Monday, May 26, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

David Beckham out with some of his kids at the LA Kings game.
Eva Longoria's boyfriend has a tight hold of her.
Emma Watson graduated from Brown this weekend with
a police officer by her side.
Anna Faris and
Chris Pratt spend some time in Hawaii.
Gerard Butler, Nikolaj Coster Waldau and Bryan Brown in Australia.
Heidi Klum poses in front of a magazine cover of herself and actually looks as good as the cover.
Christie Brinkley was at the same party and also looked great.


  1. EMMA!!!! You GO girl! Celebratory beers on HeisenTab today for @JAS!

  2. Did Chris Pratt eat Bradley Cooper? What is going on with this guy?

  3. Damn! That was almost a perfect picture - Nikolaj Coster Waldau and Bryan Brown - and Butler had to stick his douchness in there

  4. Christie Dorian Brinkley looks AMAZING! screw great! Wow. Danng.

    Wait, there's another Chris?? Evans, O'Donnel and now Pratt? This is confusing. There's just one Chris to me! You know who you are, boo

    1. Yeah, I feel Chris Evans should be with Anna Faris not Chris Pratt. That's not the way the movie was. Lol

  5. P: Faris

    M: Klum

    B: Watson/cop tag team w/ cuffs and nightstick

  6. Bryan Brown!! Be still my beating Thorn Birds heart.

    1. @Violet So glad I'm not alone in remebering Brown's swarthiness in The Thorn Birds. :-)

    2. Cornflower - definitely swarthy! So much more sexy than Richard Chamberlain. What did she see in him?

    3. Wasn't Bryan Brown all the heat in Cocktail too? And FX?

    4. Oh my god I watched the whole miniseries two weeks ago.
      I'm slightly ashamed

    5. How cool that Bryan & Rachel Ward (Meggie) fell in love during the series -- how she resist him? -- and they're still married today!

  7. Anna looks damn good.
    So do Christie and Emma.
    Eva 's guy looks ready to choke a bitch out. Cant say I blame him.

  8. Beckham kiddos always look like they are having the time of their lives.
    Good for Emma!

    It ind f looks like Eva grabbed his arm and wrapped it around her shoulders/neck. That resembles a death grip on her part.

  9. *kind of*
    She's certainly not doing anything from the looks of it to push him away.

  10. Bryan Brown has been around forever it seems, and he looks fantastic. How you doin'...

    Chris Pratt goes up and down in weight. Time to bust out his Hip Hop Abs dvd's again (he demonstrated the moves on Conan, said that's how he keeps in shape).

  11. Christie Brinkley is 60 years old. That's called plastic surgery done WELL... She looks freakin' incredible. 25 year olds don't look that gorgeous.

  12. Nikolai is such a hottie. Bryan brown from fx and cocktail yum

  13. Congrats to Hermione! Was the cop there to keep JAS away from her? ;-)

  14. Eva's man bitch was prob instructed to do that. She wants it to look like he's actually passionate about her. I hope tbe gig pays him well. (In one form or another)

    Mr WallllllDOU! I want to google u!

  15. Butler reminds me of of an old joke that starts with... so this drunk asshole...

    Love love love Anna Faris, pride of Seattle. Her parents are pretty nutty too. Acorn, tree.


    Chris Pratt used to be kind of doughy, but lost weight and bulked up for Zero Dark Thirty. @TTM, just call him Andy Dwyer. :D

    Jaime Lannister and Gerard Butler! I'm Gerry's smarmy but I still would. I watched a clip of him on Graham Norton and he was absolutely charming.

    Nickolaj C-W is smoking hot.

  17. Hot damn Chris Pratt looks good. I know he got in shape for that movie but I guess he decided to keep his muscles.

  18. I liked Bryan Brown in Breaker Morant. I may need to dig that movie out again.

  19. Did CornFlower say Thorn Birds?!!

    I read the book at least twice and watched the series on TV in the late 70s. That was the era of TV mini-series Heaven! You young kids really missed out.

    1. I was a kid and lived for that mini series! That one and Lace. God those were the golden age of TV! God Bless Aaron Spelling!

  20. Violet, I went through a phase where I would ignore a hot male in favor of a slightly femmy (closeted) gay man. I know that's not what the Thorn Birds mini series was meant to be, but in hindsight... ;)

  21. I would do all three of them - one with a double condom: Gerard Butler, Nikolaj Coster Waldau and Bryan Brown.

  22. Chris Pratt looks so so so good.

  23. Mmmm, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Chris Pratt look damn good.

  24. Nikolaj Coster Waldau is all sorts of hot. Truly.

    As is Christie Brinkley. She has an amazing plastic surgeon but I'm sure a lot if it is her genetics as well.

    I also love Anna Faris. Love "Moms" more for her co-star mainly but it's still good because if her.

  25. There are some AMAZING shots of Emma at that graduation ceremony, and God knows she looks gorgeous in the Twitpic Selfie that was Enty's first Emma pic here... But... Is it just me or do her eyes look sad in that first shot?

    Anyway, I couldn't be prouder of her if I had an excuse to be proud of her. She put in the work, and earned that walk and that cap and that gown and that diploma. She deserves all the accolades she gets.

  26. Good for Emma! That's so great!

  27. Oh god we are 1 step closer to a Blair Waldorf vs Marissa Cooper NHL Stanley Cup Final y'all!

  28. Chris Pratt looks roided out.

    Christie Brinkley's eyes are showing how much work she's had done. Maybe the cheek implants are affecting the size and shape of her eyes?

  29. The cop was there to protect Emma from Marieee.

  30. @Bitchie, The Winds of War with Robert Mitchum and Ali McGraw. Roots (although I didn't see every episode). Centennial, and Jesus of Nazareth - we're a Christian family - if you aren't, I can't tell on an anonymous site :)! In case you are a Muslim, Hindu, or Athiest or something else.

    Also, HBO mini-series John Adams with Paul Giamatti (sp?) and Laura Linney? I think (I'm trying to recall off the top of my head) is very well done too.

  31. GERRY!!!! MWAH! Thanks, Enty!

  32. @Aoife: Brinkley's eyes were always pretty narrow, considering how much of her career was devoted to makeup ads. They may have a subtle cat-like tilt now, but the work around them--even the puffy junk that's de rigeur now--appears minimal compared to far younger celebs whose images tabloids drag into a template for filler content like "X's Face, Thru The Years."

    And like someone suggested: genetic lottery:

    The bone structure of that massive face would probably be fine sans puffy junk. She still looks more "done" than idols of my tweens--eg Hutton, Iman, Rampling, & later, Patti Hansen--but all seem to have aged beautifully without a desperate series of re-do attempts using PhotoshopInTheFlesh! 2.0 (the program is SO buggy; see Fox, Megan; Shields, Brooke; Kar--ian, Kim/Kris/Chris &c; Ciccone, Louise; Kidman, Nicole; Rourke, Mickey; et al :(
