder, flown off course, crashed into ocean.

They did say two people boarded together with stolen passports.

Also, if the cabin had just lost pressure and everybody fell asleep ... the transponder would have worked and they would have been able to track it until it crashed.

Remember Payne Stewart, the golfer? His private plane lost pressure and everybody including the pilots fell asleep. They scrambled jets to go up and fly next to it but there was literally nothing that could be done. Eventually, hours later, it ran out of fuel and crashed. I think they might have been willing to blow it up mid-air to prevent crashing into a populated area, but I'm not sure about that.

ForSure said...

The two people who boarded with stolen passports have been identified by Interpol as asylum seekers, one was headed to Germany to be with his mother.

BeckyMae said...

@leeky thanks for the TTM update! I thought that might be the case....

In regards to the stolen passports, if believe it's been established that they were Iranian asylum seekers. If so it would not be that unusual to find two of them on a plane.

Stolen passports are fairly easily acquired in Thailand, years ago I was on Khao San Rd in Thailand with a friend who wanted a fake International Press Card. We went into a shady looking shop front and one of the guys pulled out a drawer that had about ten passports of different nationalities. I have no clue if they were real or not but it would not surprise me...

Unknown said...

It got Langolier'd.

Leekalicious said...

One of my kids said they just found some rubble in the water off Vietnam. It's a satellite image.

BeckyMae said...

@leeky yes, the images are a few days old but it could be. Mind you this is the Chinese autos saying it so it could be a cover up (backs away from the non-conspiracy theorists)

Leekalicious said...

@BeckyMae Lol My son thought he was giving ole mom a breaking news bulletin.

PotPourri said...


BeckyMae said...

@leeky is IS a breaking news bulletin, only an hour or so ago but the images are from a few days ago, we are just hearing about it now.....*cue Twilight Zone theme*

GatorGirl said...

Omggggg I love that story! Chomp chomp chomp

Erik said...

All speculation until they find the plane.

Fiona said...

I heard last night that family and friends of people on the plane said that they were able to call passengers' cell phones and leave messages so they were asking that they track the phones via GPS. Frankly I can't see that working since for satellite triangulation the phone has to have a line of sight to a satellite which is unlikely inside the body of a plane. And if it's out to sea, unlikely that there are cell towers nearby. Still... I don't know how this technology works...I wish some reporter would pick up on this angle.

Chappygirl2 said...

I agree with Cindy. I think it was high jacked and the high jackets are waiting until emotions are just explosive and family members believe and accept that everyone is dead. That way, when they make their demands, it's such an emotional story, they will get more than normal terrorists? Idk, I hope for the best. Seems very shady...

MadLyb said...

I have no idea what happened to the plane, but I really hope @Kristin is right.

When flying overseas, I used to tell myself if the plane crashed over the ocean and we survived, someone would be by shortly to pick us all up. HA!

I hope there is some resolution soon. The families must be in agony.

MadLyb said...

We're also finding out that there's a lot of sh*t floating around in the ocean.

SugarTitz said...

Soooooo, B613, took down the people who really know who Olivia Pope's baby daddy is? B613= Fitz. TUNE in Thursday night @10#spoieralert.

Leekalicious said...

@BeckyMae OOhhh!

Little Broken Bird said...

Everyone turns off their cellphones whilst flying, makes the fact that relatives were getting ringing and people showing as online even stranger.
I hope they are all safe somewhere, or they never knew/felt anything. There were babies and kids onboard, fucking horrific!

Seven of Eleven said...

@LBB, you turn off your phones on liftoff and landing, but you can turn them on in-flight. If they were showing as online, it may be because they were online before the pilot switched on the "turn off your phones/electronics" announcement when things went hinky-di-di.

I hope Kristin is right, too, but I will say I had a slightly morbid laugh at the LOST reference. @JSierra, I've read that, too - it's so bizarre that you almost think, hmm, what if?

I saw on the news this evening that they may have sighted a debris field near the area of their flight path. :/

MadLyb said...

My first theory would be rapid depressurization or explosive decompression event followed by a massive mechanical failure, but the odds of this are very slim without a bomb going off, which doesn't seem likely.

After that, I'd theorize that the plane was hijacked by persons wanting to use it for a future massive terrorist attack, and that is why no credible group has claimed responsibility. It would have to be a group that had suitcase nukes, but lacked missile capability, meaning the U.S. would be their most likely target for this future event.

I prefer the interdimensional/alien theories better than the one above.

MadLyb said...

I should state that the middle paragraph above is an unlikely conspiracy theory garnered from reading too many Tom Clancy novels.

Fiona said...

@MadLyb well at least your first scenario would account for why there was no distress signal and the transponder was turned off. Whatever event happened was obviously catastrophic - the only question is whether it was intentional on somebody's part.

Even slow decompression would have left the transponder going; from what I've read the crew and passengers could become incapacitated and with reflexes slow enough that they wouldn't reach for supplemental oxygen, even in a few seconds in rapid decompression. But that still doesn't explain the transponder going off.

Your scenario of wanting to use the plane again is so unlikely it's on the point of being absurd - it's not like they can just land a jumbo jet somewhere that has a runway long enough, and a source of fuel ... and nobody notices???

Easier to hijack a regular flight when you're READY for your terrorist attack, than to hijack one and save it for later!

Kristin Wigs said...

@Marina Sadly that "absurd" theory is turning out to be a more likely case.
Data from the engines indicate the plane flew - w/out transponders - for 4-5 hours after the plane's disappearance. This would put the (probably high jacked) plane near the Arabian Sea. More specifically: Pakistan.
Possible Pakistan didn't notice ::side eye:: more likely, they are okay with it.
To me, China's release of those crazy-degraded satellite images is suspect. Sounds like they were trying to buy time.

Kristin Wigs said...

The passengers may be on the ground and safe (let's hope) but it is looking like the plane was in fact the objective.

TLP said...

Hijack is my guess. Planned to the nth detail. Lack of black box signal is a clue. Those things can withstand so much.

BeeZwaxx said...

That's a bit harsh ^^^

Fiona said...

From the wikipedia page about Flight Data Recorders (FDRs) aka "black boxes:"

"FDRs are usually located in the rear of the aircraft, typically in the tail. In this position, the entire front of the aircraft is expected to act as a "crush zone" to reduce the shock that reaches the recorder. Also, modern FDRs are typically double wrapped, in strong corrosion-resistant stainless steel or titanium, with high-temperature insulation inside. They are usually bright orange. They are designed to emit an underwater locator beacon for up to 30 days and can operate immersed to a depth of up to 6,000 meters (20,000 ft)." black boxes can operate in water basically 3.8 miles deep.

curioser and curioser

cnote said...

I think government jets surveying the area accidentally flew into it, and its a big cover up to avoid a pay out. If it was terrorists they would have wanted credit or would have boasted about it. Even the off shoot branches of wanna be terrorists take credit or we would have found out they have strong ties to some extremist group.

flwrgurl said...

what cnote said


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