Thursday, March 27, 2014

Your Turn

"It's much harder to be a mom who is an actress than a mom who works a desk job." - Gwyneth Paltrow



sandybrook said...

Nope she doesn't know shit about real life.

Welldun said...

I got two words for her: f*ck you

SueRH said...

Right. Because most moms with desk jobs can afford fulltime nannies. :p

Kristin Wigs said...

This topic won't end in complete and utter carnage.

*puts in mouth guard*
*hides in foxhole with @Sugar*

aemish said...

More verbal diarrhea from the poopster.

Unknown said...

Try paying for daycare while working an office job. Not having nannies written into your contracts etc. She is a fool.

Violet said...

Eek. She doesn't help herself does she? (With her millions in the bank and her many nannies and household staff I assume).
It's not even really worth discussing is it?

canadachick said...

shes trying to get sympathy for the breakup but sh'es so insanely far removed from real life that people will side with Chris because God Bless he's escaped lol

and ya shes a idiot

Lady Heisenberg said...

Is there room for me?!

Unknown said...

Working actresses maybe.

Turkish Taffy said...

"It's much harder to be a mom with a stick up her ass than one who enjoys life". You're welcome, Goopy, fixed it for you.

wanton said...

Just to be a mom is tough, y'all!

D Brown said...

It is much harder to be intelligent and understand what Goopy says than it is to be dumb and understand what Goopy says.

WareCat said...

I'm noping the f outta here.

aemish said...

@Tina.. right?? I was just thinking that -- the only movie I can even remember her being in was Shallow Hal!

Greg said...

she is such a twat

haydnhorse said...

I think she needs to get an impartial adviser to read and edit all her comments before these are published to prevent looking like a complete twat [UK term of endearment)

Mistymoo said...

Long time lurker, very infrequent commenter. Just have to say,

Can someone please explain to me the appeal of Goop? I find her to be a fairly talented actress and marginal singer who is neither beautiful nor striking in any way. While she has a lovely smile, I see someone with stringy over bleached hair, a somewhat horsey face and a voice that may get a short solo in the church choir but that is it. She has a nice athletic figure, but is not at all sexy or voluptuous. And the only thing fruitier than her kid's name is anyone thinking she has anything relevant to say about life or lifestyle. What am I missing?

blondegossip said...


discoflux said...

She really needs to reincorporate fat back into her diet - it's necessary for basic brain function. Then she might have the wherewithal to keep her fucking mouth shut about things she knows nothing about.

Unknown said...

She also was making fun of women who can not afford high-end designer purses. I believe she basically called them trashy and stupid.

Sugar said...

I'll scoot over, Lady.

Cindy said...

Mistymoo -- you know how the radio plays a song over and over again until you sing along with it, even though you hate it? Goop the twunt is like that. She just keeps on showing up in the press with her elevated notions of self-importance and people eventually get used to her and she stays "popular".

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

LOL!!! Yes!

auntliddy said...

What could she possibly know about real life? Take it from whence it comes.

Leekalicious said...

No one suffers as Gwyneth suffers !!

Anonymous said...

Hohoho :) Ive seen already this type of Mom who faints after spending one hour alone with her kids. fuck her

wrekehavoc said...

i think her brain consciously uncoupled a few years ago.

-saith the mom who lurks

Unknown said...

Dearest Poopy:
The World

Unknown said...

Not justifying the comment, but maybe she means it's because our children are not in the spotlight, but the children of famous people are? She has a habit of not thinking before speaking, but my theory sounds logical to me. In that sense, she is right because we aren't under a microscope. People like Gwyneth put themselves under the microscope, have kids and then complain about their choices

Kelly said...

I love Shallow Hal.

Unknown said...

Really?? Why don't we swap. You be a single mum working a desk job, paying £130 a week childcare fees and worrying about paying the mortgage and other bills on your meagre wage while still making sure your kid is well turned out and looked after and I'll be a pompous up my own ass know it all cow with millions of quid and nannies galore.

Howard Schultz-Shameless Profiteer (S.S.!) said...

I reserve this comment for Goop only. All real hard working women forgive me.

Delusional waspish cunt. What a self involved clueless sow.

digal704 said...

So do I. I live in the city it was filmed. Whenever I go by landmarks from the movie I smile!

digal704 said...

I hope she was misquoted

Sunshine said...

Regardless of what that stupid, self-centered, pretentious bitch says or do, I propose a Goop-free April, starting now. Goop, you are a douchebag.

Alicia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alicia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alicia said...

There are some celebs that I fantasize about torturing. Goop is one of them. She's as worthless as Courtney Stodden. Please just die, just go away and die.

Alicia said...

I wish someone could possibly take a video of her taking a shit. I would love to watch Perfect Gwen strain to get a big, hard macro-biotic shit out.

Gayeld said...

@Wiglet. This calls for popcorn.

TinselSass said...


On another note... I adore this community. The good and the not. So full of life. Not GOOP shite.

Gayeld said...

@Mistymoo. Not a thing.

VeronicaCostello said...

I would love for Enty to reveal what her co-stars really think of Goop.

I bet that would be a good read.

Kno Won said...

This kind of zero-basis, pointed condescension deserves no attention. An ill-informed, inappropriately self-superior twat is still just a twat after all.
This twat gets no more of my energy than would a McDonald's drive through twat.
Fortunately, no energy is required for me to type "whose bed did your husband prefer, Gwynnie? Oh, ANYone's you say? Let's examine that".
See? Completely effortless.

FlirtyChick74 said...

Chris is gonna win this just by being quiet.

Seven of Eleven said...

I agree with WareCat

Unknown said...

She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, how the hell would she know? She just needs to permanently shut her mouth.

MISCH said...

Spare me her dribble, the woman is an idiot.

CrownMaiden said...

How would she know? Sorry Gwyneth no sympathy from me!

Unknown said...

Goop needs to GFH

mooshki said...

@Mistymoo I think she owes a lot of her career success to blowing Harvey Weinstein.

Some other Harvey Girls: Mira Sorvino, Gretchen Mol, Jessica Alba, Sienna Miller, Uma Thurman

Lurker Girl said...

Must. Control. Fist. Of. Death.

msgirl said...

The lights are on but no one's home with this girl.

CrownMaiden said...

Excellent! Well said Stacy.

CrownMaiden said...

Maybe. It's a good theory but she'll get no sympathy from me.

Megley said...

Fuck you, you ugly-inside-and-out piece of shit. Who is raising your kids? I raised all three of mine with help from my husband. No nannies, no maids, no insane diets. I let my kids eat CANDY! AND MEAT! AND DRINK SODA! Ain't none of them gonna write a tell-all book about me.
But I will buy your kids' book about you.

And fuck you, Graydon Carter for letting this stupid bitch tell you how to run a magazine.

Megley said...

Sorry for the outburst. I have a problem with brain-dead sanctimonious bitches who offer lifestyle advice while their husbands are off diddling someone with a pulse.

Snapdragon said...

She can bite my shiny metal ass.

She should try getting a desk job, making a hair above minimum wage and living on it, and care for her own children to boot (daycare instead of nannies). Only THEN can she fucking talk.

Unknown said...

Thank you! She touched a nerve lol

lazyday603 said...

Film actress it's probably true. It's why so many actresses try TV while their children are small. So they can get home every night to be with their kids. I read a long interview with Judi Dench who said she started doing nothing but stage work while her daughter was growing up so she would be home at consistent times & be there every day. She only returned to film after her daughter left home.

M. Brown said...

Says the princess raised by an actress mother. Just.Stop.Talking.

Glitter said...

STFU, Goop

TalksTooMuch said...

It's probably hard in a different way? *ducks*

NomNom83 said...

Not that the full quote is much better, but she said this in context of talking about having to leave your kids to go shoot on location for extended periods of time or filming 14 hrs/day so you don't get to see them much anyway. Someone working a 9 to 5 wouldn't have to deal with the separation and distance, they would have their routine and "quality time" or whatever.

Of course, 9 to 5 people do that year-round versus in lumps with nothing but free time in between. Plus, they're only earning a fraction of Paltrow's salary.

So, from the "seeing your kids" angle, I understand what she is trying to say. But she obviously has no clue what a someone in the daily grind deals with and juggles.

Unknown said...

Shouldn't have read this while taking a sip of tea. Choked a wee bit while laughing.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Yay! It's the Goop Death Wish party. I swear this betch be trying to get herself killed with the dumb shit running out of her mouth lately. @Gayeld is bringing the popcorn and I'll bring the bud. We can all hotbox her Malibu palace and litter it with junk food. This got me really excited.

Unknown said...

Oh, puhhhh-lease give me your millions and let me see how I struggle through your daily life.......What's that saying? "God will never give you more than you can handle."

Yep. Lemme have a crack at your life, Gwyneth. I'll letcha

PghGirl said...


bored soccer mom said...

That is the second time I have heard the word twunt today.

It just might be my new favorite word.

tara17 said...

Chick is delusional. Maybe a successful actress might have long-term filming somewhere on occasion, and it's sad for the mother not seeing her kids and having delegate to nannies for a while, but no, no way it's harder.

JoElla said...

@NomNom, I agree with you. I am going to give her a pass on this.

Groggy said...

That makes perfect sense. I mean an actress mom works maybe a couple of months a year while a mom at a desk job is working every day. Someone like our Gwyneth has nannies and bodyguards and drivers cooks and personal assistants. A working mom has daycare if she's lucky. After all it is SO much harder when you have to sneak around and cheat on your husband and make an a$$ out of yourself every day than working for a living and trying to scrape by. Poor Gwyneth. We all need to be a little more understanding.

MadLyb said...

Her digestive system doesn't work like the rest of ours. She poops out of her mouth.

bored soccer mom said...

I l

bored soccer mom said...

Stupid phone

I love this, Meg!!!!! Sending a cyber high five!!!

Mary Ann said...

I'm not agreeing with her. I'd just like to add that *most* actors and actresses do not earn enough (without an outside job like, say a part-time desk job or wait staff position) to live on.

What she meant was that it's harder to be a well-paid, well-known actress/mother than a nobody desk-job-having/mother. *long pause* And that's just malarkey.

strawberry_13 said...

@bored soccer mom....Twunt is my favourite word lately and exactly the discriptive insult I was going to use against that wankstain of a woman.

Goop needs to eat a fucking brownie with calories and a decent fat content and then find the directions that can lead her out of her own perfectly bleached arsehole.....

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Somebody should remind Gwyneth of how her godfather, Steven Spielberg, was raised by a mother who worked a desk job. All while never complaining how hard it was and last I checked, they all turned out just fine.

Lady Heisenberg said...

So how do you really feel about Goopy, Megley?! You have my vote for winning the interwebz today

Runswithscissors said...

Dumb b*tch! I would like to slap her for all working women. I am fortunate enough that my husband lets me be a stay at home, but I see all my working friends and it is tough as hell to juggle all the roles they have and not have the money to have the chef, the nanny, personal secretary, publicist, stylist, trainer, hired fuck-assistant to take their(women's) place with their husbands, because they are so tired from the daily routine and challenges they(women) don't even want to think about sex.
Dumb b*tch!

KTVerclempt said...

This is a quote from a woman who has an up close and personal view of her own colon. 'mmkay?

(twunt. gold.)

PS said...

Whoever above mentioned wanting to see a film of GOopie taking a sh*t, go over to YouTube and watch her painful Glee performance. I'd rather see someone doing something natural, even uncomfortable than that cringe-inducing vomitus attempt at sexy. That chick cluck jabarwacky moving around is from the Katie Holmes school of dance, and the cat screech vocals aren't far from the same mortifying mess of self-indulgence, narcissism and over-inflated ego dissociation from reality.

delete account said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elissa said...

I believe the comments to this particular thread is my favorite comments page ever.


Murielle said...

Sometimes I wish she would choke on a grain of rice.

Penny Lane said...

If it's so easy,can you pay my daycare fees bitch? They're $79 per day,per child. (I live in Australia).

Let's swap? You spent your days doing the school runs,working,leaving work and pissing off your bosses because you have a 5 year old with non verbal autism that has to go to 3 different therapy programs every week and then spend the rest of the time fighting to get her into a decent school which is the whole reason you're even back at work in the first place,so you can afford all the stuff she needs while you miss out on seeing your baby sons toddler years.

Seriously Fishsticks,go drown in flax seed oil.

hothotheat said...

That'd be brown rice, Murielle, GOOP wouldn't be caught dead with white rice.... It just runs to sugar in your body. She said that on Oprah.

hothotheat said...

* turns to sugar

hothotheat said...

* turns to sugar

hothotheat said...

* turns to sugar

auntliddy said...

Penny-amen sister, you nailed it. Believe when I tell you, I and most mothers have nothing but empathy and admiration for you moms of special needs kids. Be strong, you're wonderful!

Rebel Mony said...

How about "it is much harder to be a mom who has to do her own cooking and cleaning, than it is to be an mom/actress who has everything else done for her at home. With nannies." God I hate her

AKM said...

"@Mistymoo I think she owes a lot of her career success to blowing Harvey Weinstein.

Some other Harvey Girls: Mira Sorvino, Gretchen Mol, Jessica Alba, Sienna Miller, Uma Thurman"

Really?! Goop and Mira are Hollywood royalty because of their parents, are they not?

Speaking of which, I wonder what Blythe thinks when she hears the stuff that Goop says. Does she support her? Roll her eyes? Barely notice?

(Also? If she's eating as many veggies as she claims to, she ain't havin' any problems shitting. Trust me.)

I just can't hate her for some reason; I read GOOP, actually. I think she meant that it's hard because of travel and long hours and publicity, and I'm not certain that she meant it to be as douchey as it sounds.

*ducks and starts playing Go Fish with TTM*

Sugar said...

I'm here, hotheat. I'm here.

Lila said...

What a pretentious B. A job is a job!

bellaluna said...

I got two too: BULLSHIT. Most working moms can't take their kids to work.

Alicia said...

That about sums it up Mistymoo ( love the name btw ) .. She's Hollywood royalty however.. So her blazé resume does have a pedigree

Alicia said...

If this quote is taken out of context ( which likely is the case ) then Goop gets a pass from me. I still sort of like her. She's the perfect Pepper Potts .. And that fucking movie Sliding Doors was my savior when I was going through my divorce - I think Gwenny will always hold a place in my heart because of it.. Although that's more my personal experience rather than her acting prowess ..
If she did actually say this in comparison to working moms - she's making it difficult for me to keep holding her in esteem.

rajahcat said...

Wow she really is asking for it

Let the bloodshed resume

rajahcat said...

Wow she really is asking for it

Let the bloodshed resume

Sherry said...

AKM..I met Paul Sorvino and he is an upstanding guy. Mira doesn't say shit like this nor does she tout this wonderful life. Not bitching at you just adding context.

The first thing I thought when I read this was "Fuck YOU!"

For the mom above (and others who haven't said anything) with a child with special needs my heart goes out to you. I have friends with a child who has autism and what they go through to get him adequate education is bloody nothing short of amazing.

And for all you moms here I applaud you. I don't have chirrens and never wanted them. It's a very difficult job. I saw my mother raise us 3 without any $ support in the 70's. We never saw her because she worked 3 jobs just to put food on the table.

This delusional beyotch has no idea. I would love to see her in a "Trading Places" situation. Wouldn't that be precious?

BeckyMae said...

She should stick to commenting on what she knows, like fucking her way through the Weinsteins to get an Oscar.....SO much harder than winning one on actual acting talent!

audrey said...

And here we go! I am going to blame her extreme hunger and complete ignorance of anything that is considered normal living for her saying this. So is she willing to give up her opulent lifestyle and try out a few months as a desk job single mom? I bet she'd pass on that.

12-Inch Chewbacca said...

The day she works a regular desk job, unappreciated and unrecognized will be the day she can make this comment. Even understanding her context, makes it 0.0001% better. Her kids are still well cared for while she's away and she's compensated in the millions for her anguish.

This page especially has made me truly enjoy watching her character's misfortune onscreen:

*no Iron Man, don't save her*

Seven and Contagion have a different kind of impact, too, it seems.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Goopster's life is so hard, she apparently just announced that she's taking a break from acting now. Is she fucking Chris Evans already?

Unknown said...

She should share her opinions more often because people really enjoy them.

SugarTitz said...

she's in the Bahamas right now..
chew on that you twunt haters..
"shuffle up ttm"

Anonymous said...

Penny Lane said...

Wow,thank you so much.Thats lovely.I was in a bad mood when I wrote this (my husbands in the military and they denied him leave for one our daughters important appointments) but I stand by what I said haha.She's a silly woman to think she has it so tough.My husband misses out on his kids because he's serving the country,he's not off making a movie and being catered to every minute.

Bitch needs some perspective.

AndyCane said...

just saying hi to anyone that has subscribed

Jou Jou 212 said...

Mmmmkay ..! Is it because "Actress Mom" isn't quite sure which expressive face to display when real life occurs?
Go over there and STFU...JUST SAYIN' !

FlirtyChick74 said...

I think she is giving voice to what a lot of wealthy people think but won't say outside their circle of friends. She's just dumb enough to say it out loud.

AKM said...

@Sherry - I love Mira and Paul Sorvino. I wasn't talking smack about Mira; I was saying "how can she be a "Harvey girl" (i.e. blowing Harvey Weinstein) when she's got that pedigree?" She wouldn't have to do that with Paul as her dad.

(I was quoting what mooshki said originally. Reread mooshki's comment and then mine.)

AKM said...

To recap:

mooshki said, "@Mistymoo I think she owes a lot of her career success to blowing Harvey Weinstein. Some other Harvey Girls: Mira Sorvino, Gretchen Mol, Jessica Alba, Sienna Miller, Uma Thurman"

And *I* said, "Really?! Goop and Mira are Hollywood royalty because of their parents, are they not?" Meaning "why would they have to blow anybody?!"

Unknown said...

wow, gwyneth, not only are you super relatable, you also managed to win over my sympathy.

so can you shut up now?


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