Thursday, May 29, 2014

Random Photos Part Three - Maleficent Premiere

The entire Pitt/Jolie family minus Vivienne.

Elle Fanning
Sarah Hyland
Giuliana Rancic
Jon Voight
Mario Lopez and
Ali Landry in the same place. I wonder if the acknowledged each other.
Karina Smirnoff
Emily Osment


abbiesgail said...

Angie's dress kind of looks like a bin bag.

Also, hello! Long time reader, first time commenter.

Riven said...

No clue who the lat one is but she looks fairly normal so I like her.

sandybrook said...

The Voights together and Mario and Ali slightly awkward I bet.
Sarah looks good there.
The rest are somewhat boring.

Marie Lexingdale said...

Angie's collarbones look dangerous

Violet said...

They sure hauled out the big names for that premiere. The JPs never seem to manage to have all the children together at any one time.

Riven said...

Also PSA: Jon Voight's peen was actually inserted into a lady's vagina to create Angelina Jolie. Just take a good long look at him and think of that.

You're welcome.

Seven of Eleven said...

Ummm... Ali Landry's little girl is cute and Elle's dress is pretty.

That's all I've got.

Violet said...

Well, you see Riven, I will always see the Champ when I look at JV. Your words have no meaning to me.

Marie Lexingdale said...

Oh, and Shiloh's a dude now right?

Lady Heisenberg said...

Either Angie is hiding one of her kids under that giant Jack Off Jill haute couture gown or it's an elaborate restraining device to keep her right thigh in check this time...

Unknown said...

Elle's dress is gorgeous.

Sherry said...

abbiesgail - Welcome!!!

Lady H I was wondering the same thing. They're missing a kid.

Yes Marie. Shiloh likes to dress like a boy. She identified early and thank the heavens Angie (and Brad too) isn't suppressing it. She'll grow up more adjusted than other children who do because of that support and I applaud her.

TalksTooMuch said...

I agree re: Ali Landry kiddo. And Emily Osmet's name made me expect a Cockney version of the kid from The Sixth Sense. SO DISAPPOINTED

Riven said...

@Violet dangit. Ok I admit I'd marry Tim Curry in a heartbeat no matter what he looks like now so I'm glad you did not let me spoil your view of JV. :)

Hammer_Girl said...

Holy Jeebus! Elle's neck is long enough to eat the leaves from the highest treetop.

M. Brown said...

Well that makes sense since Viv is actually in the movie. Maybe a nanny had her doing her own red carpet?

Sarah Hyland needs to stop wearing clothes that make her look tiny. Not good tiny, Olson twin tiny. You don't get adult roles like that.

Freya said...

Their children have grown so much. Time flies indeed.

nancer said...

elle's dress is gorgeous. is angie's leather?? wtf? and if so, it must weigh 50 lb.

Maria said...

Angie's dress really looks like a garbage bag.
@Riven: thank you very much for the Jon Voight coital image ahhhggg…
I remember some BI about him being a sex addict or something…in fact I remember also this from this year's Golden Globes: him checking out, staring women from behind…

Rafi said...

Bin bag! You must be a Brit? Lol my uncle and several of my friends are and they all say bin instead of trash.

NaughtyNurse said...

Brad should be careful. He could put an eye out on one of Angie's collarbones!

Unknown said...

I noticed from a photo of Angelina yesterday or the day before maybe on DM that she had black eye makeup in the crease of her eyelids and I mean black, look like liquid eyeliner, whaddup with dat, a goth thing?

SugarTitz said...

Maybe a dingo ate the missing baby.

AudreyHempburn said...

Is Guiliana Rancic really just a hollow bobble-headed scarecrow who Ryan "You can call me Oz" Seacrest controls from behind the curtain? It seems like she has been through so much yet there is something so distant and alien about her vibe.

How adorable was Ricky Shroeder in The Champ?

Kelly said...

Some Australian friends called trash or garbage "rubbage". I loved that!

Kelly said...

@Sherry I think we're jumping the gun saying Shiloh "identified". Maybe she's just a plain ol' tom boy?

skippy said...

Maddox has horns! Kids are cute, but that dress!
Love sarah's shoes.

BeckyMae said...

@reno I think you mean 'rubbish'? That's what I call it anyhoo

Kelly said...

Yes, @BeckyMae! I did mean rubbish! Don't know why I typed that. Huh. Lol

Count Jerkula said...

P: Hyland

M: Osment

B: Smirnoff

krychek said...

Count ,enough with the P M B .

Aoife said...

I thought the girl twin was missing in the pic of the Jolie-Pitts. Vivianne?

Noel said...

Strange that the one kid that's not there with Angie and Brad is the one who is in the movie too.

Unknown said...

@Renoblondee I agree - everyone seems to be jumping on the trans bandwagon (transwagon?) over Shiloh. Hell if my parents had given me a choice about what to wear, I wouldn't have worn a dress ever when I was school age. I was definitely into being active (can't they come up with something better than Tomboy? It sounds like that's a bad thing). Where is it written that females must want to dress in pink frills or dresses or any of that stuff to be "normal"? I applaud Brad and Angie for not trying to cram some antiquated notion of "proper" attire on their kids. She doesn't like to wear dresses or girly stuff, so what? Don't assume that means anything other than she doesn't like to wear girly stuff.

MISCH said...

I wore boys clothes (I have a brother) believe me I'm not gay but I'd rather wear pants than a dress anyway…
However Shiloh and Knox are funny looking….those genes may not be great together

Dixie_Sugarbaker said...

Emily Osment played the best friend on Hannah Montana; nice to see she
did not grow up to be a train wreck (cough, Miley, cough).

Wen said...

Every time I see a pic of Shilo, I feel so bad for her. Is this really her choice? Or did her whacko Mom make it for her?

Wen said...

Every time I see a pic of Shilo, I feel so bad for her. Is this really her choice? Or did her whacko Mom make it for her?


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