Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

Heather Graham on a dinner date last night.
Jodie Foster dances and dodges and runs to try to shake the paps following her.
Jon Favreau promoting the DVD release of Chef. A great movie.
Jennifer Lopez wearing another dead animal.
John Malkovich has ruined all your Marilyn Monroe fantasies.
Jeremy Renner last night after announcing his marriage.
Jessica Simpson traveling through the airport.
Kristin Chenoweth sets back fashion.
And Kaley Cuoco sends it even further back.


  1. Saw jess on gma and her lip work has changed her ability to talk. She has the same voice as Brandi glanville. They talk like they have water in their mouth.

    No, really, what is jodie doing?

    1. @TE Cruz: Jodie is running away from @Brenda L, who is going the fuck off on her for wearing leggings as pants ;)

  2. Oh my god TRICIA get in here for Marilyn Malkovich!!

    1. Marilyn Malkovich. Is my new favorite. I have to save that photo..
      In the same post as Jeremy Renner wedding announcement. I don't think that's what they meant by gays can marry now Jeremy! !!

  3. All sorts of well dressed people here.
    the girl behind Jessica needs a longer blouse
    Chenowith doesn't look pretty in pink
    Wtf kind of shoes are those JHo?
    Kaley forgot the clown makeup for the clown outfit.

  4. John looks better than Lilo did as Marilyn.

    1. Oh behave bee haven. . Just mad I didn't think of that frist..

  5. I think you mean John Malkovich has enhanced all our Marilyn Monroe fantasies

    1. Amen @jack ducky! I swear a dozen doves just flew outta my heart!
      Only a thoroughbred like Norma Jeane Malkovich could draw you out today. Glad you dropped by!!!

    2. I've been at work all day :( but I'm glad I stopped in too if only for the wonderful gifs you've bey-stowed upon me

  6. 1. I love Heather Graham.
    2. Chef was a great movie, even Sofia Vergara was okay in it.

  7. I have a soft spot for Heather Graham.

    Love the Jodie Foster pic! She's always been one of my favorite actors.

    Whatever, JLo.

    LOL @John Malkovich! I've loved him since Dangerous Liaisons. And the crazy dude in ConAir.

    Oh, Kristen. :/

    I guess Kaley paid her RP subscription. She used to dress so cute, it's like she's given up.

    Jess's bag is big enough to fit Swifty's kitten! And the girl behind her needs some britches.

  8. Agreed, Enty, Chef WAS awesome, you should all go buy/stream it. I didn't hate either Sophia Vergara OR Scarlett Johansson in it, and even John Leguizamo was entertaining!

  9. Why would Renner bother with marrying a beard? He was already quite publicly outed, albeit accidentally, by Ted Casablanca.

    The outing had no effect on his career and neither will the marriage. Someone needs to let him know that since he's not considered a sex symbol, no one cares that he's gay. Please also cc Hayden Christensen on the same memo.

    1. Hayden Christianson too? Never heard that one. He's expecting a baby with Rachel Bilson; is she a beard? This is news to me!

    2. I think Rachel is pregnant by one of her producers.

  10. @Lady H....I'm here!!!!! Malkovitch has gotten in touch with his inner outer and all sorts of Marilyn!!
    Is he our pervy aging stipper happy cad from yestersdays blind...
    He looks oddly, suited to this by the

  11. "The Chef" is a great movie. Had no idea what is what about and it turned out to be such a pleasant surprise. Fantastic movie for anyone who is feeling a little uninspired and needs a fire lit under their ass for their passion.

  12. Oh how I love John!

  13. Jodie Foster is giving her impression of Mr Whippy doing a poo.

  14. @Tricia: It is fucking exquisite. I swear a dozen doves flew from my bosom when I saw Malkovich. I was imagining how joyous you must especially feel, but now I understand after Enty gave top billing to the wise guy car salesman Heisenberg on a movie set. Seven did not appreciate my royal flyness today though.

    @jack: always a pleasure, love ;)

    Heisenberg out! Mwahhh!!!

  15. Mwwwwahhh@LH!
    A dozen doves...I love it!

  16. Jess is so beautiful. Why did she feel the need to ruin her lips?

  17. Ha! John you sex symbol you! Hilarious!

  18. Anonymous2:15 PM

    kaley looks like justin beiber

  19. Looks like Jodi Foster is not doing much work in front of the camera any more.John Malkovich will be haunting my dreams from now on

  20. Renner actually married someone with XY chromosomes. How did that happen?

  21. Wait Jeremy Renner married a woman? Why?

  22. LOL at the Renner comments

    Kaley does not give a fuck

  23. K Chen and k cookoobird. Set everything back.

  24. Renner looks gayer than Malkovich, I'd love to see a mink with Lopez's skin over its shoulder

  25. I take it back I'd like to see a mink eat Lopez's ass flesh, shit it out and then see a fox wear her 50 year old ass flesh as eye shadow

  26. I know who Renner's new wife is. She worked as a "hostess" wink wink here in Vancouver. Wow.

  27. Jennifer Lopez disgusts me with her love for fur. Her clothing line (if it still exists) has load of fur on it. I saw the video of her farm where she gets the fur. It made me sick to my stomach, all the abuse from these little animals that they skin alive. They showed everything in the video, and JLo is aware, and doesn't care.

  28. Sweats, t-shirt, baseball cap. That means hung over and no panties for Penny, right?

  29. Somebody needs to flour bomb JLo in her fur coat.
