Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 16, 2013

This A+ list mostly movie actress is scheduled to testify in a case where it is expected our actress will admit to cheating on her A+ list mostly movie actor boyfriend and other details of her personal life she doesn't want exposed.

Angelina Jolie


Feedly said...

Shocker. But whatever arrangement they have obviously works for them so more power to them.

Sylvia said...

People that make believe they have an A+ relationship I do not feel their is nothing to admired them for. Why even be in a relationship if it's a sham?

rajahcat said...

yes I've heard this a few times now

not sure if their status is open marriage or what-idk

will be an interesting day in court though for all involved

rajahcat said...

I kinda want to hear the other details she doesn't want exposed more though than the cheating

Sugar said...

What case is she scheduled to testify in that will make her have to admit that?

Anonymous said...

Pffft! And here she was getting all antsy about the Brad and Miranda rumours ...

Violet said...

Everyone knew it was Angie - the Rupert Murdoch News International phone hacking stuff was the best (only) guess for the trial. Seems she didn't take the stand. Shame, if only that she might have verified everything that we've read about her and Brad on her.

Violet said...

*here not her

Nosy_Canuck said...

I remember that in the original blind someone had a link to the case in question.

StewMcG said...

OT but it looks like Jenny McCarthy is finally getting to wear that diamond engagement ring she bought a few months ago. She announced her engagement to Donnie Wahlberg on The View this morning.

Frosty said...

Yeah, I'm not buying it. Not because it's not possible, but I can't see AJ being compelled to attest to any such a thing

Anonymous said...

Me too, Sugar! I wanna hear this testimony. And I'm bringing popcorn!

sarah.estell said...

I think they have an open relationship and so it really isn't cheating, is it? Not that she probably wants all that to be public knowledge.....

Sugar said...

VIP is that you? The blonde one?

Sugar said...

Did you move away from Cocoa Beach, Bunny?

CoBe said...

I am also from Cocoa Beach. Small world.

Anonymous said...

Metaphorically speaking, yes. This woman broke into my house.... there was a pot of boiling water..... The bunny is gone.

But Cocoa lives on! And is looking to buy some real estate in CA, for reals.

CoBe said...

If you posted your home on WUCB, I know who you are.

Not creepy stalking, just totally random crazy coincidence.

Weird, small, crazy world.

Unknown said...

I think everyone knows they have some type of understanding, open relationship, & that she is a super freak. I more interested in the other details, maybe she sold her soul to the devil, ha.

crila16 said...

What case is she scheduled to testify in?

sandybrook said...

See you at the pier CoBe.

Lady Heisenberg said...

AngieJo was supposed to testify in a hacking scandal case that was pursued by her stunt double.

CoBe said...

You too sandybrook?? Good Lord. Clearly we need more activities so we are not all hanging out on CDAN!

sandybrook said...

Not exactly Cocoa Beach CoBe but close. 14 miles down A1A.

CoBe said...

Small small world. Good to "meet" you.

sandybrook said...

Heheh you never know meet may not need to be in quotes.

Tru said...

Who cares about any of this? They have spent hours and hours bringing attention to people whose needs go beyond the next fact lift, raising money for wells and hospitals, building shelters and homes for people affected in natural disasters - why would anyone care about their private life? They have done more in ten years than the average self-obsessed, entitled, careerist movie personality has done in a lifetime.

CoBe said...

If I hadn't copped to watching RHBH, I'd give you my real name.

But since that information is out there, I must remain anonymous.

sandybrook said...

That's fine. But if you're Kate Upton that's not so fine because then we need to go out! :))

crila16 said...

Thanks Lady H. What funny is that article came out on my bday.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Despite multiple attempts, I'm not sure what I just read.

...Are you Enty?

IceQueen said...

She had sex with her stunt-double's husband. It may be a divorce case now, and the details fit, since AJ wouldn't want certain things her stunt double would be privy to, to come to light.

Sugar said...

But maybe the stunt double's husband thought it was his wife and not Angelina he was having sex with? He got bamboozled and it's all just a hilarious misunderstanding a la Three's Company!

Leekalicious said...

You've gotta hate it when that happens....

msgirl said...

Eh, they obviously have an agreement cause they recently got a break from the kids and slinked off for a night at a hotel and looked happy together, all touchy feely.

Don't know about the stunt double, if it's true that's not right.

Aeol said...

Some people have a different standard for relationships. Just because they're not monogamous doesn't mean their relationship is a sham. Some people like to cheat but come home to one person at the end of the day.

Frosty said...

LadyH thanks for that link. The case doesn't reveal Angie cheating really, it would show that she and BP were already intimate during filming M/M Smith. Oh, the Brangie-obsessed will go nuts over that one

VIPblonde said...

There is only one VIPblonde :)

witwritergirl said...

This should totally be a pay per view event with all monies going to one of her charities. I'd pay big bucks to see this!

SaintsFan said...

@Tru, who cares about their personal lives? I'm going to take a stab at answering that by saying anyone who reads a celeb gossip site. If you have no interest, you are here because....? I know I would be joining everyone with the popcorn waiting for the details. Gossip is good, dirty celeb gossip is awesome.

Jeri said...

Good to see VIP back.

THEY care about their relationship - it is their Brand, just like Jay Z & Beyoncé.

Maybe they don't want to be home wreckers, cheaters & break up their own home & children. They really aren't together often so it's do-able.

auntliddy said...

These peeps are breathing some rarefied air.

Sunshine said...


Sherry said...

Juicy stuff! Well if it was going to reveal that she and Brad were doing the nasty before he broke up with Jen, there's just no reason to open an old wound. Glad she didn't testify. LEAVE JEN ALONE!!

Anonymous said...

Nope. I'm 99.999% sure you don't know who I am. :-)

(If you did, that WOULD be creepy)

Yup, weird, small and crazy world.

0_0 said...

I don't think any of these people have an arrangement, they just cheat and think that the other one would NEVER!!! A simple matter of denial and ego.

Leekalicious said...

Hi, VIP!

You Don't Say said...

Welcome back, real VIP!

di butler said...

See my comment on the original thread-it was about the News Corp hacking case.

TalksTooMuch said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, @TTM! I MissedYouMuch!

TalksTooMuch said...

I missed you toooo!!! Everyone needs Cocoa!

TalksTooMuch said...

Woo hoo Stew! She's gotta love it when a plan pays off..

Leekalicious said...

@TTM Hey there! Hey Cocoa!

Anonymous said...

Hey Leeks!!

Lady Heisenberg said...

Cocoa!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a happy CDaN reunion day!!!

Anonymous said...

I think they have an arrangement. No 'cheating' involved. She's a sociopath apparently but she likes to do good in the world so whatever. Doesn't really make sense but little else explains her behavior from sleeping with her mother's boyfriend at 16 forward.

Anonymous said...

It's my Lady! What's shaking? Not the ground, I hope! ;-)

Alita said...


Finding witch place provider explaining to a location I guess.

Alita said...

Wait ... Cocoa's beach bunny had sex with its stunt doubles' husband?

No wonder you're moving to Cali, Cocoa - your bunny should definitely go into show business!

missbunny said...

VIP! We missed you!


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