Saturday, June 21, 2014

Blind Item #8

This B list foreign born movie actor says his new girlfriend is open to fulfilling all his fantasies involving strange objects being inserted into him. The last actress girlfriend that did that he left his wife for.


Kelly said...

I could not do that. Deal breaker. LOL

Steampunk Jazz said...

Antonio Banderas

Unknown said...

Jude Law

Unknown said...

Hugh. Grant.

TalksTooMuch said...
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Beetlejuice said...

Jude Law

Hammer_Girl said...

Puts a new spin on "polishing the knob"

Steampunk Jazz said...

it would have to be a birthday....

Anonymous said...

Pegged. Nicely done TTM.

Unknown said...

Hush my mouth TTM.

Btw, ER staff have seen everything. IFF it goes terribly wrong do get medical attention right away.

TalksTooMuch said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah. If the shoe fits... Err... So to speak...

TalksTooMuch said...
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Unknown said...

I don't e en want to know....

TalksTooMuch said...

Geez, I feel like a hugging kitten post has to go up next, get us all back on track. Okay, maybe just me and Hammer

Hammer_Girl said...

And always make sure the hotdog isn't frozen. Poor girl in high school never lived that one down.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

How strange are these things...Jude??

I'd think a hot curling iron might curb Jude's appetite for a while.

Hammer_Girl said...

I don't think there's enough Disney in the world to help me.

NaughtyNurse said...

Take it from the operating room nurse here…bums are NOT the only place some guys like things inserted.

CriticalPeach said...

When was Hugh Grant ever married??

Unknown said...

+1 Hammer. But this group will call em as they see em. One eyed or bi ocular....

OneEyeCharlie said...

Helpful PSA from TTM

Dang, Hammer. I had the perfect retort, and then my inner Disney kicked in.

Unknown said...

Was he! The loveliest lass. And he still couldn't put a zipper on it.

She should have followed Derek s rule money for the first wedding...

Steampunk Jazz said...

owww, Hammer (wince)

TalksTooMuch said...

All I'm saying is that if Enty throws two dudes together in the next post, Dirty Bird and I can not legally be held responsible for our reactions. Thank you. Forewarned is forearmed

Unknown said...

Naughty.... I'm hyperventilating. Old Yeller STAT!

NaughtyNurse said...

Yep, Guido. You wouldn't believe it.

Just Another HR Lady said...
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Sherry said...

I don't even give a shit about who this is anymore. I wanna know/hear what Naughty has seen. Oh my!

Just Another HR Lady said...

Jude Law didn't leave his wife for Sienna. His wife finally left him during the Nicole Kidman, Pearl Lowe and many others affair rumours.

He met Sienna after the breakup was over on the set of Alfie.

10:43 AM

Unknown said...

I want to know too. I also want to know what objects this dude wants inserting where please. Not because I would like to be the inserter I hasten to add.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Well, I understand some people like to put things up their urethras--if you're using medical-type probes, I think it's called "sounding"; if you're using anything else that isn't sterile, I call it "really fucking stupid". Was that what you were thinking of, NN?

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

And yes, WIDE base--most good butt plugs seem to be made w/a narrower "neck" and a wide base, so the insertee gets the sense of fullness that they like, while running far less danger of a really embarrassing trip to NN's ER sometime. (Why the hell do I know all this stuff? Damn my kinky friends and my own curiosity...)

Dena said...

Guys, please do not put things in the peen hole. Just don't.

Dena said...

I'm with you 1000%.

NaughtyNurse said...

Yes. The urethra. People simply shove all sorts of things up there thinking they can pull them back out--no medical devices involved. We had a case recently--oh my--guy nearly lost his bladder. Makes me want to cross my legs just thinking about.

NaughtyNurse said...

And to be clear, I'm talking about things you'd find around your house, like electrical wires or old springy phone cords. As Robin said, really fucking stupid.

Sherry said...

Thanks Naughty. I think...

NaughtyNurse said...

I think we're all doing involuntary Kegel exercises right now. Amiright?

rolotomassi said...

@Naughty lmao

Steampunk Jazz said...
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Steampunk Jazz said...

the things I learn

Kelly said...

Dang! And that doesn't hurt?

SugarTitz said...

Are we inserting Tonka trucks?? Justin Bieber is foreign born but not married that we know of.

Frosty said...

Jude Law ftw

Topper Madison said...

Apparently, I have absolutely no problems.

MadLyb said...

I feel sorry for people who have to use inanimate objects in order to get off. If you can't be satisfied with the amazingness of having basic sex and sharing profound intamacy with another person, that's sad.

auntliddy said...


Unknown said...

Well MadLyb as well there are enough safe sex toys around if you need to go there. Shoot S&M is safer. Get someone to spank you.

Aoife said...

The urethra?!

Aoife said...

The urethra?!

Anonymous said...

ya know i love my man but that's just not how i'd want to spend my time.

Mark Kaepplein said...

This girlfriend might get displaced some day by one with small hands/fists.


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