Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cat Saves Boy Video

I know most of you probably saw this yesterday, but what I think is especially great is that the cat followed the kid home and the family adopted the cat. This is so much better than Grumpy Cat.


sandybrook said...

That cat is bad ass!

Cleodacat said...

Posting a "private" video? (Golf clap).

FSP said...

Video fail.

Vestal Surgeon said...

Private? Fat lot of good this is

Seven of Eleven said...

I pre-took one for the team via FB yesterday. Kid is on his bike, crazy dog drags him off the bike, ninja cat comes in and chases the dog off.

Here's the public link.

Kristin Wigs said...

Enty ruins everything.

Wen said...

Super Hero Cat and Grumpy Cat are in 2 different categories. Both are A+++++ in my book!

Wen said...

Super Hero Cat and Grumpy Cat are in 2 different categories. Both are A+++++ in my book!

Cindy said...

The cat was already owned by the family. Seriously, just a bit of investigation wouldn't hurt.

Bacon Ranch said...

This was on the D yesterday. Kitty don't play.
The dog was aggressive to animal control and had to be put down.

The weird part was when the mom came out to check on the kid and then hauled ass back into the house before he had even adjusted his bike.

WareCat said...

cats rule!
dogs drool.

Kristin Wigs said...

Cindy, Enty is not a fact checker or science understanderer.

Bacon Ranch said...

I was confused by that as well Cindy. I think the he/she/self aware computer that wrote this post meant that the cat was adopted previously because she followed the little boy home.

Kristin Wigs said...


Gayeld said...

@Cindy. I was just going to add that. The Mom added that occasionally the cat has been known to put the family dog in it's place, but is generally very tolerant of the kids' attentions toward her.

Seven of Eleven said...

@WareCat, my cat drools when he gets all happy about being petted. Nothing like petting your furball and getting a drool plop in your lap. Whatevs, I love the little turd.

Sillygurl said...

Maybe if we google the parts of this story that CLEARLY aren't true, we can find out where ENT pulled it from? Or did ENT (which means entity to me now) just say fuck it and made some shit up?

Bacon Ranch said...

Seriously, check out the video on D, mom left that kid (and the cat) out to fend for themselves. She came outside, saw the blood and pulled a roadrunner.

Anonymous said...

Tara (ninja cat) is pretty special. I love her.

Search YouTube for "Jedi cat" if u like cat videos, are a silly goose and want a quick chuckle...

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Before I got around to watching this yesterday, I learned the dog had been picked up and killed. (I'm sorry, "Euthenized" is not the word with a healthy animal.)

I get that it was necessary, but it still depressed me too much to watch the video where the poor thing doomed itself. I have to wonder what was done to that dog to make that happen.

Sis said...

The mom did not run back into the house, the dog came back on the other side of the car and the mom chased it off, she also got bit by the dog as well as the boy.

Awesome cat!

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...


Bacon Ranch said...

I agree JAS, that is a sad ending.
I read that when the AC officers came to contain him he was aggressive to them. How they define that I don't know.
I had a neighbor who had a sweet dog. 4th of July they had a BBQ, doggie was running around showing love to everyone (and waiting for a steak to fall on the ground). A child ran up to the dog and yanked her tail. She yelped and nipped.
Next thing you know she disappeared for a few days (taken into custody) while her owners scrambled for money to pay the fines and provide proof that all of her shots were up to date.

Good thing she didn't resist arrest :/

Bacon Ranch said...

I must have been watching it from a different angle Sis, it looked like she made a beeline straight to the door.
Then again there are so many different edits of this out there, who knows?

Harry Knuckles said...

My cat would have held me down so the dog could get a better bite.

WareCat said...


Cat said...

This post is just like typing "I make stuff up".

Vestal Surgeon said...

Instead of filming, wouldn't you drop the camera and intervene?

Kat has left the building said...

I agree. I don't know what happened in this video (except awesome cat!) but hate that kids who have never been around animals can provoke a dog to attack them bc they don't understand how to approach an animal safely and the dog gets killed no questions asked.

Seven of Eleven said...

The boy didn't provoke the dog. The boy was on his bike, toodling along, and the dog came around from behind an SUV and attacked him.

And the cameras were home security cameras, not someone filming a boy being mauled while they stood around and did nothing. They didn't even know about the cat until after the security camera footage was viewed.

Kristin Wigs said...

Did the boy get caught talking to Rachel Roy? Was he planning on going to an after party without the dog?

Vestal Surgeon said...

Seven of 11 : good to know. Thanks.

Lioness70 said...

The owner of the dog called 911. Guess she's not going to fight it getting euthanized. Maybe they had issues with it all along - it's a Lab/Chow mix. Chows can get vicious. (They're not recommended for families, obvs.)

Unknown said...

7@ my childhood cat used to drool. It was so cute and gross at the same time.
Y'all have to watch this video. Entern actually posted a good one today. The video is a surveillance camera not hand held. Dad edited the video and it went viral quickly. (Bad Paris Hilton joke here)
The mom was watering a plant right there. Watch the timer on the video that cat is kick ass! Someone on the DM called her Chuck Norris.
I read two conflicting said the dog was being held, but the first report said euthanized. It's an 8 month old lab/chow mix. Huge gash in the little boys leg. I mean huge.

Vestal Surgeon said...

Makes me want to get a cat.

Smokey772 said...

Just want to note that the cat was a family cat and their pet.

The mom ran to make sure the dog wasn't coming back and got bit while trying to get the dog back into it's pen. I mean seriously, what mom would just run away from her just attacked child?

Anonymous said...

From Twitter and @TheFuckingCat:

@TheFuckingCat: Cat hero article says cat pounced on the dog. That fucking dog got body slammed. We do more than pounce, bitches.

Unknown said...

What moron would watch that video and then imply that the kid did something to provoke that dog?? If that was my kid and I got my hands on that dog there would be no need to call animal control. I hope the owner of the dog is being held responsible for medical costs and any other expenses related to it's disposal.

auntliddy said...

I love cats and dogs, am as ridiculous about my pets as anyone. But mother of christ, enough with frigging cat frigging videos. Just end it!!

B626 said...

Too bad they cant ship the dog off to some rural area where it has plenty of room to run and owners that love it.

B626 said...

Too bad they cant ship the dog off to some rural area where it has plenty of room to run and owners that love it.

Gayeld said...

The tapes were from the families home security system. I thought the same thing, but I saw a clip of the family on The Today Show and the dad was explaining that he checked them after he got home to find out what happened.

Kelly said...

That was amazing. Good kitty!
The right thing was done for that dog. Once he's attacked someone unprovoked, he's bound to do it again someday.

Unknown said...

Exactly like others have said. First, I think what a great cat and so glad he has a home. But then, you realize who is the moron filming instead of doing something. Like the videos of a frantic dog or cat going into a burning building or wherever to save their babies and the morons shooting the video instead of saving the animals! Argh!!!

BeckyMae said...

@missy it was a security video, not a person filming it

Anonymous said...

The video is from closed circuit camera/s mounted out front of the home. Not hand-held. Mom was close by and came to the rescue. @Seven posted a link to the video above.

brakewater said...

No, she ran around the other side of the car out of camera range to make sure the dog was gone. Then the dog bit her too. As ya'll like to say to Enty, get your facts right.

brakewater said...

You obviously haven't read a word in the thread or you would realize that it was a static security camera, not a moron shooting a video like yourself. You people mock Ent and then all you do is get your own damn facts wrong.

MadLyb said...

I hate hearing about dogs being euthanized because their owners were idiots. Goddammit, if I can own a large, aggressive dog for 15 years without incident (aside from other dog owners dazedly watching while their unleashed dogs attacked mine several times during our walks), anyone should be able to do it. I love this kitty, but am sad for the dogs. Put down the fucking owners, instead.

MadLyb said...

@brakewater - Thank. You. The same people mocking Enty are here day after day. It takes a lot of work writing a blog, never mind a popular blog. I'd like to see the detractors try it.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

One of my fav cats I've had was a BEAUTY who was waiting on my front porch when I got home from school bc I had seen some boys taunting it on my morning walk to jr high and I have it a lil luv and stick up for it. I don't know how it knew where I lived, but it did apparently. It had no ID and I looked to find owner... But it ended up mine for many years. Saw me thru dbl pneumonia and several months in n out of hospital. That great cat had a DONT F WITH SYF ATTITUDE! WHen I get mad at strays in my planters I try to remember her. RIP Buford. (I thought it was a boy at first when I named her). Thanks 4 letting me share. I gotta go cuz my dog is barking at the cleaning lady.

Harry Knuckles said...

Thanks for that, Sincerely. And hope your dog and your cleaning lady can work out their differences.

Sugar said...

Dammit. I hate that Harry sometimes makes me laugh.

And I hate admitting it even more.

ItsCourtneyD said...

The boy (according to his mother) rode his bike every morning and always passed that dog with no previous incident so I think it's fair to say the dog was somewhat familiar with the boy and routine. According to them there was no provocation by the boy and as you can see in the video the boy is nowhere near the dog. The dog comes to search for him. I hate to see any animal put down but think if that had been a smaller child...may not have ended so well. I and my ten week old kitten who was on a leash (yep. A leash) were attacked by a huge dog not leashed. He almost killed my cat and tore me to shreds. His owner left me wandering aimlessly in the parking lot covered in blood with my animal dying as he took his dog and split. I have no use for animals who attack unprovoked.

ItsCourtneyD said...

@madlyb it may not be the owners fault. Who can ever predict when their animal will snap? No one.

surfer said...

I'm really shocked at some of these comments.

The little boy was riding his bike on his driveway, when the dog attacked and pulled him to the ground! If the cat, and mom, hadn't been there, the outcome could have been much worse.

JSierra said...

In Entys defense they did say on GMA that it was some random cat and not owned by the family. Or some morning show, I caught the vid on my way out the house and my mom was particularly excited about that tidbit.

Kelly said...

@JSierra Actually the cat was a stray years ago when it followed them home and they took it in. The parents talk about how when the boy was a baby the cat would snuggle with him in his crib. :)

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

What's so bizarre is how the dog went from calm to CUJO!!!!! in like two seconds. There was no warning stance, no standing back and staring, no "grrrrrr." Just la-la-la-la-la-BITE!!

JSierra said...

Reno I know tyey owned the cat, I'm just saying maybe Enty got his info from there instead of doing actual research. Who am I kidding, we all know enty doesn't do research beyond the DM.

Kelly said...

Oh ok, sorry @J. Gotcha, and yes your'e right about Ent.

Sasha said...

The father of the boy posted the video on youtube and explained that his wife left the son momentarily to ensure the dog wasn't coming back.

The family was on the Today show this morning.

Henriette said...

That was the family cat.

Kloie said...

I agree. It makes me sad, even though the dog bit people.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Thanks HKnucles, I resorted to corralling my 5lb dog in a room to keep the piece, and later I found something my dog left something for me to clean up. BITCH!

Maureen said...

Too bad they have to kill the puppy. The owners should have worked with him to train it out and it should not have been out of their yard. I didn't see a trailing leash so the dog wasn't escaping a walk. The owners were right to surrender it but what a shame.

OTOH that cat is amazing. My Mamma Cat can zero in on something like that. Don't know as how she'd take on a dog though.


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