Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

This actress has never been in a blind before. If you are going to be in one, then a Kindness is the way to go and this one is really over the top. The actress is someone you might not be able to put a face with, but she is seemingly a regular on twenty shows. OK, the number is probably closer to three, but to be a regular on that many shows means she works a ton. The shows run the gamut from cable to network and she even has managed to squeeze in a few movies too. Great actress. Some of her family members have served and currently serve in the military and our actress has personally met more troops than most celebrities combined. She has let service members and their families stay in her home when they don't have enough money to stay in a hotel during brief reunions. She has babysat kids of service members so their parents can have time alone. She donates a great portion of her paychecks to various causes related to wounded veterans and returning veterans and family members who have to stay behind. She has helped raise well over a million dollars for these causes and she is beloved by every military family she meets. I have had three separate families from completely different parts of the country tell me they have met her and they couldn't believe she was at their base or helping out and they all love her.


rocky619ca said...

Whoever she is...she is awesome.

VIPblonde said...

Every time I turn on one of my shows, Anne Dudek is on it. So I'll go with her :)

MontanaMarriott said...

I have no idea but REVEAL REVEAL REVEAL this and she will have a dire hard fan for life here!

Tricia13 said...

Megan Mullaly

Unknown said...

Judy Greer?

sandybrook said...

Anne Dudek fits becuz Ive never heard of her. Whoever she is this is awesome.

Karen said...

@VIP, I love her! I also love that two of her characters were broken up with on their birthdays a combined three times (Friends and HIMYM).

Cathy said...

Alison Brie or Bianca Lawson?

Kelly said...

That is wonderful!

Grace said...

Kathryn Hahn?

jayjay said...

Margo Martindale?

Tara said...

Mullally is a good guess - she has a name but pops up in all sorts of surprise roles. Here is an announcement for a performance Megan did at a military base:

As for a face....I think if you say Karen Walkeror Tammy Swanson you can picture her...

Unknown said...

Judy Greer, Holland Taylor

Tara said...

Ann Dowd is on Masters of Sex AND The Leftovers right now...

The Real Dragon said...

Judy Greer.

Sabrina said...

Margo Martindale? She is/was in The Millers and The Americans at the same time.

Seven of Eleven said...

I would love if this was #24 (Anne Dudeck), but there's no listing of her family as military. Her dad was an architect.

She's been in freaking everything. House (of course), Charmed, ER, Bones, L&O, Six Feet Under, Desperate Housewives, Big Love, many others.

Count Jerkula said...

Fugazi Enty, in the future, when giving hints/descriptions of starlets, could you use "This (insert letter here)List Fappening victim....." It would be helpful and really hot.


AppleThief4Elliot said...

Sarah Chalke, I've been waiting for you.
(She'd get my user name.)

Unknown said...

I don't know why, but she was my first thought, as well.

Tricia13 said...

Tara...she is soo Danny good:)

Tricia13 said...


Sabrina said...

@Seven of Eleven, but the blind says "some of her family members", could be uncles, nephews and nieces, cousins. I wish Enty would reveal this one.

JMoKo said...

What about Anna Camp....True Blood, Pitch Perfect, etc...

Already have one said...

I'm with Lola and unknown. Judy Greer.

element said...

Allison Janney

Violet said...

Marcia Gay Harden. Perhaps.

Boishglamorpuss said...

Alison FTW

Tricia13 said...

She's also hosted Sirius radio shows and had a talk show(that was cancelled, whose proceeds went to military wives)
And the crossover shows of Bob's burgers/parks and recs and trophy wife
Cable was web tv

Tricia13 said...

*web therapy

Less Than Reality said...

Judy Greer was my thought as well.

Mal said...

Taryn Manning

Tina Mallette said...

My first guess was Judy Greer, thinking she may have mentioned family in the military in an interview?

Sherry said...

Bravo to whoever this is. Bless her for her unending and extremely generous support.

Frosty said...

The wonderful Margo Martindale

ladybaus said...

@Mal---definitely not Taryn---it seems like every other blind is about her. "This selfish cracker from an almost tv show..." ***cracker was meant to be crackhead but typo stays***

sifichick said...

This needs to be revealed.

msgirl said...

Megan has done a ton for the military according to google.

M. Brown said...

Kathryn Hahn and Judy Greer are everywhere. So is Megan but I suspect she has been in a blind before. There is a new Cookie Monster sketch and her husband has a brief part at the end and his wife calls out from off screen. It was Megan.

Mal said...

Derek- Oh no- she's a crackhead?? Couldn't she be a really generous crackhead???

skippy said...

Don't know but she's fab. Good Karma.

ladybaus said...

Mal---don't think there is such a thing ; )

S said...

Allison Janney. Seems like the only one who can actually afford to do it.

Mal said...

I'm just an optimist. The crackhead is always halfway full.

Myself said...

rachel brosnahan

Paint Chips said...

The first one I thought of was Allison Janney also. She is on everything and everyone loves her.

Unknown said...

Alison Brie is my guess.

Whoever she is - YOU ROCK!

Cary Gaul said...

Brie has already been in a military-related kindness before, so it isn't her.

cap'ngeech said...


msgirl said...

I thought of Brie too, she's everywhere. Enty might have forgotten he's done a blind about her before.

whadyastoopid said...

oh, shoot, i can't think of her name right now; but, she was Andrea on the walking dead. maybe her. allison janney is a great guess too.

carolinalily said...

Judy Greer was my first thought too.

Mrs. S. said...

Sarah Drew?

Spyarella said...

I'm going to throw out Pamela Adlon! She's on (and has been on) quite a few shows (Californication, Louie, King of the Hill) and for what it's worth, I kind of have a girl crush on her, so I'm totally hoping it is her!

Tricia13 said...

I checked ..Judy Greer doesn't have any military related support affiliations..
Sticking with my guess of the wonderful Megan Mullally and her numerous contributions and military site performances and whether she is reveal or not..i salut her:)

Candyland said...

@Myself- that's who I think, too! Rachel Brosnahan!

Reese said...

Another vote for Judy Greer. Whoever she is, she's wonderful. Looking forward to this reveal.

FlirtyChick74 said...

This blind sounds so similar to the one about Kellie Pickler. Anyway, this lady is a gem, whoever it is.

otarmy2002 said...

Natalie Zea

TV shows: Dirty Sexy Money, Hung, The Defenders, The Following, Under The Dome, Justified, Californication

NaughtyNurse said...

Please reveal this ASAP.

Tricia13 said...
Megan mullaly..yet another military organization she supported.

It's revealed.

Tricia13 said...

Was 9 hours ago actually

Yoj said...

Tricia's tenacity wins again!

Kelly said...

But who doesn't know Megan's name? Really? She's well known.

cowbulls said...

Please reveal this so I can become a fan of everything she does from that point forward.

Sprink said...

I'm with you, Reno. CDAN readers would know Megan Mullaly. I can believe she fits, but if this blind is about her it's mistaken.

MinPinGirl said...

How about Carrie Preston. She's been on True Blood, The Good Wife and makes cameos on A Person of Interest. Seems like I see her everywhere.

Sandy said...

Most people would know Mullaly as "Karen" or "Tammy" if they know her at all (neither Will & Grace nor P&R are the type of series most of the unwashed hordes would watch). I thin she fits this blind. And brava to her. Now I know why Offerman worships her.


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