Thursday, April 17, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Hilary Duff is out of the overalls and back into bell bottoms.

Jon Hamm is probably hoping he might get one of these for free.
Julianne Hough makes a return to the photos.
Casper Smart knows how lucky he is.
Jeremy Piven in NYC.
Jay-Z making the announcement that he has figured out a way to make more money by hosting a two day concert event in LA.
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher in Georgia.
Kesha on her way to Tahiti.
Katie Holmes looks like she is in a good mood.


Count Jerkula said...




The Real Dragon said...

I like Kunis and asston together .. sue me

Seven of Eleven said...

Dang, I thought Hough was Miley wearing her mom's clothes!

I hate love the Piv. Ari Gold!

Jay-Z still looks like a troll doll, even unhyphenated.

@Dragon, consider yourself served. :b

More green hair. Is phlegm the new black?

Steampunk Jazz said...

Caspar actually looks like there friendly ghost if you colored him right

rajahcat said...

come to you senses JLO

JoElla said...

@Dragon so do I!

TalksTooMuch said...

It's as though half of Hilary Duff got dressed without telling the other half...

Jon Hamm...

hairydawg said...

Hamm will be getting one of those Mercedes for free, thus dispelling the myth that men who drive sports cars have small cocks.

hairydawg said...

is Katie Holmes getting any? Never hear of her linked with anyone.

Sherry said...

Hairydawg, Katie is very private. Probably also a condition of her "divorce". I wished he'd also made it part of the separation to take her goddamn booties!

That's sorta a goofy smile on Hamm.

Keshit is back to looking unwashed again.

Majik said...'s a magical place.

Kelly said...

@Dragon, I was coming on here to say the same thing!

Harry Knuckles said...

I guess the Duffster is tiny. Never really noticed it before.

Hough is a girl that needs her makeup. She's not bad looking without it, it's just that she needs it to look really pretty.

Sometimes Kesha looks pretty good. Not today though.

For the life of me I will never understand what JLo is doing with that Casper goof. I would crawl on my hands and knees across a million rats for the opportunity to insert my love log in her birth canal.

Katie has that thigh gap thing that Beyonce doesn't.

figgy said...

I don't get the Casper Smart thing...he is such a douche, probably gay, and oh yeah, FUGLY. What the hell is Jennifer Lopez doing with him? Can't stand her, but she COULD do so much better.

Ginger said...

I saw pic of Katie on another website (same set of photos) and her thighs were much bigger. Someone has been using photoshop. PS I hate your booties.

mooshki said...

Please tell me Duff is filming an '80s flashback movie? Otherwise there's no excuse for that outfit.

Just Another HR Lady said...

The rumour is that Katie and Jamie Foxx have been dating for over a year. Nothing confirmed though.

People make a big deal about Jamie being TC's friend, but they forget that Katie knew Jamie during the WB days, he had a show on at the same time as Dawsons Creek.

If you miss the WB, here's some nostalgia for you:

G said...

Am I only only one that thought that Piven was Pete Wentz? (Sorry Pete if you read this)

Unknown said...

Ha ha that's a good call, I thought man Piven spent too much time in the UK.

M. Brown said...

Sort of related to Katie, did anyone see US Weekly's story today? Cruise and Laura Prepon "dating". Her rep denies it but they could be floating the idea for public opinion. We know the next one has to be CO$. She broke up with Masterson but I wonder now if it was their choice or a directive from Miscavige?

OneEyeCharlie said...

If Ashton & Mila were in Georgia several days ago, I can tell you exactly what they are thinking...

"Just how far backed up is the fucking traffic on I-75? Will we ever make it out of this state?"

BeckyMae said...

@G nope, I thought it was Pete Wentz too.....then I hated myself for thinking that either of them could look this cute :/

Unknown said...

Kesha should be banned from Tahiti. It's too good for her.

Bbbeeewww910 said...

Piven trying to be "with it". Love the femmy tilt of hat. He tries far too hard. Really just a geek who got famous-lucky.

Bbbeeewww910 said...

Piven trying to be "with it". Love the femmy tilt of hat. He tries far too hard. Really just a geek who got famous-lucky.

Just Another HR Lady said...

@M Brown: his rep denies they are dating as well.

Laura and Danny Masterson broke up ages ago, in 2007. She was then linked to Scott Foster for several years until 2013.

auntliddy said...

Piven. What a putz. Jon shld just flash his hammaconda and he'd probably get whatever he wants. Sigh.

Erik said...

Hamm almost always looks goofy (except when he's playing Don Draper).

WTF are Mila and Ashton doing?

Aoife said...

Does anyone really buy JLo and Caspar as a couple? The body language tells you all you need to know.

Anonymous said...

Hough is going to age really badly

Anonymous said...

Of sorts - in that he gives her street credibility (probably)

He'd make an awesome big brother figure for the kids - you often see him clowning around with them

cat said...

OneEyeCharlie , Captain Herb would have been able to get them out of Georgia.

__-__=__ said...

JLo looks like she's taking her ugly son out for a walk.

hELLSkITCHEN said...

Nice wig, Piven. What a douche.


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