Thursday, July 03, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

Tomorrow is Reveal Day. Beginning at 9 am PDT and continuing until I pass out from drinking, which is usually close to 7 or 8pm, I will be revealing a blind item every fifteen minutes. I do hope you will find the time to stop in and at least say hi, before, during, or after your festivities. Save me some pie.

June 23, 2014

This former OC Housewife has no money and is living appearance to appearance and finding them harder to get with less money. Look for her to dump her money grubbing boyfriend soon to find someone with money.

Gretchen Rossi/Slade Smiley


  1. Ooh that's a good reveal. Can't wait for more tomorrow.

  2. Slade Smiley? Oh dear

  3. Anonymous10:12 AM


  4. Tomorrow's better be more exciting than this one. Regardless, I will be here with bells on!

  5. Who the fuck are these people?
    Enty tomorrow better not be as bad a Reveal Day as New Years Day was its hot and many of us can go to the beach this time (but some are getting a hurricane!)

  6. Yay for Mr. X reveals!!

  7. Wait, I just noticed the time. Did Enty stop doing the big blind of the day??? Wtf!

  8. At least she has that handbag line to fall back on.

  9. Reveals have been less than stellar this year but I'll be here like always, gotta love having the summer off and zero responsibility!

  10. I dont know them *sigh*

  11. where is the long dramatic 1 oclock blind? I am a housewife fan and couldn't give a shit about these 2....

  12. Ooh,,,I like the reveals,,,,happy times...:-)!

  13. Can't wait for reveal day.
    Hope we get some juicy ones.
    It's like Christmas in July for the CDAN family.

  14. I'll be here, waiting for visiting family after cleaning for 3 days.

  15. Lol I knew that was coming. Ive been tivoing and watching mbc reality stars episodes. She alludes to the fact that she is his sugar mama on the show. He seems like such an emotionally constipated person. He must have a big weenie or something because besides being cute, I dont get the appeal with slade. I think he might be sexual napalm and thats why all the ladies stick to him like glue.

  16. Reveal aside, the Enty or Faux Enty or whoever it is, his/her/its jokes about alcohol abuse are getting old and wearing thin. I for one just don't find the idea of passing out from drinking to be very amusing. Can't you come up with some new aspects to your faux persona?

    1. +1 @figgy. As a recovered alkie, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Nothing amusing about passing out drunk, but they like their drinky-poos!

  17. EVERY day is reveal day now, so the two times a year of all reveals is less exciting.

  18. I completely agree @Paris

  19. idk

    I might be considering passing out drinking today at this point

  20. Gretch needs to get on this, she's not getting any younger.

  21. woohoo! looking forward to it Enty!

  22. 1) whothefuckarethese ppl

    2) an entertainment lawyer sitting in fron of the laptop revealing the BIs every 15 minutes, himself? lol

  23. I don't watch houswives, but I watch them on Celebrity Marriage Bootcamp. She's always telling Slade he need to get a job. Now I see why.

  24. Anonymous4:27 PM

    ;^) @dizzel

  25. Re: reveals tomorrow: I'll say "Hi" now...because considering the forecast for Long Island, NY, I'll probably be drunk by 9 a.m. EST

  26. Happy 4th, Enty. I'm landlocked too, (broken car, broke-ass me), so let it fly, and try not to get TOO wasted! Hopefully, it'll be good times, and juicy reveals. :) Happy 4th to everyone here in the cdan universe, too!
