Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

A baby bump showing Alicia Keys at the launch of a new perfume.
Leonardo DiCaprio gets an early start on Movember.
Alessandra Ambrosio wins for the shortest shorts of the day.
L:iev Schreiber and his kids enjoying the last day before school started for them.
Amy Adams takes a break from filming Batman vs Superman.
Madonna shared this photo of Rocco and David and Mercy on their way to school.
Milla Jovovich and
Clive Owen keep the Venice Film Festival going.
Mindy Kaling got a well deserve magazine cover. She is on the cover of Flare.


  1. Damn, Milla Jovovich must drink the blood of virgins, she never ages!

  2. Much love for Mindy's cover. She looks great!

  3. OMG, Ray Donovan last Sunday, though.

    1. I've been debating on whether or not to start watching this show. I take it you like it?

  4. Flare is a Toronto magazine so of course us Canadians will be the ones to show Mindy the love she deserves!

  5. Leo, well at least you aren't looking like a chunky monkey here, so that's a positive.

    Super cute photo of the kiddies Madonna!

    Clive, ooh lala lalalalalalalallaaa!!

    Mindy, love you so! Can't wait for the new season to start!

  6. I'm sorry but I like Liev even though hes supposedly no good to Naomi.
    That's the most clothes Ive ever seen Alessandra wearing.
    Leos been hitting his adderall to slim down I see.

  7. Clive Owen wins all the things. ALL. THE. THINGS.

  8. @Greengrl, yes! Definitely give it a try. It might seem a little slow at first but it gets better.

  9. Leo - I still would

    Madonna's kids are all adorable but Rocco has gotten big! Makes me feel super old.

  10. Is a baby bump showing Alicia Keys? Or is Alicia Keys showing a baby bump? Enquiring minds need to know!

  11. Liev Schreiber, Amy Adams, Milla Jovovich, Mindy Kaligh, and Clive Owen all cancel out the chin bush on Jack Jr. Whew!

  12. Ray Donovan rulz every single character in the show is a POS, even his kids suck.

  13. Did you see the most recent episode, @sandy? I actually felt sorry for his daughter. That was the first time I have ever had anything like a sentimental feeling for any character on that show. I love how horrible they all are.

    My only gripe with that show is that they need way more Katherine Moennig. Way more.

  14. Ha yeah I had to stop watching Ray Donovan because I really do NOT like any of the characters.

    I don't get why Liev's son is wearing a helmet but not him. Terrible role model.

  15. rocco is growing up fast.

    liev and those dam bikes are driving me insane. i dont know why im so tired of seeing him on a bike.

    at what point are shorts actually underwear and not shorts? ((looking at you ale$$andra))

    leo is absolutely KILLING ME with that ponytail, beard and shoe combo. Ugh

    Oh...forgot keys is pregnant

  16. Yeah it was great but when those guys figger out she saw everything...well it may not be pretty.
    I think Katherine is also on a network show so she might not be totally available.

  17. Oh yeah, this Sunday is going to be pretty intense. I can't wait. The birthday party was the absolute best. It really showcased how ridiculous everybody was.

    I don't see another show on Katherine's IMDB, if you remember where you saw the TV sighting, please let me know. I cannot get enough of that woman.

  18. Leo lose the ponytail and the fucking beard and we'll be good again

    He's totally fighting the hot

  19. Maybe it was guest starring Annie in any case by just looking I just discovered shes related to Gwynnie Paltrow.

  20. *GASP* Madge is just like us, and showing the kids 'first day of school' pics?!

    They look happy don't they =)

  21. Stop it Enty. No more ugly Leo facial pubes pics. You'll turn me off hirsute men for good.

  22. Shag: The Supreme Being Milla Jovovich. Mul-ti-pass.

    Marry: Clive Owen.

    Kill: A tiny ponytail?! Leo just keeps making it easier and easier, doesn't he?

  23. Clive is always on my list.
    I'd love to have Alessandra's legs!

  24. Wow, she is, isn't she?! I wonder if they ever spend time together. I just do not see them having fun together.

  25. I love Ray Donovan is it Sunday again yet?

    Wow Rocco, what a doll.

    Leo is getting bearded up for his next role I think, The Revanant, co-starring Tom Hardy. Starting in Calgary soon. Western revenge movie.

    Hardy will probably start on his facial hair again momentarily - was so nice to have him clean shaven for a couple of months. But a man must do what he must for art.

  26. Ooohh so Mindy kaling is the answer to the bi about An actress comic stealing another comic moguls material? ?? NAILED this part at least. ..
    Clive Owen is always a must. .
    Alicia Keys had sex with her husband again huh??
    The Ray Donovan birthday party was insane. .
    Can't wait for next week. .

  27. Leonardo DiCaprio's beard looks ridiculous and I am also envious because I can't grow one at all. What ever happened to Clive Owen? He used to be everywhere and now I rarely see him in anything. I just saw Sin City 2 so I was thinking of why he was not in it. Brolin did an excellent job but I would have liked to see Owen reprise his character

  28. Maybe Mindy is actually considered the mogul? She does have her own production company. I just don't see Mindy stealing someone else's stuff. She has been writing for years!

  29. Clive is said to be picky about what he does. Been enjoying the series The Knick, a little bit slower moving than say Ray Donovan but I have not been able to stay awake during one episode of The Leftovers yet.

  30. Mentioning The Knick since Clive is in it.

  31. Ive seen Liev walking around with his kids and at the park, I NEVER would take pics of them, what parasites these paps are.

  32. clive was the big hot thing about 10 yrs ago and he was given bond but wanted too much money and they said no and it went to daniel craig and his career plummeted

    1. @sugarbread
      Fuck off! He's Clive Owen. That's mental!

  33. Sugarbread maker knows where all the bodies are buried.

  34. Alessandra Ambrosio has a great body but a caveman forehead. It's really disconcerting. She's like Giselle, a total butterface, but she looks great with the sunglasses on, it's hardly noticeable.

    Mindy looks great, but hate the scarf.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I totally disagree with the criticism of Ale. I think she is gorgeous and darn near elite.

  37. Clive Owen is one of the very few who could give Colin Firth a run for his money in the Born to Wear a Suit department. IMHO, anyway!

  38. @astra.. there was a rumor somewhere online that madge was inundating young rocco w/ gay porn and mags of naked men in order to try to get him to prefer men so she could control him more..
    @yoj.. there is an interesting career prospectus on laineys site about clive. go to her site and type his name in search it should come up rather quickly.. it goes in detail of what happened to his career.. someone named sara does them and they are really well written..
    hey count!! i love it when you and yoj play fight!! it's sexy!!

  39. That's the best picture of Mindy I've ever seen. Take that Anna Wintour.

    David Banda has some personality. So does Mercy. Rocco is how old now?

  40. Leo looks ridiculous.
    Madonna sharing a school pic just like all us regular parents do... Too cute!

  41. A butterface is someone with a bangin' bod but an unfortunate mug. As in "everything looks good but her face."

    Madonna's kids DO look really happy. Despite the whole Lourdes-having-sex-in-the-other-room thing, I think she actually seems like a really good mother.

  42. Also, I love Mindy but I don't watch her show. That makes ZERO sense. Her book is a hoot; read it if you haven't already.

  43. Well I guess beauty is subjective and there's someone for everyone.

    sugarbread, I deleted that because it seemed wrong somehow, but Madonna seems like the type that would do that. SO messed up and how would him being gay give her more control over him? What strange logic.

  44. sprink..what upset you exactly just to clarify?? that clive killed his own career by asking for to much money or the madge thing b/c neither was my opinion i was just repeting what i read elsewhere,, but what pissed you off so much?? just curious

  45. @sugarbread, no!

    So sorry, I was paraphrasing a Clive Owen line from Extras and at the time couldn't get a good enough signal in my phone to check I had the right Clicky link so didn't link at all.

    I thought you'd get it anyway--that was my joking response to the Daniel Craig/Clive Owen post.

    Hope that clarifies and really sorry for the misunderstanding.

  46. Ps sugarbread, MASSIVE kudos for your calm, measured response and enquiry to me. A lot of commenters would have counter-attacked rather than seeking clarification. I really appreciate that--because of your diplomacy--we avoided WWIII. :)

  47. Sprink..that is funny I need to find that show and start watching. . OK cool I was wondering why your so mad your usually the one who gets me..Morning.

  48. Sprink. .I can't get too upset if people snap and start turning on me.. but I am calm by nature. . I can type calmly and wait 5 hours for a response. . Love ya boo..

    1. Back atcha, sugarbread. Phew!
