Friday, April 25, 2014

Bryan Singer Won't Do Press Or Promotion For X-Men - Taylor Lautner Outed By Gawker?

After eight days, Bryan Singer finally released a statement about the sexual assault lawsuit that was filed, and for once the statement didn't come from his attorney.

“The allegations against me are outrageous, vicious and completely false. I do not want these fictitious claims to divert ANY attention from ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past.’ This fantastic film is a labor of love and one of the greatest experiences of my career. So, out of respect to all of the extraordinary contributions from the incredibly talented actors and crew involved, I’ve decided not to participate in the upcoming media events for the film. However, I promise when this situation is over, the facts will show this to be the sick twisted shake down it is. I want to thank fans, friends and family for all their amazing and overwhelming support.”

I don't think anyone really expected him to do press for the film because no one would actually ask a question about it and would just ask questions about the lawsuit. As it is, every single person who does do press is going to be asked about it and every story about the movie is going to mention the lawsuit. I'm not sure though that any amount of questioning about his behavior or discussion about the lawsuit is going to keep the movie from being a box office hit. Maybe if the lawsuit had reached its conclusion, things would be different. I did notice that his attorney has backed off the countersuit discussion and is now saying they will file a malicious prosecution claim after they win.

Meanwhile, Gawker has a great article on their site about more actors who attended Bryan Singer parties and implies, that not only is Taylor Lautner gay, but that he had sex with men to get cast in roles. Kevin Spacey was also mentioned as a guy who was at many of the parties with Singer and young men.


Kelly said...

That second part everyone already new.

SugarTitz said...

yeah i read an article on jezebel yesterday that said y lautner fcked his way to stardom. the twink train.
t is out whether he wanted it or not

me said...

Duh to Taylor L. Wonder if Kellan Lutz is gonna be outed too?

Unknown said...

sugarbread- I'll bet that is a long train.

femme said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pip said...

Bad move, Gawker and Jezebel. I thought they were better than outing gay celebs.

surfer said...

It's going to be interesting to see how this shakes out.

sifichick said...

I think I hear the tinkling of a lot of glass closets being broken before all of this is over.

I saw one site that said even Renner has gone to the twink parties.

SrslyMike said...

Kevin Spacey is also mentioned in that article, confirming one of Enty's old BIs.

Unknown said...

Newflash: Most Male & Female Models & Actors have had Sex for Roles with Men & Women. Well I am SHOCKED!

Kno Won said...

I guess I'm not as much of a gossip junkie as I thought I was or used to be. I'm uncomfortable with HIV status blinds and outing blinds.

Kristin Wigs said...

But you only insist on harping on the one. Huh.

Unknown said...

SrslyMike - the gay rumors on this site and every other site other the last 20 years are too numerous to list about Spacey. They don't need to be confirmed by this story.

Unknown said...

Tay & Spacey going to Singer's parties are common knowledge in HW. There are other names also, that I'm still waiting to see if they name others who most don't know about or that the public wouldn't expect.

Pip said...

Spacey is like Jodie Foster. Everyone pretty much knows, he just hasn't made a formal announcment.

Kno Won said...

I agree, @anda marie. Tough to be scandalized.
Underage? Yes, awful, illegal, very very bad. Adults screwing each other to get somewhere? News as old as screwing.

Sillygurl said...

Choo choo

Pogue Mahone said...

No one should sexually take advantage of young or straight.Period.

Unknown said...

Ugh. Kevin Spacey, I would have gender reassignment surgery for you. At least i still have Michelle Rodriguez.

Unknown said...

Foster's ex partner who is the other parent of her kids was a studio head in HW. It was common knowledge in HW she was gay & who her partner was. They were together for a long time.

It honestly irratates me that gay male sex scandals, with the victims being young men/boys get much more attention than when women are the victims.

Unknown said...

Pogue - that is right- legal age or deserve the scandal.

SugarTitz said...

Taylor lautner. Who laineys refers to as Tom Cruise jr. Lived with singer for 10 months at one point. Tl being gay was worst kept secret in hw.

cubsfan1990 said...

where in the article did it said taylor is gay?
i read that whole article

Diner said...

Does anyone listen to Aisha Tyler's podcast Girl on Guy? She interviews Andrew Rannels (Book of Mormon on Broadway)and at the end he tells a great story about being in his dressing room with Goldie Hawn, Kevin Spacey, and Joel Schumacher. In the middle of them all standing around and talking Joel said to Andrew "Promise me right now that you will never date this man!(while pointing at Spacey)You must promise me! He said it was incredibly awkward because Joel was insisting that he make this promise, and he did promise that he would never date Spacey. He said Spacey didn't really say much after that.

figgy said...

I'm trying but failing to feel bad for liking outing stories. I know, I should be scandalized and take umbrage, but I'm not and I don't.

...but it's *gossip*. Why is outing gay celebs any worse than gossiping about any other behavior that could be hurtful to them? I mean, that's pretty much the definition of gossip. It's salacious, none of our business...and oh so delicious!

figgy said...

And speaking of delicious, that's a tasty story, @Diner! ;-P

Count Jerkula said...

Bad time to be a member of the Gay Mafia in Hollywood. This is like when Sammy the Bull turned rat.

auntliddy said...

Anda, your 2nd point is well taken. I guess male on male predatory behavior seems more disturbing, wheras male on female predatory behavior is kind of lumped into, you know how men are. Truly annoying.

Anonymous said...

I tried looking for the Jezebel article, does anyone have a link?

maggs said...

Read the Gawker article. Googled those Entin twins and found this pic. Looks like Singer wants to eat him or something.

auntliddy said...

The crux of this scandel, if you will, is not who's gay. As long as these players are of age and consensual its acceptable. It is the instances of PREDATORY force that is so offensive. When someone in power coerces you into sex with him and or his buddies, that is heinous. No matter what age. Sick world sometimes, sad to say.

SugarTitz said...

@penelope i don't have the link.. but if you go to jezebel it will be on the left under most popular srticles..

Robert said...

I can't decide how I feel about this, and I read the article. On the one hand, I don't like Gawker or anyone else "outing" gays/lesbians. There's still too much stigma attached to both in our society, IMHO. On the other hand, though, I think it's probably a good thing (healthy, anyway) when someone blows the whistle on overly ambitious folks who are willing to trade sex for movie roles--or for anything else, for that matter. Not that I have anything against whores. I've known a few who, as such things go, were relatively honest people. What I can't stand is people who claim to be "artists" or who act like they think they're better than everyone else, when they only got where they are by spreading their legs or cheeks.

Unknown said...

Women & girls are much more the targets & victims of sexual assault, abuse, & rape, especailly in the entertainment industry. There are many more straight men in power positions in HW that abuse that power with female actors/models under & of age that don't get this amount of attention. The vast majority if not all actors/models have used sex to get work.

Sherry said...

Totally agreeing with Anda on this one...predatory people everywhere and not relegated to just gay.

It's sad to me that the press does seem to make it sound like it never happens to straight girls, setting back gay rights in the process. Said it twice already..Gay witch hunt.

Thanks for the story Diner!

Just Another Girl said...

I agree with Anda and Sherry too. This isn't a gay thing, this is a rich man, Hollywood excess thing. I started going to clubs then parties in LA when I was 15. No one carded, no one cared as long as we looked good. Lots of club friends had shit happen. I was roofied twice before 18, but I was w/ friends who always took care of me. These types of high-profile, rich, moguls were doing the same things Singer & Co. are accused of but to girls. This was back in the late 90's early 2000's but you know it still happens today, though no one is talking about that.

WritergirlinLa said...

I will say this about Spacey... Super nice man IRL. Very generous. He's a very private man, but very nice. At least to me he was nice.

Seven of Eleven said...


One thing that keeps coming to mind is a young man looking for fame and fortune in LA is invited to a party where there are clearly no females about, but lots of nice older gents with their own credentials, and he stays. I'm not saying rape or sexual assault is OK (duh, it is never OK), but the one guy shacking up with that weird Marc guy dropped out of high school to live with him and another guy. It's very Playboy mansion party, and has a lot to do with power and money.

I wouldn't need a 10 foot pole to beat the crap out of someone who molested a child, but I simply don't understand how the 16 year old's parents didn't prevent the multiple plane rides to LA. 16 is still a minor, age of consent or not.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

@Writergirl - Your experience with Kevin sounds nicer than the one the female writer who was writing a play about Spacey had with him. You've probably heard the story: writer was so inspired by Kevin's work she wrote a play about him and when she got up the nerve to approach him in a bar one evening to talk to him about it, he said something like, "This is supposed to be of interest to me, how?" The poor writer was crushed.

I guess it all depends on the mood he's in.

Anyway, I still consider American Beauty one of the best movies of the last 15 years.

Unknown said...

What is shocking about these stories again???????? Is it because they are gay? This seems like a McCarthian style witch hunt. The underage stuff is awful if true, but there doesn't seem to be much fire there. Looks like a cash grab when these guys didn't get the part they were promised.

Unknown said...

@Seven - Regarding where were the parents of the 16-year old. I read in one of the longer articles (may have been the buzzfeed one) that one guy who attended the parties said he overheard three young guys who looked like they were 14-16, coordinating their stories to tell their parents that they are all at each other's house in order to stay at the party house or if get asked by someone to go home w/ them.

I'm assuming the teens not only lied to their parents to get out all night or weekend, but also had a fake id's.

Now regarding everything else: it irks me that the media even have to mention being gay at all in the their articles.

Gay, straight, black, white, green, purple, long as you are a consenting what you want. I don't give a flying fuck - BUT I do have an issue w/ the understanding that it was known that under aged boys frequented the parties using fake id's and no one did anything to stop it.

Bitchy Woman said...

IMO This is all about predictors ,grooming underage males(in this case)by supplying alcohol,drugs,private jets ,fancy vacations,fancy restaurants, and luxurious gifts.Also the chance to get a break acting in a movie.Using power and money to take advantage of these kids.Same thing happens to females all the time ,the only difference is someone finally came forward about Singer and this group.Hopefully females who have been subjected to rape and underage sex might now speak out.

Anonymous said...

And? No one is denying that but in this one case it's man against a young boy. So it's what is being discussed, the parties (gay orientated) that the rape allegedly happened.

Anonymous said...

No one cares if someone is gay. They care if they rape minors.

Anonymous said...

Jordy chandler - ask his parents

lazyday603 said...

No one young should use sexuality to take financial advantage of older or straight. Period.

These are two way streets & everybody is driving the vehicle they have at the time. Youth has beauty, old has money & power.

it took forever said...

Lautner is out to hollywood but not the rest of the world, of course Singer was crushing on him, lautner was even driving singers brand new car up and down town, so sure taylor wants to come out but his handlers wont allow it, too many broken teen hearts

ForSure said...

Not a big fan of pro Gossip sites outing people, printing the innuendo is enough, let people draw their own conclusions. Leave the outing to DataLounge.

Unknown said...

Maybe he is nice to writer girls- wasn't there a blind or two about him treating waiters pretty bad?

Anonymous said...

Only a matter of time before Ian McKellan and Elton John/David Furnishs' names get connected with this by mainstream outlets. Too many Facebook photos of the young men involved that feature them out there for reporters to find. The gossip blogs have already aired their names as being friendly with this group too, so I'd expect Gawker to do it next week.

Bubbles said...

How was he outed? Saying someone had sex for a role or fame says nothing about their sexuality; everything about their character, morality and ambition.

Fiona said...

Shakedown is one word, Mr. Singer. That is all I have to contribute to the discussion.

Basil said...

Most of these young men are met at a club catering to twinks. They are already out partying by the time they got to Singers place. I don't doubt there were a few underagers there's called fake ID which a lot of people I knew growing up had. I'm willing to bet there was a fucking line up of people trying to get to these parties.

But this guy is claiming rape. That is different. If he was raped, why is this not a criminal trial instead of a cash grab? Why wait so long?

Oh, and for those wondering why the news is jumping on this, and not the Playboy Mansion or other such places where females are the dessert it's simple - homophobia.

Unknown said...

Anda, Robert, Bubbles (great name!), I agree with all of you.
Sexual preferences? Who cares except when it's predatory, irresponsible (not divulging STDs and other health related info that could be transmitted sexually) or otherwise illegal (sex slaves).
Outing poor character should keep asshats on their toes. Amen to Robert for pointing out the lack of talent for a career projectory. Give the public great performers! They are out there. Spare us anymore Oscar winning hacks.

surfer said...

Basil - I'd like to address two of your comments.

I don't think of this as a cash grab; rather, as a way to bring attention to what happened all those years ago. Egan did file a complaint back then, but nothing came of it.

I disagree about your comparison to the Playboy Mansion. It's no secret what goes on there, but you never hear about the girls being underage (at least I never have). I really think people are horrified at the prospect of underage (in this case) males being raped.

Britney Shears said...

Singer's icy, blank gaze in every photo makes my skin crawl.

Sprink said...

Anda Marie (ooh, proper capitalisation there, autocorrect, how amusing), perhaps if a female files a suit naming big time directors and proud era and accusing them of rape, it would generate as much attention.

The Disney tweeners could club together and bring the industry to its knees, but won't.

Basil said...

@surfer, I can really only speak for myself because at one time, I was one of those young twinky looking gay guys, just out of the closet and loving the attention. Probably not on the scale of these Hollywood parties, but if I was in town, I would have gone. Gays get a bad rap for being predatory. All I can say is that in my experience I sure did get offers from older guys, but no meant no. And once I established a group of friends, they would warn me against the REAL predators. There weren't a lot, but there were a couple and they certainly had made bad names for themselves. That's why I find it hard to believe all this Singer as rapist stuff. Once you get that rep, no matter how much money you have, people steer clear. And that goes for the chickenhawks too. If you liked underaged boys, you were not very popular in the gay scene.

I could be very very wrong, but this guy sounds like a hustler (and older gays aren't the only predators out there) who hasn't gotten what he wanted in life, and met a lawyer who promised him a payday. I've seen it happen before. And FTW I am not a fan of Singer. I saw the Usual Suspects and one or 2 x-Men movies, but am not enough in awe of him to blindly defend him.

audrey said...

It doesn't matter what the Hollywood insiders know about an actor's personal life, it is about selling that actor to his fan base. Little girls who were all over Twilight because of Jacob will be crushed to find out their idol doesn't play for their team. No one should be outed by anyone in the media for any reason. This is something that is a personal choice to be done by the actor in question when he is ready.

TalksTooMuch said...

JBE, we agree on a movie!! LOVE American Beauty! ^5!

urban chaos said...

Has anyone here heard of the story re: girl 27? The Patricia Douglas story? Vanity fair wrote a great piece on her that speaks to old Hollywood and the systems in place.
Check it out, it really lends itself to this whole idea of using and abusing

PotPourri said...

Taylor Lautner does have talent though. Kevin Spacey? I would be disappointed if he WASN'T there!

Basil said...

LOL@Dizzel Don't let the avatar fool you. I hope you really didn't think I was Madonna, because if I was, I would be telling EVERYONE on this board. ;)

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Basil, I love your comments. Thanks for sharing!


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