Thursday, April 24, 2014

Random Photos Part Five- Golden Gods Concert

Just what the world needs. More Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra.

Marilyn Manson
Joe Manganiello
Taylor Momsen wearing clothes.
Kerri Kasem
Dee Snider
Scott Ian Rosenfeld and Meat Loaf's daughter.
Duff McKagen and his wife.
Linda Perry definitely likes a certain fashion choice. She is a musical genius though, so who cares about fashion?


EvieShackles said...

Dave and Carmen???? Whaaa?

Ginger said...

It's the has been's collection of photos. With the exception of hottie from true blood. It's hard to get tired of looking at him.

Dallas Alice said...

PTL, for that third picture--though Alcide hardly deserves to be in such butt-ugly company.

sandybrook said...

I know we make fun of Tayler Momson for a lot of things but bitch can sing. She reminds me a bit of Joan Jett.

Oops that ain't Slash--so sorry Linda;(

Meat Loafs daughter must be happy she takes after moms looks instead of his.

SugarTitz said...

Alice Is GAY. Just get over it. Hot But GAY. Beards galore.

Seven of Eleven said...

Oh gosh, just what the world needs - more tongue shots. This is why Twitter is a tool of Satan.

EastCoaster said...

Wondering what Meatloaf would name his daughter... Patty? :-). :-)

SugarTitz said...

the killing season 4 will debut on netflix on august 1 if anyone wants some holder smolder in august yo

Hanwi said...

Nice rubber tits, Duff's wife...

Penelope said...

Linda Perry's songs make me want to vomit. And she beeds to grow the fuck up, too. She looks like an asshole in her faux "I'm a rocker" getup.

Kristin Wigs said...

Sugarbread ALWAYS down for Holder smolder.

Sending up a balloon lantern for @Lotta.

TalksTooMuch said...

Duff McKagan, woo hoo! Original GnR!

Joe Mangamanga, I've got my water bottle, let's go! Oh wait, if this interferes with the non-denominational prayer circle in BI5 , I will forgo. There is only one Hiddles and Jax

JD said...

Her name is Pearl.

JD said...

I saw Duff on a recent Portlandia, and he was pretty good in his little cameo, I'm glad he seems to be sober.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

The awards are called "golden gods"? That makes Goopy humble in comparison.

Jessi said...

Only time I thought Joe was hot, was when he was Alcide and he picked up that chick and f"d her on the chair! Yowza!

ForSure said...

Why do people do that to their earlobes?!?!?!?!

Dallas Alice said...

TTM, I had the most ridiculous crush on Duff waaaay back when. Smoked my first cigarette (thanks, Misty--tried to make me a delinquent) while listening to Appetite For Destruction when I was a junior in high school. GnR is still a favorite. Ahhhh, the 80s :-)

TalksTooMuch said...

DallasAlice, I am SO with you!! One of the best albums ever. We all thought they wouldn't make it, it almost hurts worse that they are around and not together. Axl, call Slash!!

Dallas Alice said...

My husband reminds me entirely too frequently that he saw them (in Dallas, natch) on that tour. Good thing my husband is cute...

Dallas Alice said...

Dammit--I wasn't done...or I'd have to hurt him every time he mentions it.

TalksTooMuch said...

I dated a musician that saw them live on that tour and showed me a tape of it. Worst.thing.ever, he pointed out all the times they were out of key, or when they were taking off to smoke up (drum solo!), totally ruined concerts for me. He did give me the tour shirt, though! Woot!

Dallas Alice said...

My first concert was Cinderella, Winger, and Bullet Boys. GnR sounds waaaaaay cooler! ;-)

Unknown said...

It is not the weight it's the hair. It just does not suit her.

Harry Knuckles said...

Manganiello is a grease ball.

... andTaylor Momsen not wearing clothes. Can't really see anything though.

Kerri Kasem's lovely bum.

TalksTooMuch said...

Ohmigod I loved Cinderella, Winger and the Bullet Boys!!! So.jealous!!!

EastCoaster said...

That's rather disappointing! But thank you for the info. :-)

Unknown said...

Momsen is a good singer. Her band's latest album is very good.

califblondy said...

I liked Carmen and Dave together.

Dallas Alice said...

TTM, they came through Dallas twice on the Long Cold Winter tour and I saw them both times. Tom Keifer was hhhhaaaawwwwwttttt!

TalksTooMuch said...

NO WAY! I only saw Cinderella, and that was opening for Bon Jovi, and I never thought Tom Keifer was it, but I am 99% sure I've seen an adult-educational movie with the guitarist

Dallas Alice said...

There was just something about him, most likely his lips--yum

MadLyb said...

"In Flight" sustained me for many months, so I can't complain.

Meat Loaf's daughter resembles Joan Osbourne.

Love Duff McKagen's articles in, "The Stranger".

anon said...

I saw GnR open for the Rolling Stones at the LA Coliseum - Axl Rose was so fucked up he literally fell off the stage - what an asshole. Duff seems like he really has his shit together now - good for him!

Even though Dave Navarro and Carmen look like a Festival of STDs - I always liked those two crazy kids together - they made sense to me.

headrot said...

is kerri related to kasey kasem?

i am floored that momsen is wearing clothes.

i like navarro and carmen together too. they seem to make sense together and really enjoy each others company....until they get too wasted.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

I think it's kind of sweet that Dave and Carmen still enjoy each other's company enough to hang out after the divorce (which I suspect was more a matter of not being able to live together over the long haul than a lack of love/lust). While he's not my type at all, I was in the front of the pit at one of the NIN/Jane's Addiction shows a few years back, and I feel obliged to point out that Dave has possibly the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen...WOW. Wasn't exactly expecting that, but there you have it...

NaughtyNurse said...

Wait. Why does it look like Manganmonsterpenis has his hand in his pants???

Sunny said...

I don't know about Lotta, but you have my attention. Hullo!

cool cool cool! Thanks for The Killing heads up :)

Honey Bunny said...

All I Joe.


Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Scott Ian! <3

Dena said...

I'm glad I don't have to do a top 3 list for the men in this set, hot ass Joe being the exception.

Sherry said...

Kerri Kasem is the oldest daughter of Casey. I wondered too.

And now I know what Taylor Momsen and the band Pretty Reckless sound like. Actually really good.

Kelly said...

My eyes! Jeebus.

__-__=__ said...

Where's Lemmy????

Lux said...

Dave and Carmen should get back together. Their relationship just makes sense.

Does anyone remember a show that was on years ago called Rock Wives, I think? Duff and his wife were on that and I kinda developed a bit of a crush on him. He seems like a really sweet guy. I watched it mostly for Perry Farrell.

Diane said...

I had the hugest crush on Kip Winger!

bowler_chick said...

Thanks enty, least you could have done was put Joe ManJello first. My eyes are scalded.

Count Jerkula said...

Harry swayed my choices.

P: Momsen

M: Electra

B: Kassem

Y'all see that Perry broad doing the "toes close, heels apart" pose to get some thigh gap?


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