Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Random Photos Part Four - Fashion Rocks Photos Part Two

Joan Smalls
Lily Aldridge
Ryan Seacrest
Karolina Kurkova
Natasha Bedingfield
Rosci Diaz
Hoda Kotb
Jennifer Hudson
Justin Bieber got booed so responded by taking off his clothes.


  1. Jennifer Hudson looks great except for her Herman Munster hair cut.

  2. See Biebs went down to his undies and socks.:( then rita Whora butchered David Bowies Fashion
    the rest of this mess meh

  3. Natasha....I think it's a bad dress choice. Just cuz every else is doing it doesn't mean ....

    Beiber is such a twirp!! Someone get him a booster seat!

    Most of these peeps are unknown to me.

    Not liking this look for JHud. Yesterday's pics were really cute tho.

  4. Beaver is such a Douch...

  5. is he really wearing calvin swine?

    bwahahahahaha wtfwthat?

    oh boy you're just his type too. maybe a lil old but if you build up more muscles and jack more steroids he might let u escort him..

  6. is he really wearing calvin swine?

    bwahahahahaha wtfwthat?

    oh boy you're just his type too. maybe a lil old but if you build up more muscles and jack more steroids he might let u escort him..

  7. Well that event looked like a who's who of who's who.

  8. Why can't the Biebs just go away for a while???

  9. Hoda's shoulders look cold

  10. Bieber is such a turd. When is that black hole gonna swallow him?

  11. JHud looks like she's put back on some lost pounds or that outfit is doing her zero favors.

    Same fro Rosci Doaz the outfit not doing favors.

  12. Jennifer Hudson, no. No no no.

  13. I'm not understanding the whole Bieber taking his clothes off stunt.

    Lara stone was all I could look at. So sexy!

  14. Lily Aldridge looks amazing, love all of it. No idea who she is though.
    Shoulders back & straighten up Natasha.
    Jen should rethink her stylist. She's gorgeous but needs a more flattering look.

  15. Could be just me, but Natasha Bedingfield resembles Gwen Stefani, a bit here.

  16. Shag: Lara Stone. The gap!

    Marry: Joan Smalls is fierce!

    Kill: We allowed the Lohan infection to fester for years unchecked and by the time we broke out the hazmat suits, it was already too late. We can't afford to make the same mistake with the Bieber.

  17. Seriously JHud whats up with all the short skirts/dresses lately?

    I'm not feeling it

  18. I felt sorry for the woman on stage with Bieber.

  19. Do where's Seacrwst's bimbo "gf" for the red carpet?

    Hasn't passed the test yet (no its not about you - it's all about me - get used to the back seat)?

  20. Yep, J Hud's dress and haircut are cringe worthy. Eek.

  21. Beiber can't say it was impromptu strip down he presented with Calvin Klein head model Laura stone. I'm glad he got booood.

  22. I love Jennifer Hudson, but she needs What Not to Wear to stop by. She's beautiful overall but not perfection (who is?). Like all of us, she needs to dress for her body type, play up her assets, play down her weaknesses. And her upper thighs are not assets.

  23. If this shit is "fashion", thank God I just wear whatever T-shirt and pants (shorts in warm weather, jeans in cool weather) I grab out of the closet or drawer.

    @Sherry Not only does that outfit make her look like a cheap whore from a Frank Miller story, but who the hell is that Rosci Diaz?

  24. Does bieber have a deal with Calvin Klein by chance?
