Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 15, 2013

This B- list comedic actor has had his share of trouble in the past. He divides his time between television and movies and is on a middling network show now. He also has a drug issue which has caused him to lose work in the past and which had him destroy a set during rehearsals about six weeks ago. Someone said something to him and he knocked over tables and smashed through the walls of the set. It took the rest of the say to rebuild the damage he caused.

Matthew Perry


Anonymous said...

Oh Matthew, you break my heart.

Sugar said...

Lotta sniffed this one out after she did her research on 'middling network show'
Well done, Lotta!

Bacon Ranch said...

:( He and Phoebe were my favorite friends, excellent comic timing.
I hope he gets his shiznit together.
I tried to watch his show last year and it was awful. As in worse than "Anger Management" awful. Maybe I just caught a bad episode but....

JoElla said...

Really @Bacon? I loved his show from last year. But I tend to love anything he does.

This makes me sad.. but I have a feeling this is only part of the story. IMO the real story is prolly more interesting then this blind.

B626 said...

Does he really need the money?
Is it because Courtney Cox has a semi - successful thing going on?

Bacon Ranch said...

Yeah Joella, I'm rooting for him as well.
The episode I caught was the blind guy with the autographed basketball that didn't exist.
I may have had different expectations, though. More 'light hearted' comedy as opposed to what it really was.

Sillygurl said...

He should NOT need they money, I thought they get about 50 million a year from syndication? Even after taxes , it must be trying to prove yourself after friends. Sad

Bacon Ranch said...

JoElla (sorry about getting your name wrong).

Just Another HR Lady said...

Different Matt I know, but I really like Matt LeBlanc's show, Episodes. Funny, crazy stuff!

Jessi said...

So dude may be not need the money, but doesn't mean he doesn't like to work.

auntliddy said...

Wow, had no idea he had such a temper. I wish him well, I like him

Jason Blue Eyes said...

That is so not cool

msgirl said...

I always get him confused with Matt, whose name I had to look up! I like Episodes, so funny.

msgirl said...

Jinx HR Lady!

Kelly said...

Wow just last uear read a great interview with him talking about his past drug abuse and he was really honest. He,also had opened a rehab place to help others. I don't wanna believe this.

JoElla said...

@Bacon, no worries love, been dealing with it my whole life.

Funny O/T story, Hubby was trying to use the voice feature on his phone to call me, it wouldn't do it. He told me about it, and I said 'try Jolla', he thought I was nuts, until he tried it, and sure enough, "Jolla" is what he needs to say, to call my cell phone.

Princess ButterKwup said...

This makes me so sad. I really thought he was getting his poop in a group. He's been so outspoken about being sober and helping others to be. Senate hearings and turning his mansion into a sober halfway house.

Maybe entward was just making assumptions based on a second hand story about him being a dick (which I believe, even if he is sober)?

Bacon Ranch said...

Hahaha JoElla! For some reason my boss couldn't figure out how to enter my name into his phone. He was fiddling with it while his dog was sitting at his feet and decided to just say "Keeper" in order to remember my number. (Keeper is his dog's name)
So then I got a very embarrassed explanation just so I didn't find it all creepy (Keep her)

Whatever works :)

There are plenty of nicknames I can think of for some folks on my phone ;) Just so I know the personality of what client is calling.

di butler said...


2) B list television? Bitch, plz

3) Why does everyone always guess poor Spade for all the bad blinds? :( He's never been a druggie, and is a pretty normal and nice dude.

4) I would volunteer to nurse and detox Matty Perry, any time, any day.

di butler said...

Perry's net worth is around 70-80 million. No moola worries. I hope he can buy a new liver. :'(

Bacon Ranch said...

The enterns have revealed a few Spade is an asshole blinds.
Maybe it's just hard feelings on their part but the guy does come across as an asshole, so it's believable.

ForSure said...

Matt is a very busy speaker about rehab in lieu of jail programs. I can absolutely believe that he trashed a set out of anger and frustration, but he has like 3 sober coaches so I doubt he is/was using again. Years of drug use have probably altered his personality a little. I miss the days when he would tweet regularly, but he rarely posts without a show to promote.

PotPourri said...

Awww, that is so sad. You just want him to succeed. I LOVED his show that was recently cancelled. Very funny characters.

Ginger said...

I love Episodes. Great show. Matt LeBlanc is great in it!

Anonymous said...

I am sad to hear this. he donated his home to be a sober living facility. Opiates are so hard to kick. I am afraid we'll see a PSH headline about him soon. I wonder if it's what cost him his relationship with Lizzy Caplan.

anon said...

Well at least this doesn't say he has fallen off the wagon, just anger issues. He seems like he's working pretty hard on staying sober, hope it's true.

Agree with the posters up-thread about Matt LeBlanc's show, Episodes. Love it! He was my least fav Friend. but he's really funny on Episodes.

Krissie said...

I hope they billed him for that. Doubt it though.

bored soccer mom said...

Lol, I just snarfed my water all over!

evie2345 said...

I know he has done a lot for rehab and other drug causes lately, I too hope this is false and he is doing well.

Once it found its footing, his show Go On was actually very sweet and funny. I was disappointed when it was canceled

Simon said...

You know I hate to say it but sometimes even though they successfully beat drugs and booze, in some ways they are happier with it. Intellectually they know they can't continue or it will kill them, but they aren't happy as sober people. Quite sad...

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

I love David Spade! I think he's snarky, that doesn't mean he's an asshole.
But I like Seth MacFarlane too, maybe I just like snarky funny dudes.

Bacon Ranch said...

Dave Foley is snarky but I don't think he's an asshole.
I suppose it's the whole dry wit without the sense of entitlement thing.
I would bet the farm that Seth is an asshole.
Not Seth Green, though. Oz would never!! (again, another with dry wit who doesn't seem to buy his own press)

Cassiopeia said...

He's a dry drunk.

Mugshotland Creator said...

he needs to just go away

cowbulls said...

I have a buddy who is an alcoholic. He tells me the most important thing to try and help him stay sober is to stay busy. Idol time leads to trouble.

AKM said...

Oh, my Matthew. Sobriety is just an ongoing, work-it-every-single-day thing. Bless his heart; I hope he gets it together. I'm not a substance abuser but I do have severe MI, so I know how hard it is to be "normal" every day in a world that doesn't always get it.

Sprink said...

AKM, what is MI?

AKM said...

Oh. MI is "mental illness."

Sprink said...

Thanks. All I could think of was myocardial infarction.


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