Friday, April 18, 2014

Your Turn

Do you text and drive?


haydnhorse said...

Yes, but as two separate activities.

Violet said...

No. And only an idiot would actually admit that they did.

haydnhorse said...
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haydnhorse said...

Yes, but as two separate activities.

haydnhorse said...
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melissa said...


stupid people tricks for $100

Lurker Girl said...

I won't even answer my phone unless it's hooked up to my car's bluetooth...and I want to throw shit at the cars of people who do talk on the phone with the handset. Texters get a throat punch

haydnhorse said...

Violet -I did not mean driving and texting at the same time,as I am not an idiot.

haydnhorse said...
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haydnhorse said...

Violet -I did not mean driving and texting at the same time,as I am not an idiot.

Unknown said...

Never. Besides being against the law and now distracting driving being the number 1 cause of accidents overtaking drunk drivers: #1. My cell phone screen is almost impossible to read outdoors. Major glare on the screen and there is no setting to fix this. #2. I need two hands to text and find it takes a lot of concentration and time for me to do out of a car. So I can see why accidents happen.

saltygirl said...

No. Sometimes it's dicey even checking the time.

Violet said...

@hadyn sorry, it was a general comment, not a reply to you!

Count Jerkula said...

Yep. Not on local roads, highways and stop and go.

Unknown said...

Yes, although I try to keep it to a minimum, and never when I am surrounded by other cars. If I wreck my car it will not be into another car.

califblondy said...

I can't lie...

Unknown said...

never, and do not ride with drivers who do. I have a few friends where I will not get into their car. Even after speaking with them, they insist they are careful and can do both because it is only a few seconds of texting. With one ex-friend, she did it several times on a highway. I made her pull over and I got out. We have not spoken since. No loss, as far as I am concerned. I hope only that she doesn't kill someone along with herself.

Aeol said...

And I've been known to point and shout at drivers I see talking or texting on their phones.

parissucksliterally said...

I ask people or yell at them to stop. If your text is more important than your life, and everyone's life around you, YOU ARE A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.


audrey said...

I don't drive. I have to stop to send a text if I get one when I am walking that requires my immediate attention.

biteme said...

Nope, I do not even have a smart phone.

Hanwi said...

I won't touch my phone when driving. Really, a phone call or message can wait, it's not that important. The dimwits who do it should lose their driver's license for good. What's going on in their heads anyway? They think they have the right to endanger everyone else's life on the road just so they can type a fucking text message? Assholes.

Anothergrayhare said...

Glad to hear how many of you won't text and drive. I won't either, but my dyslexic husband thinks it's okay, even though he takes 5 times longer to read or spell anything than I do. I have drilled it into my kids that nothing can't wait until they get where they're going. Although the fine just went up to $280 here in Toronto, I still see dozens of idiots doing it everyday. I always secretly hope that they drive into something like a pole.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Yes, and fap and drive; and eat and drive; and booze and drive; and... Cops love me because I pay half of their salary in fines.

Disclaimer: That was a (n awful) joke, I'm not a goddamn kamikaze or that retarded.

Unknown said...


Count Jerkula said...

I have fapped while driving a couple times. Always highways and at night, so no one can see. Much quicker and safer than road head, though road head is great.

Fiona said...

No way. I actually pull over, park, turn off the engine and take the keys out of the ignition before I use my phone to text or call.

Somebody told me that it's illegal to do even THAT ... that I need to be out of the car. But even I have my limits!

Bally said...

Text and drive? What is this, 2006?

I tweet and drive. :P

Sherry said...

I have voice recognition so I can just tell my phone what to do while I keep my eyes on the road. But I seriously limit it. Mostly just pull over and do it that way.

Traditional text and drive. No freaking way.I think the fine in CA is $361 (why they make it an odd # I will never know.)

BeckyMae said...

Umm it's illegal so no! Is not illegal in the US? That's crazy.....

Mary Ann said...

I text, and I drive. I never combine the activities. For starters, it's stupid; it's also illegal in my state.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

No, and I've been rear-ended by someone who was.

Unknown said...

However have you noticed that just about every reality show the participants are texting-talking-and taking pictures while driving? Oh, and if a seat belt is worn they push it off their shoulder so it's totally ineffective. I just see them driving around in Mercedes and Range Rovers dismayed that the vehicles aren't equipped with Bluetooth. They are, but it's not used. Horrible examples to society.

OKay said...

NO! And I have an overwhelming desire to punch drivers when I do see them doing it!

OKay said...

Jesus, Count, get that looked at. Who the hell gets so horny while driving that they've gotta take care of business right then and there?

Fiona said...

I've been nearly run off the road twice by clueless people yakking on their cell phones at 70 mph. Once it was a woman in a huge SUV who just drifted into my lane without signalling. I braked and avoided an accident.

The next time was on I-80 heading to Sacramento, an elderly man in a green Jaguar sedan was about a 1/2 car length ahead of me in the #3 lane, I was in the #2 lane, and all of a sudden he's getting into my lane. I had no choice but to get into the #1 lane immediately. That's the fast/passing lane. If there had been a car coming it would have hit me. So I had to decide in a split second whether I hit someone for sure, or I risked someone else hitting me. Can't say I thought - I just reacted.

When I'd collected myself I sped up and pulled alongside the guy honking. He was still cruising along at 70 mph with his windows rolled up, yakking away, he didn't even hear me honk or notice me. He acted like he was sitting on his living room couch, not going 70 mph and needing to be aware of his surroundings.

Now I don't even bother to honk or react when people do that to me. I try to avoid negative interactions on the freeway because it could escalate and I could find myself at the wrong end of a gun. As my mom used to say, "You can be right - but you might also be DEAD right." Whatever that meant!

AndyCane said...

I've seen someone smoke a hookah and drive. They was some crazy sit right there.

Erik said...

No. Anyone caught playing with their phone while driving should have their license taken away.

ForSure said...

No. I live in the greater Los Angeles area and I am sick and tired of people who will not put their damn phones down. I've nearly been hit countless times, both driving and walking, by idiots with phones in their hands.

Argh, just today there was an idiot in the fast lane, going 60, blocking the whole damn freeway. Of course, when I was finally able to get past him, he was too busy looking down at his cell phone to notice all the people flipping him off.

It is illegal in CA to have a phone in your hand while driving, but someone found a loophole so now the legislature has to fix the law, and word is that they will be increasing the fine for first timers and putting a point on your record for the second offense, woo hoo, increased insurance rates.

A few seconds? No, if you are on the freeway fooling around with your phone, you cross the lengths of 3 football fields while looking down to text. Anything could happen in front of you in that 'few seconds'. Just stop. Remember that this country functioned wonderfully for 2 hundred years without constant and instantaneous communication. NOTHING is so important that it's worth someone else's life.

WUWT? said...

Before cell phones even existed, my drivers' ed class taught me that at 55 miles per hour, you travel 80 feet per second. Look away for a second or two, and a lot of distance isn't seen. (I think they were warning us about looking away to eject and turn over our cassette tapes.)

I know it just sounds like I'm getting old, but this younger generation doesn't know how to just BE, without telling everyone about it. They can't do things without filming themselves doing it, they can't be alone without texting someone, they can't drive in silence and JUST DRIVE. It's a good thing cars are safer in general, because people sure aren't!

Fiona said...

Bravo @FS and @WUWT?

I love technology but I have a love-hate relationship with cell phones and wireless devices.

The Peet's Coffee in my neighborhood recently moved and renovated and opened a HUGE new store. Airy, skylights, wonderful seating, a wall of live plants, every detail beautiful. Four times the seating capacity of the old store. Free wifi.

Filled with zombies staring at their screens. Only the old-timers actually go in there and have coffee and TALK TO EACH OTHER. I went in with an elderly friend the other day and we were chatting (not that loudly) and we got a lot of disapproving looks from people working. I mean, it's not a fucking LIBRARY or OFFICE, it's a CAFE.

I've been on hikes with my dog ... used to be you'd pass people going the opposite direction on the trail and you'd greet each other, but now half the time they're on their cell phones or texting.

On principle when I'm out socially I don't use any of my devices. Don't answer my phone, don't even check to see who's calling.

Sometimes I'll walk down the street (I live in a trendy neighborhood with a street full of bars and restaurants not far from my home) ... I'll see a couple of people walking down the street on a date and more often than not, one or both of them will be on their cell phones having a conversation with someone else.

I'm really glad that my single days were before cell phones were ubiquitous!

Trashaddict said...

I don't text and drive but I will accept donated organs from those who do. My favorite was coffee in one hand and cigarette in the other, big SUV. Let's just say I dropped back a few's the freaking tailgaiting that kills me. Idiots here will sit one carlength behind you going 70, even with an open lane next to them. I want a website where I can post these fuckers' license plate numbers. I can't freaking cure my husband of thus habit and I really hate it.

versace buckles said...

i'm not even reading the other comments. Nothing pisses me off more than fucktards who balance their phones on their steering wheels to txt or read txts or whatever they are doing with their phones, causing them to look up and down earnestly as if they are somehow responsibly juggling the two activities even though their eyes are only 50% on the road. As someone who lost a sibling to a car accident, the hottest corner of hell is reserved for those who stupidly risk other's lives with their self-absorbed obsession with txting.

MadLyb said...

I only text at stop lights, or I pull over.

Gayeld said...

@Madlyb. That's what I used to do, until I found out that's still considering texting and drive and you can get a ticket for it.


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