Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Neil Patrick Harris in drag gets the top spot.

Adrien Brody getting ready for the celebrity race in Long Beach.
Christie Brinkley and her daughter Alexa Ray Joel.
Cobie Smulders still out promoting Captain America.
Demi Lovato after a pie throwing incident.
Elle Macpherson just turned 50 and it looks great.
Emmy Rossum at a Lakers game with
Nicole Richie and Joel Madden.
Emma Roberts and Evan Peters out getting coffee.


Unknown said...

Alexa Ray Joel looks like a giant Bratz doll.

Unknown said...

Looks like Alexa has been going to her Mom's cosmetic surgeon.

Ginger said...

Love Ms. Brinkley but her face looks almost plastic in that photo. You're gorgeous lady, no more nips and tucks necessary!!!

Ginger said...

Adrian Brody's hairline seems to be receding. Never noticed that before.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

I would bone plastic face Brinkley before her daughter (and many other people, for that matter). Even NPH looks hotter than her in this group of pics.

EvieShackles said...

Love CB. She works her butt off to keep that shape and glow. Tired of the purple hair trend. Liked it on Kelly Osbourne but not it's getting to recycled. Wonder if NPH is playing roles he always wanted now that HIMYM is done. He's quite likable.

mooshki said...

I blame CDAN for Alexa's plastic surgery. Every time Enty posted a picture of her, everyone jumped all over her saying how "ugly" she was. Such a shame.

crila16 said...

Alexa Ray is actually quite attractive. Her mom has the All American girl look, while Alexa has a very exotic look to her. Beautiful eyes.

Emma and Evan won't last.

Elle just doesn't age. She looks exactly the same...just like Christie.

Harry Knuckles said...

Wonder if NPH dresses up in lady clothes at home.

Brody looks as goofy as Leto. Maybe they're related. Or both from Pluto.

Elle McPherson in Sirens, I guess about 20 years ago. Worth renting.

carolinalily said...

I think Alexa looks beautiful!

TalksTooMuch said...

I really like Alexa Ray's lips. They don't look fake or anything, just kinda luscious. That probably sounds wrong. Everyone looks so good in these pics mostly!

Unknown said...

If my mom looked like that I would have weekly appointments with her cosmetic surgeon.

ForSure said...

I envy everybody who gets to see NPH in Hedwig. I would love to see that show.

Count Jerkula said...

Christie/Alexa tag team



Gertie Raus said...

I love NPH, but Hedwig is and always will be John Cameron Mitchell for me.

ecua said...

Emma Roberts needs help asap. Rehab and treatment for an eating disorder, probably. Too bad she comes from a family of self involved twats who probably couldn't care less.

Unknown said...


ureallyannoyme said...

Let's not forget Alexa's suicide attempt. I can't imagine how difficult it is being the child of one of the most beautiful and one of the most talented people alive. Who can live up to those expectations? At least she's not an asshole like the Hilton, Kardashian, Jenner, Pinkett-Smith, Dupont, Davis or Willis children are.

trudi said...

If Alexa wasn't the daughter of a super model she wouldn't be subjected to the hash criticism that always comes her way.

I think she's exotic looking with a great figure.

Anonymous said...

Alexa got a new nose

BeckyMae said...

F: Noted Afghan Dog Impersonator Adrien Brody
K: Evan Peters (I love him but I just can't with his taste in women...needs to be put out of his misery)

lazyday603 said...

It's got to be tough being the daughter of a great beauty & wind up looking like your father. Phoebe Cate's daughter with Kevin Kline is pleasant looking but nothing compared to her Mom. Genetics is a crapshoot.

JoElla said...

@trudi I agree, I think Alexa looks beautiful in this picture. Dare I say, even outshining Mom.

Brenda L said...

Just wait till J Lo and Jon Gosselin's kids grow up! Talk about getting your dad's looks.....

KSam said...

Christie is starting to look like Katie Couric to me...

Leekalicious said...

I think Alexa looks gorgeous, and Elle looks amazing - the full-length highlights really suit, imo . -- I hope dirndls are not coming back - the horra

trudi said...

I'd just like to add that the Count's appreciation of mother/daughter beauty is touching.

Anonymous said...

Adrien Brody looks like a muppet - as in one of the Jim Henson variety

Alexa Ray Joel is getting more beautiful as she ages - she's grown into her features more now and looks fantastic

Count Jerkula said...

Stepforded: She hasn't grown into her features. I believe she has had 2-3 rounds of plastic surgery.

Trudi: Thank you.

chopchop said...

Alexa looked better pre-nosejob.

Now she looks like Paris Hilton as a brunette. #nope

Anothergrayhare said...

Christie and Elle both have really old hands. Guess I'm the only one who noticed that. Alexa looks beautiful but too bad she felt it necessary to redo her whole face. Christie's nose looks wierd. She looks really young, but there's something off with the nose.

trudi said...

Alexa claims it was only a nose job.
That and theatrical makeup.

Count Jerkula said...

I that is her 2nd nose job. I would also guess cheekbones, chin, something w/ the eyes and probably botox. She has the face of a porn whore now. She should have just gone w/ a modest nose job.

smell me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
smell me said...

emma and evan always heroin chic

Ms. Rose said...

You guys are nuts. I think Alexa looks breathtaking. And seriously..Christie is 60 got-dayum years old. She, too, looks freaking amazing.

But Alexa is so gorgeous my jaw hit the keyboard.

Count Jerkula said...


Lux said...

Sadly for Elle she does not look as good in person. Her cakey make up hides the icky fillers in her face. When I saw her, her face was so bloated and stretched I barely recognized her.

Ms. Rose said...

count!! it's cuz I'm old and ugly...but seriously, I think they look great = )

Count Jerkula said...

Christie looks good for a broad her age, I was laughing at Alexa being jaw dropping.

Ms. Rose said...

you don't think Alexa looks great?? She's a bit exotic looking...I like it! And her figure is terrific. Maybe it's because her makeup is heavy? I don't know...I wouldn't kick her outta my bed.

Count Jerkula said...

Nah. To me it is like she told her surgeon she wanted the Cookie Cutter Porn Whore, w/o the DSLs.


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