Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Alec Baldwin's new look has him morphing into his brother Stephen.
Daniel Radcliffe meeting fans at the premiere of his new movie.
Eva Longoria travels with her own pillow. She obviously has seen Hotel Hell.
Goldie Hawn trying to look 18.
Helena Bonham Carter and
Judi Dench looked at sculptures of themselves last night.
Hugh Jackman working out in the street for the benefit of his admirers.
Iggy Azalea and the really bad wig.
Jessica Alba has some type of stain on her hat.



So allegedly Kimye are having a white baby in 8 months

sandybrook said...

Bow to Dame Judi
It Goldie thinks she can pull off 18 at her age shes either deluded or had too much work done.
Alec is looking bloated--must be drinking too much to deal w Hilarious.

rolotomassi said...

Helena Bonham Carter looks amazing-take that Tim!

Lady Heisenberg said...

HeisenFaves of Harry Potter and Jackman/HBC
Have good one, CDaN!!! <3

Seven of Eleven said...

HBC, Dame Judi, and Hugh cancel out Iggy and Alba.

No way that's Hilaria. That woman is standing up.

Ri said...

@rolo... Agree!!!!

Unknown said...

Goldie still looks damn good.

rolotomassi said...

Hugh is putting on his Great Gazoo Helmet

Seven of Eleven said...

Ha, notice the sign under Iggy: "Why?"

Tina Mallette said...

"Alec Baldwin's new look has him morphing into his brother Stephen. " Okay that made me laugh out loud cuz it's true and Hilaria looks like his daughter there, too.

CoBe said...

I was promised there would be mockery if I clicked on the pictures.

More Alec Baldwin mockery please. The whole thing is ridiculous.

He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper said...

Damn Alec, fix the hair and lose the weight.

Mark Harmon's (not pictured) hair is weird too. I saw a clip of NCIS Louisiana - looks like a derelict bowl cut or something. He's such a cool guy.

califblondy said...

Who cut Alec's hair? Floyd the barber?

Goldie is wearing workout clothes and it's hot, leave her alone Enty.

I bow to queen dame Judi.

M. Brown said...

That statue looks more Maggie Smith than Judy.

Unknown said...

I think Goldie looks age appropriate

Alec looks like he has been eating his feelings :/

hairydawg said...


MinPinGirl said...

WTF happened to Alec??? He was losing weight & really looking great towards the end of 30 Rock and damned if he doesn't look like his idiot youngest brother there. GAWD to think he ever looked'd never guess looking at him there.

Daniel Radcliff is the best. You can bet he talks to more than 5 fans (and he actually enjoys his fans). He's adorable.

Helena looks and is fabulous!

Judy Dench is even more fabulous!!!

Hugh Jackman can exercise wherever he wants. My street is free tomorrow...

ecua said...

Goldie Hawn has been a joke for years, thanks to that utterly ridiculous plastic surgery.

skippy said...

Wow Judi's sculpture does look like Maggie Smith

Unknown said...

I know she's polarizing, but I love and dig Iggy Azalea. She's doing her thing, despite her biggest critics. Her music is super catchy! "Black Widow" is my workout jam.

Kaye said...

Isn't Goldie like 70 years old or something? I hope I look that good at her age but I also hope I dress better than her at that age

Bbbeeewww said...

Helena BC looks vaguely like Dolly Parton. Has she lost some lbs??

PS said...

Goldie looks amazing. So does Dame Judi.

Penelope said...

Goldie hasn't changed her "style" in years--the poor thing still tries to look 35. Ain't working Darling.

Kat has left the building said...

OMG I can't stop giggling at Alec's little boy haircut!!!! I still think he's good looking but not with this rug!

And I love Goldie no matter what. She's always smiling so I give her a pass for anything she wants to do.

WUWT? said...

I think Eva Longoria's shirt and Goldie Hawn's pants belong together, and I would get dizzy watching the person who was wearing both walk by.

Ms. Rose said...

That fan and Daniel Radcliff make a really cute couple! And I think Goldie looks adorable.

Tina Mallette said...

Well you know when you are unemployed as Alec is right now, it is easy to slip into sleep in late and eat too much cycle.

Ms B'have said...

Helena Bonham Carter is an Icon, always has been.
Goldie Hawn, on the other hand, isn't aging gracefully. Denial is strong.

Bitca said...

Aiee! Dan Radcliffe looks like an artist's composite of guys I dated from 19-20s. Well, a nicer, cute miniature version. Prob a lot nicer... :\

Goldie Hawn just never gives up, does she? But she usually fails so sadly, it's amazing to see her almost pull it off with the aid of distance, friendly light, & yet another pap who overdoes Gaussian blur.

Judy Dench doesn't fuss about the passage of time, bless her. I worry about the next-gen character actresses; cause with the prevalence of 'tox & those awful puffy-face injections, in 15 years or so, either every film character will be under-35. The occasional grandmas & moms character will all resemble Real Housewives.
--With the exception of HBC, of course. I refuse to believe she'll be doing the puffy/'toxy/plastic thing by then--coz when she ages that bone-structure will RULE the screen. And even when she lets her hair gray, that wardrobe will still be funky-adorable-DGAF ;-).


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