Thursday, June 12, 2014

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Five parts today.

Long time no see in the photos for Tilda Swinton who was at the premiere of her movie at the LA Film Festival.

Alison Pill was there too along with
John Cho and
Ed Harris.
Reader Photo #1 with Hugh Laurie
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5


ladybaus said...

NO and Sugar don't even

ladybaus said...

Great pics of everyone though!

Sugar said...

Hi TTM!!! Looking good, my friend!

No derek. >:-/

No Candyland. >:-(

TalksTooMuch said...

Lovely photos, y'all!

John Cho!! AND Ed Harris! It's not even my birthday!

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, Shug!

Violet said...

Reader 1 - soo lucky. And aww, proud reader 5 dad.

Violet said...

Reader 1 - soo lucky. And aww, proud reader 5 dad.

Sugar said...

Of course, my dear! You're one hot mamajama!

Kristin Wigs said...

Nice HiddleHair, TTM! Looking good!!

Hey readers!

sandybrook said...

Derek they are saving g you for June 30th or July 4th I just know it (unless they want you for Friday the 13th tomorrow with the full moon to fend off the apocalypse)

ladybaus said...

I thought that was you TTM! We already seen you enough though. *jokesjokes* looking good.

ladybaus said...

@Sandy well someone around here needs to....

Frosty said...

I don't like those curtain thingies festooning Tilda's dress. You readers sure are good lookin though

OneEyeCharlie said...

That is me, sans patch, in the #5 spot

sandybrook said...

I was just gonna ask you if #1 was you today Violet.

Steampunk Jazz said...

I won't either...:D

Sugar said...

Holy shit, Charlie! When did you get your bad ass sexy bitch patch?

Anonymous said...

Especially #3, beautiful as evah!

sandybrook said...

The 4 superstars are OK especially Ed Harris but the readers are better sorry.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Everyone looks great and... Helloooooo TTM.....:)

sandybrook said...

Is that your son Charlie? How old is he?

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, Wigs!

Anonymous said...

Heyyyyy Charlie! Lookin good!

aemish said...

Great photos, guys!

PugsterMom said...

I'm #1! Hugh Laurie was a sweetheart and came out to greet fans after his amazing concert. He's touring with The Copper Bottom Band. If he comes to your town, GO! He took a pic with each of my kids and my husband and spoke to all of us.

Sugar said...

Jaysus! How old are you TTM? You have nary a wrinkle on your sweet face!

Hammer_Girl said...

Well helloooo to all my dear hotties! It's nice to put a face to name.

Kristin Wigs said...

Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!

HEEEEY Charlie! Looking hawt. You took Derek to the beach? I see you got him a clip on tie ;)

What's the story? Was this from your trip?

Seven of Eleven said...

John Cho, Ed Harris, and Hugh Laurie (RP1, I am dying of jealousy) all in the same set, bxwb, good looking RPs.

This is a good day.

Kristin Wigs said...

Pugstermom mom! Thought that was you! Was he cool?

TalksTooMuch said...

LOL thanks, Sugarbooger! I am 41, chub helps!

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, Cocoa, mwah!

TalksTooMuch said...

There t'aint no such thing as "enough TTM" Derek

ps: change your AVI!

Hammer_Girl said...

Hmmmm.....I may have to order a larger ball gag Charlie.

TalksTooMuch said...

Helloooooo TNC!

Its just U said...

That's a damn fine collection of readers today. Love your lovely face TTM.
Charlie baby... Hummena Hummena!!!

Sherry said...

I know who #3 is!! Dang it girl how can you look so good in glasses and some of us just look geeky.

Waiting for the gorgeous readers to fess up.

The Tilda needs some color on her face.. Too plain. Prefer Alison as a red head.

Sherry said...
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TalksTooMuch said...

Yay PugsterMom, lovely to see you!

Sugar said...

tee hee derek. I know I'll feel it deep down in my belly and know when it's you.
I sent in my photo the other day and begged for them to put me in with yours! Ha! I hope we're in the same reader photo post together!!!

Hammer_Girl said...

You know "Taint" is like throwing up the bat signal for me;)

And you are right, there could never be enough of TTM and those tatas!

Zach said...

TTM, you're gorgeous. No way you're 41! 21?

Violet said...

Charlie - that's you!! Lovely picture! And Sandy, I am perfectly pleasant looking (in my own mind) but I wouldn't hold out on ever seeing a picture of me here.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Pugstermom, lucky you (lucky him) looking good!
Charlie, such a Mensch, you look like you can dance well with your graceful ease. Handsome boy.
TTM, you take good pics(smh) no wonder you want us all uncovered...
We have some pretty lurkers, is all I have to say...
Anyone else think Tilda Swinson is one of the scary blonde kids grown up? ...with 2 husbands...I'm doing it wrong...:-)

OneEyeCharlie said...

The patch is for special occasions, Sugar. Otherwise it's the boring prosthetic.

Thank you, Cocoa

Well, Hammer, i defer to your better judgement.... mfpuy&fknmm_help_me_mmffmmgm!!

Anonymous said...

You make a lovely couple, Pugstermom!

GatorGirl said...

There's my friend!

Hammer_Girl said...

You should see Tilda S in the movie they are pushing for above "Snowpiercer" She looks hideous!!

TalksTooMuch said...

Wow, thanks, Zach! Totes am, didn't think I'd make 30 so it's allll gravy!

TalksTooMuch said...

Hey GG!

Sass71 said...

Bonjour, good looking commenters!!!

TalksTooMuch said...

Hee hee hee, I knew I'd getcha, Dirty Bird!

TalksTooMuch said...

Looking good, Charlie!

Krystie Rachelle said...

Holy geez woman! You she fantastic. And you are a babe.

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, beautiful lady! @IJU

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, Sherry Baby!

Krystie Rachelle said...

You know what they say about a sharp dressed man ;)

Candyland said...

Looking lovely, TTM. I like the specs.

Yay, Charlie! Nice to see you sans patch and with your son!

Pugster- nice looking couple! Glad to have a face for the name.

Have 1 or 4 identified themselves?

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks,Steamy!! So glad you put up yours too, awesome lady

OneEyeCharlie said...

Thank you, TTM. You as well. You look good in glasses!

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, Candyland!

ladybaus said...

@Sugar---Enty can title it The Wild Ones lol

Anonymous said...

Hi TTM. Long time Lurver, first time stalker....

AJ said...

Hi TTM !!!
Looking fantastic :-)

GatorGirl said...

How do I get my Gator face up in herr too?

Sherry said...

I just KNEW that was Charlie for some reason.

Yes Enty is making us all wait for Derek.

Candyland said...

I messed up! Punster is with Hugh!!! Looking good Pugs!

Well, the couple in 2 is still a good looking couple. Please step forward!

AJ said...

Hi Lovely Readers !!!
Love seeing your wonderful faces !!!
@TTM I thought that was you :-)

OneEyeCharlie said...

Heeeeey, Kristin! This is Derek and I before I took him out shopping for some lifts.

Not from trip. I was chaperoning an event at the country club. The deck overlooks a lake smaller than Lake Michigan. Lotsa water by me.

Anonymous said...

GatorGurl: send your pic to Enty:

PugsterMom said...

He was beyond cool! My son is a jazz musician just graduating high school and his biggest fan, watches all his old British comedies from the 80s etc, so Hugh talked to him for quite a while. And he was so nice to my daughter as well. Just a lovely person and AMAZING musician. The show was great. He has a new CD out.

Krystie Rachelle said...

I would guess #2 is Beckymae since she said she wasn't alone in her picture, but the gentleman next to her is drinking a bud light, and I don't think they drink bud outside of the US very much. I know when the hubs was in Canada it was like $10 a bottle.

Steampunk Jazz said...

So Charlie, can you dance ( when you're sure there is no furniture to get around)? More than shuffle but still touching, that is.

PugsterMom said...

Thank you for all the kind comments! I truly appreciate it. Xoxo

Steampunk Jazz said...

Hey Hammer,
Great actress, needs no special makeup to look villainous, looking for work....
Gonna have to look up the plot for this epic...:D

Violet said...

Pugster you don't know how happy you've made me that you said Hugh is lovely. So jealous.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Are you still hanging around Pugster? You're missed...

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, Krystie and AJ!!

TalksTooMuch said...

Ty, Charlie! You too!

TalksTooMuch said...

Bwahahaha, TNC!

LottaColada said...

Ed Harris looks tipsy. I think it's the eyebrow.

Hiiiii readers!

The Real Dragon said...

Yes Werq TalktooMuch...

Okay who's the guy in reader 2.. I mean HELLO Boo..

blondiemelinda said...
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blondiemelinda said...
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sandybrook said...

Hey Pugster thx for not wearing the Red Sox hat this year and showing your beautiful red hair instead.

JSierra said...

Pugster I'm soo jelly! I've been marathoning house every night and I have the biggest crush on hugh.

Hey Charlie, TTM! Looking beautiful everyone, as usual

The Real Dragon said...

are you the older one? I was about to say ur dad could get it =/

Its just U said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LogDog said...

Hey TTM, how about we become a Blind Item together ;)

PugsterMom said...

Haha! I can't believe you remembered that! How sweet! Thank you! No need to me to rub it in this year since the Red Sox WON THE WORLD SERIES last year! ;)

PugsterMom said...

Your crush is totes warranted!

Hammer_Girl said...

Steamy-The movie is already online if you know where to look. It's been making rounds at film festivals for awhile. The director is Korean and this is his English film debut. Also Chan-Wook Park helped direct it.
Ok I'm gonna let my nerdy side go quiet now.

PugsterMom said...

Awww, how sweet! I'll try to post more often.

TalksTooMuch said...

Sure LogDog! Do you wanna be the assistant or Mimi??

LogDog said...

As long as I don't have to play a Casper Smart type of role, we're golden

LogDog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TalksTooMuch said...

Deal! Let's send someone out for nail polish!

Kelly said...

Looking amazing, Pugster, TTM, and Charlie! All the rest too!

urban chaos said...

John Cho!! And ttm, never would I have guessed you were older than me! Proof Canadian girls look young..;)

TalksTooMuch said...

It is, SAH!

TalksTooMuch said...

Heeyy JSierra!

sandybrook said...

They wont be winning it this year though (rubbing it in but neither will my Yankees) :))

TalksTooMuch said...

It's all the poutine, I think, urban!

Dena said...

I thought maybe that was you, Violet, getting a bit of House love!

Dena said...

Very dapper!

crila16 said...

My friend worked on Ed Harris' latest movie. He said Ed was not a nice guy and horrible to work with. Huge ego.

Dena said...

Great picture - you and Hugh make a cute couple : )

TalksTooMuch said...

Hey Dragon!

Dena said...

TTM! It must be tough being so pretty : )

StuffandNonsense said...

Great photos everyone. What a good looking bunch :-)

PugsterMom said...

Yeah, every day brings new side eye when I see the score...

RowdyRodimus said...

I said it yesterday and I'm going to say it everyday until the end of reader photos:

I hate reader photos! It just reminds me of how ugly I am compared to them. The pic in my profile is there for enough ridicule.

Love you all, though :)

Tillie said...

Which lake in Michigan? I promise I'm not a stalker. I just spent most of my childhood in Michigan :)

SugarTitz said...

ttm you a staaahhh as always!!
heeeeyyyy charlie!! look good in a
suit and tie..

SugarTitz said...

ttm.. it was just announced your hiddleston will play hank williams and SING TOO happy early friday the 13th boo

TalksTooMuch said...

Um, sure! Literally nobody I know ever says anything, so I will take it!

TalksTooMuch said...

Oooh, really, sugarbread?? Two of my faves!

SugarTitz said...

Yup deadline posted an hour ago

BeckyMae said...

Hi Krystie! Nope I'm not in today's but I do spend a bit of time in the USA from time to time as I have family there :)

NaughtyNurse said...

Heeeey, handsome readers! And HELLO, TTM's RACK!

Shocky said...

I'm number four with my fiancée and our puppies :)

OneEyeCharlie said...

Great pic, Shocky! Man, if #2 would only fess up, we'd have a straight flush.

Kristin Wigs said...

Beautiful Shocky! Awesome photo! Who are the pups? You all look like a Hamptons postcard :)

OneEyeCharlie said...

I have been known to shake my money maker, Steamy. Loose hips sink ships.

Shocky said...

Thanks, Charlie. Love your photo too :)

TalksTooMuch said...

Awesome puppies, Shocky, and you guys look exactly like a postcard! Hot peeps!

TalksTooMuch said...


sorry, sometimes there is a bit of an echo in the valley ;)

Shocky said...

Thanks, Wigs :) We live in Orange County and this was a beach called The Wedge a couple of weeks ago. Nugget is the golden and it was her fourth birthday that day. Biscuit is the baby and we got him the week before - it was his first time on the beach :)

Shocky said...

Thanks, TTM. Yeah, I got lucky with him :) I love your pic too - foxy!

Kelly said...

@Shocky Great pic!

Anonymous said...

Looking good shocky!

Steampunk Jazz said...

Thanks Charlie, sigh.. I'll be in my bunk...
Night Night

Steampunk Jazz said...

Nice pic Shocky,
It's just you surrounded by your love muffins....
Nice :D

surfer said...

TTM - what a gorgeous pic, sexy mama!

Charlie! It's so nice to see you (and your son, of course)!

Shocky - I echo what others have said - picture (postcard) perfect.

PugsterMom - great pic! Lucky you.

The Enquirer said...

More very attractive readers!

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, awesome lady!

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, Dizzel , you da BEST!

audrey said...

Hi readers! All of you are lovely.

Kassandra said...

Reader Photo 5 looks like Tim Allen.

Kristin Wigs said...

We need a #2!
We need a #2!
We need a #2!


PugsterMom said...

Love the puppies!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if we all relax...

Kristin Wigs said...


Anonymous said...

Nice. Kind of a cross between bookclub and fight club. Looks cathartic.

Erik said...

I love the reader pics with dogs.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Love the pics y'all!
Pugster: AWESOME pic! Love me some Laurie.
TTM: Lookin fierce!
Charlie: What a neat photo! Lookin sharp!
Shocky: Awwwww

Sherry said...

Forgot to point out the awesome pups and family!

But then everyone always looks so great. I think we're all feeling it's nice to connect via pictures.

Unknown said...

You are very handsome :)

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

TTM - Every photo you post, you get more and more smokin'! I predict within three months, Kate Upton is gonna be all "whaddya mean I've been out-hotted?"

Alita said...

First thing I thought was SUIT!

Alita said...

Hehe you're right - first thing I thought was bewbs, then TTM , and then SUIT.

Alita said...

Looking good Charlie - everyone loves a man with a 3 piece suit. SUIT!

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, Lady H!

TalksTooMuch said...

Wow, thanks, Zeeky! There is no way Kate Upton is looking over her shoulder, but that is an awesome thing to wake up to!

NJ FireFighter said...

Broken record alert: awesome reader pics! @TTM - hard to believe you are 41! Such a nice picture with the glasses. @Charlie - I wish I could wear a suit as well as you do!

Anonymous said...

OMG. Lady H. I just got your Shocky Awww joke. Nice.

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, NJFF! Dirty martinis all around!

Shocky said...

Thanks everyone, you're all lovely. I love reader photos time :)


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