Thursday, July 24, 2014

Your Turn

Fifty Shades Of Grey Trailer has been released. What do you think?


FSP said...


Sugar said...

Funny, I was just watching this on another site.

sandybrook said...

It will be one of the biggest bombs of this decade.

Violet said...

I don't think so sandy. There's a lot of frustrated housewives out there.

Jordan T said...

Charlie would've been so much sexier as Christian Grey. Jamie looks dead in the eyes.

Beetlejuice said...

Uh yeah this is gonna make a shit ton of money

Violet said...

Who think that FSOG is the epitome of sexy.

Unknown said...

Meh, I'm just so completely over & done with all of this and you know they are going to drag this out with multiple teasers & sneak peaks, since it won't be released for 8 month.

sandybrook said...

I think it wont be anywhere near as sexy as anyone thinks. They dont want a rating which will restrict their audience.

Staple611 said...

Ugh, I just don't think this will do well. And Dakota just DOES NOT do it for me.

Unknown said...

Dakota isn't pretty enough for this to work. Sorry sweetie.

witwritergirl said...

Meh. He doesn't do it for me. I'll rent it when it's in the Redbox next year.

Violet said...

I'm not saying it will be a good film sandy. But I think a lot of people will go see it.

Sass71 said...

The best thing in the trailer?

Music by Danny Elfman

Violet said...

I haven't read it (honestly) so have no idea actually.

Freya said...

It's a low budget film with high anticipation. Pretty sure it will be one of the highest grossing movies of 2015.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

You got it Sass. It'd be awesome if Danny scored the sex scenes with music from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. Now that I'd I'd pay to see.

JisforMe said...


Beetlejuice said...

Ugh love Danny, must force myself to listen to the trailer

NHR said...

The trailer looks like a commercial for some cheap aftershave. Jamie, who is actually rather hot, has been made to look quite dull. Sam Taylor Wood or Johnson, the director, just does not have it in her to make an edgy, sexy film. A 'B' movie director if she is lucky, She is definitely no Steve McQueen!

NHR said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
F&G said...

Just saw it...The guy does absolutely nothing for me!!! "There's nothin' there's not's just void!"

CridChild said...

I'm excited about the movie. Totally gonna go see it. *ducks*

Count Jerkula said...

NC-17 or bust.

If they already have the trailer, then how come no nudes have leaked? That is always a part of the guerrilla PR. I have no clue what that one Kirsten Dunst movie was about, but I have the leaked pic of her tits memorized.

AnonPLS said...

It looks like a shit show.

Stephanie said...

I think that Charlie as Christian would have so made this movie sizzle. Jamie appears to have no edge...

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

@Violet. Not me! Epitome of cliche. But my friends dug it.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

I'd rather watch old man porn.

Gayeld said...

@Sass. True facts.

Oopsy_Daisy said...

Jamie is much hotter with scruff. His look in The Fall... swoon. And he's a killer.

KMS from down under said...

I was thinking the same thing. Buuuut in saying this the books where so bad I only got to 100 pages in to the first one. If I have to say something nice, I like the way the music did it's thing in the trailer. That is all

parissucksliterally said...

Refused to read the shit books, so I certainly won't be wasting money on this shit show.

Gayeld said...

The sad thing is, he was quite hot on Once Upon a Time, but there's something off-putting about him in this trailer.

But then I read Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty Trilogy, I'm pretty sure 50 Shades of Twilight Fan Fic has nothing on it. Not interested.

Count Jerkula said...


Jessi said...

Oh man, middle age hoe balls are getting wet over this !?

Unknown said...

Looks terrible.

Jessi said...

*Horn balls but I like the typo! So it stays!

Lady Heisenberg said...

Word @sass. If anyone can polish a turd, it's Elfman. I can't believe this is all a product of Twilight fanfiction

Unknown said...

Epitome of abusive relationships and douchebags. Seriously not how you run a healthy D/s relationship.

Danielle said...

I'm ashamed that I know this but Christian GREY is supposed to have blue eyes that look GREY. this guy's eye are black. Sorry but that's a pretty big part of the book so it's pretty distracting that is eyes are so dark in the movie. Yea this Jamie guy is no Christian. Should have been Matt Bomer. Most beautiful man alive lol.
And Anastasia is supposed to be not very pretty. So they did good there.

NicScott said...

I read All the books in a short amount of time, very EASY read. Just sex. Neither one of them do Christian or Anastasia justice. I guess my imagination is a LOT better then whoever decided the cast...

cc423 said...

Meh. Looks made for TV.

Uhhhh... said...

@sugar said everyone else

IDoTheRobot said...

I would also pay to see that!

Unknown said...

I think it was not as bad as I thought it would be, as someone who has never read the books just hearing other people talk about it, trailer-wise, I just thought his dialogue would have been better rolling off the tongue of a young James Spader, you need the combo of charm and evil.

I did pick up that the girl was not supposed to be hot, that's part of the point I believe. She is having a sexual awakening blah blah blah.

Unknown said...

Agree KMS the music was quite good in the trailer.

BotoncitoRosa said...

Can someone explain to me what's the big fuzz about the book? I just read the summary on Wikipedia and some friends on FB have been posting things about it. I mean, I get that it's an erotic book but there are tons of them! Why the big deal about one? (ok, or a trilogy?).

Dexamyl said...

In the US, you can't make a film about this topic. It will be tame and unerotic. Amazing that Belle de Jour was made in the early 60s in France.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Thanks Count!
Those are movies I'll be watching! Sincerely.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Xxxxcellent typo!! Well done.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

That guy does nothing for me.

MISCH said...

Not loving Dakota

Freya said...

@Count They will probably be leaked in late Dec./early Jan.

Snapdragon said...

Not interested, not even a little bit. There's way better erotica out there than a mainstreamed Twilight fanfic. Though I will say I am mighty jealous of the author for parlaying a fanfic into beau coup bucks.

Frida said...

I wish Grey was Ian Somerhalder. He's the person I pictured while I was reading the books. These two are okay looks wise, but the acting will probably suck.

auntliddy said...

Vera- i think she was delib dowdy-ed down. She has a real sweetness to her. Didnt like or dislike trailer. Didnt like books; doubt ill ever see it.

Meghan said...

I never read the books because the premise seemed almost laughable to me (or maybe I'm secretly a 12 year old boy, tittering at boobie jokes...), but I watched this trainwreck on Michael K's site this morning and it was cringeworthy. I don't...Jamie is dull and what's her face Johnson is...just bad? Too awkward? I don't know, I have no frame of reference for her character so I have no idea. But i am definitely in the "PASS" camp - I already had to sit through overweight bleach-blonde moms in muumuus salivating at the screen and catcalling Taylor Lautner in the theaters when I joined my Twilight OBSESSED friends a few years back. This shitshow is going to be unbearable in a hot dark theater.

Also, I'm glad Charlie Hunnam noped the hell out before it was too late - it would've made this more interesting to me, but he seems somehow too rugged, too gritty for this role. It might have ruined him for me. So I'm glad!!

Frosty said...

I bet the teaser is about as hot as it will get, to avoidNC-17. If it were the 80s it would have been a Lifetime movie, starring Kathleen Beller and Dack Rambo.

califblondy said...

I guess I'm a middle aged ho-horn ball and I'll be the first in line. Dakota surprised me, I thought she was good as Ana. I'm not too thrilled with Christian, but we'll see. My SIL is already planning the opening night party.

Topper Madison said...

I won't be seeing it, but I have to admit I am much more impressed with Dakota here than I thought I would be. She surprisingly manages to convey the innocence needed.

Him, however, feh. Nice six-pack, but that doesn't replace charisma.

Cleodacat said...

Oh my....I may have to see this (in disguise).

Sprink said...

Having read the trilogy (don't ask), and having seen Sam Taylor-Wood's (now Taylor-Johnson's) work--including Nowhere Boy--I think this stands a chance.

The trailer already gives off more heat than the book(s) ever did, the revamped Beyoncé number has a NIN "Closer" vibe to it, and Danny Elfman's scores are nothing to sneeze at.

Not expecting great things, won't see it in the cinema, but I predict a film that makes a decent profit.

Count Jerkula said...

@Meghan: Right! It might be worth seeing in a theater just to hear all the boot stuck in mud sounds from the diddling going on.

Might be a good spot to go MILF Hunting.

Meanie Rhysie said...

@Count: Get it, bro!

Meghan said...

@Count - considering I'm approaching middle age (is 31 close to middle age? I don't know!!), I applaud your dedication to older ladies. However, BEING an older lady, I will leave the MILF-hunting to the experts, since I only catch what I will eat, and I'm positive my efforts would be wasted. So hunt away, dear - DON'T report back with PMB, though - I read this while I eat lunch!!!

Anothergrayhare said...

I'm with Danielle on this: Matt Bomer has the looks, this guy doesn't. I was picturing drop dead gorgeous hunk, not squished face nobody. I read the books, I'm 50 something, but I won't watch the movie. By book 3 it was the same crap over and over.

SugarTitz said...

Melancholia. Only the first half was good. With her marrying Alexander Skarsgard. That should have been the movie. . It jumped the shark 2nd half. When Alex leaves the movie.. so does the plot..

SugarTitz said...

Funny you mentioned that.. I just Dvr that off tcm last night. . Weekend watching! !
This looks like really terrible writing and slick camera angles. Danny elfman is the star of this movie.. like one long rock music video.

Unknown said...

Jamie is actually way hotter than he looks in this

I do like the Beyonce remix though

Max Power said...

I'd rather watch 50 Shades of Gay.

Hi everybody! This is my first time commenting but have been reading for a while now. You all are an entertaining bunch, hopefully I can join in too.

All Lace no Leather said...

Haven't seen the trailer. Didn't read the book. Now that Charlie isn't in it, I'll probably wait to see it on Netflix or HBO.

SugarTitz said...

I don't see people in the Midwest and southern states going out to see this in public and risk sitting next to their kids soccer coach or bible study leader... I think this will be bigger on red box and on demand when they can do unrated version.

Count Jerkula said...

Thanks for the well wishes, Reese.

Meghan: 31 aint middle age. I would put middle age as 35-55.

Which t-shirt y'all think I should where to a mid week/mid day showing of the flick.





I need to advertise properly and they aint gonna let me in the theater w/ black rope and a riding crop.

Count Jerkula said...

Welcome aboard, Max!

BotoncitoRosa said...

@Count You just kill me there, middle age starts at 35?! Get me a cane, I feel old.

The Real Dragon said...

Can't wait for this lifetime hotmess

Tiredallthetime said...

I've seen this movie before.
Its called Secretary!!

Victoria said...

I have found better books out there than Fifty Shades. If you want BDSM and D/s relationships, read Tiffany Reisz!!!!

Jessi said...

Haha. Sorry to all, I didn't mean any disrespect. (Not sure you took it that way or not, but just to clarify, I myself am middle age. : )

Astra Worthington said...

Never read the books, won't read them, never will see the movie. Don't care at all. If something is overhyped, that immediately makes me ignore it.

Unknown said...

How do you make a flick like this without getting an actress with some sex appeal??? He wouldn't waste his time on her.

Unknown said...

texas rose - yes, no appeal. I mean she's average looking, but there is nothing there. Just meh.

MrWolf said...

Hey, I was just saying on another post!

These mother fuckers look boring.

Freya said...

@sugarbread HA!!! Same here!!!

CowJam said...


NaughtyNurse said...

Dakota looks way too old to play Anastasia, and Christian should have been Ian Somerholder.

kit said...

wow, he's not sultry enough, too pale, and ugh no chemistry.

wow that was...surprisingly boring.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Anybody want to explain to me why Dakota goes to see that Grey guy dressed as Ruth Fisher? I thought these books were about her wearing kinky latex and leather and shit.

Lil P said...

Me too! Especially for the eyes. The actress should have been a total unknown launched into stardom!

ehrich weiss said...

If more sad housewives knew about, they wouldn't care less about 50 Shades.

Unknown said...

Some of the hilariously bad passages from these Twilight fanfic books have been posted online.

There is actually a reason why some people write internet fanfic and some people write books and screenplays.

The movie has some light B/d so the flyovers will flock to it. They think they're being daring.

michelelala said...

Add me to that list.

Faithnz said...

There are some amazing books waiting to be read and adapted to the big screen, then you have this shit. It's just embarrassing and another strike against movie makers. I feel sorry for Jamie, they have made him seem so... impotent

cricket said...

50 Shades Of Boring
Never read the books and this sure does not make me want to see the movie. Looks like a snoozefest.

auntliddy said...

Im just saying, if hunnan was in this trailet, thousands of wimen wld be on line for the movie NOW.

audrey said...

All she needed to do was bite her bottom lip and trip over her own feet as she entered his office and we would have a little more mature Bella from Twilight. Not interested in going to see this at all.

Count Jerkula said...

I'll bet when adjusted for inflation, Deep Throat will have had the bigger box office, not to mention societal impact. Science also. Who knew prior to 1973 that some women had clits in their throats?

For those who have never seen the American Cinema Classic: ABSOLUTELY NSFW! Deep Throat in its entirety. Featuring Thora Birch's parents: Jack Birch and Carol Connors (but not bangin each other).

The Enquirer said...

I wish the lead character was older and more distinguished looking but he's not bad. Overall I really liked the trailer and I'm looking forward to seeing it.

I think it should be released on demand the same day as in the theater though because I could see how a lot of women will want to see it, but will be too embarrassed to see it in public.

The Enquirer said...

@ Max Power - 50 Shades of Gay - Ha! I like it! Welcome to the group!

trudi said...

Back in the 1960's "Valley of the Dolls" was a smash hit and a laugh riot bad movie camp classic.

I see history repeating itself with this film.

SugarTitz said...

Jason you my boo.

tootie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I think it will be a smash as well, unless people are just too embarrassed to go see it.

Sis said...

First I did not read the books, a friend gave me the play by play. The trailer looks interesting, and if I had to bet money I think Charlie turning down this huge moneymaker will be a regret for him. Twilight made a boatload of money and I think this one will too. I think the Christian character is supposed to be dark in character and looks and Dakota seems to ok and this will launch her acting career.

Who said anything about a well thought out book, script, etc., it's all about the money.

The music is awesome!!

TanyaTurner said...

Go with B!

SugarTitz said...

@sis. charlie was only getting $100k for 50sog with no mention of back end profits..if it made it to a 2nd or 3rd film and only IF he would have gotten some sort of pay raise but keep it mind the HUGE BESTSELLERS the girl with the dragon tattoo was much hyped made by DAVID F-ING FINCHER and nod a commercial enough success to be greenlit for the 2nd film 4 years later..
also charlie wins because he got a crap ton of publicity out of this without having to have the pressure of filming the movie.


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