Friday, September 05, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth hold hands at the premiere of their new movie. If they were single, the tabloids would call this dating.
Nicki Minaj leaves her boyfriend behind as they head into the airport.
Amber Rose and her mom out shopping.
Reese Witherspoon heading to lunch.
Sarah Jessica Parker on the 10 block school run in heels. Lots of moms do that right?
Sarah Silverman and
Michael Sheen did the dinner thing together, but the entrance thing separately.
Tina Fey does her beauty pageant pose before appearing on Letterman.
Zosia Mamet shows off her new hair color and style.


  1. Nicole's face moved enough to let her smile!

    1. No freaking way, I was first for once ever!

    2. Zoom in on her hands as they tell her real age. You can Botox and fill your face all you want but your hands will scream your real age.....Don't ask me how I know this. lol

    3. Witwriter: it would be really difficult to surgically correct hands. It's true! Old hands, plastic face and boobs.

  2. Replies
    1. Bless VIP! Sigh. Firth tooshy. Mmmmm

  3. COLIN mmmmm
    Amber looks cute when she's no wearing her fierce face.
    Michael, do something, STAT

  4. different colored shoes on sjp's kid. kinda cute trend.

    tina looks pretty

    michael looks old :\

  5. Thanks for Colins bum VIP

  6. I was going to ask what all these beautiful women see in Michael Sheen, then I clicked that link.. Ok I guess. Dick is dick. A nice one aint that hard to find. Weren't there blinds about him trying to change her into more of a girly girl? He just looks bloated and is probably a pretentious thespian type. Meh.

  7. Kidman's dress is like a peacock barfed butterflies.

    Nooooo! Booties are back!

    1. Kidman's dress looks very daggy. What a miss.

  8. Amber Rose, sponsored by Donkey Punch!
    Let's play a game of Saving Silverman's vape! I think Sheen stole it and rubbed it on his pooper before putting back into Sarah's Jansport. It certainly explains that face he's making! Gotcha!!!!
    Holy Warhol Zosia!

  9. If I was Nikki Id dump my b/f for bring dressed like dat.
    My father wore a tux whenever I let him ride me to school forget SJPs heels.

    1. @sandy: you also (presumably) have never been tag teamed by a dude with a face tattoo of an ice cream cone....

  10. In defence of SJP: there are high heels more comfy to walk in than a ballerina pump... (hat those slugs..)

    EEEEEEEEveryone is going monroe-blond..?? Lena Dunham, Dianna Agron, Zosia Mamet... What have you done, MILEY CYRUS???

  11. Very true LadyH (as I sit here waiting for the next set to.load 10 or more later then it should:()

  12. @lady exactly!'re so..sheltered lol

  13. Replies
    1. Agree, Derek. I like her quirkiness

  14. I have the same bag as Reese, except in black! Although it's a piece of shit and the leather wore off the thin straps in less than two months.

  15. I'm waiting for you to come up here and show me stuff Tricia!

    1. Careful what ya wish for:)

    2. I'm no Helen mirren but.....

  16. Mr Firth got hot again! His face isn't falling south any longer.

  17. P: Fey

    M: Spoon

    B: Icehole

    1. Count your stock just went up with me. Choosing Fey is a sign you msy have some (shock!)

  18. GAAAH everyone has booties on

  19. Zosia got the same hairdo as Lena? Looks way better.

  20. Michael Sheen is unattractive.

  21. Michael Sheen IS unattractive. He must be a total charmer. Nicole, Nicole, Nicole..That dress just doesn't look good. The hem is too long. Seems like longer hemlines are in this year.

    Ugh! Die booties DIE!!

    Love Tina Most of all.

  22. I have come to realize Colin Furth is in every movie I watch either American or British. Does the guy ever take a vacation?

  23. Colin Firth is never not less than gorgeous. Period.

  24. @Stuff: Lok at the competition here. SJP, Mamet, Silverman I'd rather jack off to the scene where she gets punched in the face from The Way Of The Gun than have to bone her annoying ass. Nicky Minaj don't do to much for me. Best thing she's done is a music video that was redubbed with all the twerking coupled w/ fart noises instead of music.

    Out of the 3 I chose, Fey probably the least cunty and most into sex. I could see her having some kink to her or atleast puttin it on ya real good. Its always the quiet ones. Plus she is talented, so she deserves a lil taking care of.

  25. @Count. True, I think Tina probably likes to call the shots in the bedroom because "Bitches get stuff done". ;-)

  26. I feel like Nicole Kidman has breast implants out in and taken out about as often as the rest of us change underwear. And no, those drastic differences are not at ALL the result of "push up bras." Between that and her face, I really don't understand how that woman has survived going under the knife and anesthesia so often. *Scary*
