Thursday, October 30, 2014

Your Turn

Have you ever seen a ghost?


Seven of Eleven said...

I saw my gran in the middle of the night once wearing Pond's cold cream. I screamed and she about had a heart attack. People should warn little kids about stuff like that!

ladybaus said...

I have never "seen" a ghost but lived in a haunted house for over a year. Scary and annoying. My roomates claimed to see one though.

Brenda L said...

a cat ghost

Karen said...

No, but I know several people who have. My aunt's family owns a haunted house and my family lived in one when I was a baby. My older brother swore for years that he'd seen this woman in white with long dark hair standing in his bedroom and my parents didn't believe him. Thirty years later, their renters told them about that lady and a Confederate soldier ghost that they'd both seen (in Richmond, Va).

Beetlejuice said...

I'm the ghost with the most babe.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Nope. Only "Give Up The Ghost."
Boston HxC finest

Bleu said...

Yes. Looked as real and alive as the next person. It was freezing cold outside, I was a smoker at the time and stepped out for a cigarette; the parking lot was iced over. A man came walking toward me real fast -- I noticed right away because he was wearing short sleeves and no coat, and didn't seem to notice the weather at all, and was moving way too fast across the icy lot. His footsteps were loud, and I could hear his keys in his pocket with each step. He walked onto the sidewalk and then POOF -- mid-step, mid-key-jangle -- just disappeared into thin air. It's made me think maybe many "ghosts" are actually 3-D recordings of sorts.

JoElla said...

We had a little boy ghost who was more present, when my kids were younger. He was quite playful. My youngest is now 15 and he doesn't come often, but every once in a while he will pop up now..

Merlin D. Bear said...

There was the time I was house-hunting with the then-boyfriend; went up to the house and we started looking around - he was around back and I went to the front to try and get a look at the interior.
Curtains were closed, but if you stooped down just right, you could see into the living room and get a glimpse of this fantastic fireplace & mantel.
Went around back to get him to show him, telling him he'd have to stoop and squint to see through the curtains, but it was worth it.
Got back up to the porch to the windows and the curtains had been opened.

AndrewBW said...

Yeah, Kate Bosworth.

Anonymous said...

yes, a solid form in my bedroom once-yet he had no head. ALso, I have been touched by a ghost-that was discussed on an episode of "Ghost Hunters" once.

Anandamide said...

Maybe? I was riding the city bus when a guy got on (and was the only person at the stop) wearing a windbreaker with my stepdad's company name on it. I had heard my stepdad talk about the guy before, he worked there. Guy sat and talked with me for a while before his stop. I thought nothing of it until I mentioned to my Mom the next day that I had run into Sam. Her response: No, you didn't. Um, yeah, I did. No, you didn't, because he's been dead for a year.

Cary Gaul said...

One day after pulling an all-nighter I was convinced I saw a ghost in the other room.

ladybaus said...

Whenever I smoke my meth I see my shadow people friends...*jokes*

Lady Heisenberg said...

I can confirm that Derek indeed does not smoke meth. I tried to negotiate with him multiple times to be my chief distributor in the greater Toronto grid, but he refused to undo the magic of his Dermawand!!!

Lady Heisenberg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
0_0 said...

No. Neither has anyone else. :P

Wen said...

When I was inebriated.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Yes I have. And then I called these guys.

a loose seal said...

Yes...we rented a historic house and thought it would be great. Unfortunately, it was haunted. We had many experiences, mostly poltergeist type stuff. The guy clearly enjoyed messing with us. I saw him once...just standing in the room and then he vanished before my eyes. Needless to say, we moved out as soon as our lease was up. That is the only time in my 36 years I've ever experienced anything paranormal and don't care to ever again.

Sea Hag said...

Thought I saw my Dad out of the corner of my eye shortly after he passed. Probably doesn't qualify, but I felt he was there.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

I had a ghost where I lived, alone in my apartment, who didn't like when I talked to my bf on the phone. First sign is while talking and lying in bed at night, no air on or windows open, my pup next to me - my sheets and down/duvet rippled from my toes all tbe way up as if someone lifted it from the bottom and shook it and it rippled up my body - my dog and I freaked- we felt and saw it moving.
Another night, same setting and I felt pressing on my shoulders and my dog started barking at it. I couldn't sit up or breathe.
On occasions my dog would bark at a corner where there was nothing - come over to me and then back to bark at the spot I beleive the ghost was.
While this was happening my mom hired this woman who was like the dog whisperer for her dog (who got kicked out of obedience class) and my
Mom said to bring my pup over too.
This woman was interesting, she'd been hired to go to Katrina and calm the scared dogs down so they could be rescued. I figured she was clarevoyant. She also, after holding my dog for a minute told me things about my dog that aren't common but were inded true about my dog.
So I blurted out, "do you beleive in ghosts?" Without hesitation she answered, "You have a ghost where you live. And she likes the wall hanging mirror behind your couch that's shaped like _____(she described this very unusual shaped wall hanging/mirror that I have - color and shape) "and she likes the mirror in your bathroom". Both hung high on the walls my tiny dog would bark at. Then she said, "she doesn't like ur bf. And your apartment was her favorite place that she ever lived."

Sherry said...

I love hearing peoples ghost stories..The one on the bus is pretty weird! Thanks for sharing.

Sherry said...

I love hearing peoples ghost stories..The one on the bus is pretty weird! Thanks for sharing.

HeatherAM said...

I once lived in an apartment that had a ghost in my bedroom. I would see it on my bed sometimes and moving. Once in a while I would wake up because I couldn't breathe, and my mom said the ghost was sitting on me...

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Btw. I had never met the woman before - she didn't know where I lived or if I had a bf. My mom was also meeting her for 1st time. No way she could know what she knew.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

@Heather. I can relate. See above.

Eeeeerie huh??

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

I second what @ Sherry said.
These stories are cool.
It's a very interesting subject. And good timing.

witwritergirl said...

Yes. We lived in an old house in a historic district. My bedroom was directly across the hall from my daughters room ( who was 5 at the time) and caught a glimpse of what I thought was "something" tucking the covers up around my daughter while she slept. It happened many times during the 2 years we lived in the house. I questioned neighbors and found the couple who'd owned the home and lived in it from honeymoon until they passed away in their 80's never had children. The old woman had passed away in the home. I believe she truly was tucking my daughter in at night. It never made us feel creepy.

SaintsFan said...

These stories are very cool and I love reading them. I am obsessed with shows like "A Haunting" as well. However, I've never seen one and until I do, I can't say I believe 100%. I've lived all over the country and in some very old historical houses. Nada.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

@witwritergirl. Got chills reading urs.

Glitter said...

No, but I live in an old house and for years, we would hear a telephone ringing. At first, I would go outside to see if I could hear a neighbor's phone, but that was not it. Visitors to the house have also heard it. They would say, "Your phone is ringing." Haven't heard it in quite a while, though.

Snapdragon said...

I had very strange experiences in a house I once owned. Don't know whether it really was a ghost (Nora was the name I've heard) but to this day I can't fully explain them (aside from what I noted in #3).

1. Was in the office, saw someone walk past the doorway out of the corner of my eye, looked over just in time to see the exposed bare heel of a foot disappearing from view. I got up immediately to investigate and there was no one there.

The thing here is that the speed of this confident stride would have immediately landed a person on the couch and/or launched them through the front window. I.e. not really physically possible.

2. Heard footsteps going up the stairs (too heavy to be cats). Assumed it was roommate (as she often clomped up the stairs in exactly the same manner)... except that immediately afterwards I went to the kitchen, and both roommate and partner were in there. No one else was in the house.

3. This one MIGHT be due to half-dream-half-awake state, but I felt as if I were wide awake. I was lying in bed (foot of bed pointing towards the door), dark room, door partially open, light on in hallway. Backlit figure comes in, walking towards me; assume it is roommate coming in to tell me something. As the figure moves nearer, it... shimmers and dissolves into nothing. That's the only description I have for it. It didn't scare me but it really weirded me out.

Sarah said...

Me too! I had anxiety for a while after moving out

Anonymous said...

Yes, saw one when I was 15 or so, walking in the woods with boyfriend. Park ranger leaped across the trail in front of us and disappeared in the woods on the other side - BF didn't see him though. Apparently the PR died in fire in the woods, years earlier.

Anothergrayhare said...

Love the stories. The closest I ever got was right after my grandmother died. I was looking in a small mirror over the kitchen sink at our cottage, staring at myself and missing her. As I continued to look in the mirror, my face turned into hers, then back again. I really think we are all connected on some other level. Just got into reading a blog about the book "My Son and the Afterlife" 2 days ago, so this is very coincidental timing. Or

Frosty said...

I lived in an old apartment that was haunted. Surprisingly unscary. It was pesky and annoying though. I'd wake up in the dead of winter in freezing cold because the windows were thrown up, or faucets running full blast. Pranks

Tillie said...

When I was in my 20's I spent the night with the guy I was seeing. He got up early in the morning and went downstairs to make coffee and I stayed in the bed. I heard footsteps, and the swishing sound of a long gown. Then I help a presence on the bed, like someone sat down. I was frozen in terror! I couldn't even turn around. When I mentioned the presence to my mate he said "so you've met my ghost?" One of the freakiest things I've ever experienced!!!

Tillie said...

*felt a presence *

PotPourri said...

many times, many different houses, many different years in my life.

Sarah said...

Moved into an apartment in what had been a farmhouse in the 1800s, overlooking a little cemetery. My 6 year old told me the first night that she saw people who weren't there (cue the Sixth Sense jokes) but I brushed it off.
That night I was awoken by the sound of someone desperately banging and clawing from the inside of my bedroom closet, the metal handle being turned back and forth as if imprisoned there. Thought one of the kids wandered in to find me, being the first night in a new house, but they were fast asleep and the closet was empty.
I signed a lease so I hung in there, but there was always something. Lights flickering, that feeling of dread. My cd/dvd player would flash that hello sign when turned off.
We had large walk in closets, my sister was changing in one and simultaneously the lights shut off and the door slammed shut behind her. One night I was sleeping there was this tug of war with my heavy comforter, as if someone was tugging it off from the bottom. I pulled back hard a few times, then panicked when I realized I was home alone.
By the time I moved it felt less threatening, but I had a dark feeling for a long time after that. I truly felt haunted.

PotPourri said...

I had been unusually sad one night, and I was laying in bed next to my special needs son. He points to the wall and says, "Your mom brought you flowers." I said "My Mom? Is my mom here". He said "Yes and she brought you flowers to make you happy". I said "Thank you, Mom". I just didn't know what else to say or do, and he began talking about something else. Closer to sleep, I asked him "How did you know that was my mom as you've never met her?" He said "I know her from pictures in the house". Of course, I ran through the house the next morning looking for a picture of her he had seen, but I already knew. I don't have any pictures of my parents out because it makes me tremendously sad to see them, not happy.

Jessi said...

Definitely believe in ghosts, but never thought I would see one. A few years ago I was leaving my apt. building. I forgot something, so I turned around to go back in. This building had a middle foyer that you walk in from outside and then have to open another door to get into the actual building. As I got to the 2nd door, in the glass I saw a man, with a suit coat/blazer type jacket, his hands in his pockets and newspaper cap with his head down standing behind me. I whipped around because I hadn't heard anyone come in behind me and it freaked me out. When I turned around no one was there. Gives me chills just thinking about it.

Baba said...

My best friend and I moved into a historic apartment. 100 years before, it had been a hotel. We even had a dumbwaiter (boarded up, though). My friend was home a lot more than me and she started telling me she thought we had a ghost. Weird things were happening and she told me it kept bothering her at night...poking at her, hissing at her in the dark. I brushed it off and told her she just had a wild imagination.
One day, I was tired and decided (with her permission) to take a nap in her room. It didn't have any windows and was more quiet than my room. I woke up to something pressing down on my chest and whispering quietly in my ear. I couldn't really understand what he was saying but it totally freaked me out. I never slept in that room again.
Another time I was alone and looked up and saw a man in a heavy coat (it was 100 degrees and we didn't have A/C) standing in the doorway of my room. I screamed and thought someone must have gotten inside but then he literally vanished into thin air.
Shortly afterwards, I adopted a dog. I woke up one night and saw my dog standing alert, staring at the doorway. There was the same guy, standing in the same spot as before. He disappeared again and I swear, that was the very last time either of us ever had anything paranormal happen. We always wondered if he didn't like the dog!

AKM said...

Brenda, I think I had a cat ghost once, too. I think I might have been touched by a regular human ghost once on a haunted tour, and my mom and I think we heard one at the Lemp Mansion in STL a few weeks ago.

All three stories are kinda long and they're not really super-exciting, either, except for the cat one. It involved a Tigger alarm clock that went off...with no batteries in it. Anyway, overall I think I'm on the fence: they're certainly possible given the whole "energy cannot be created or destroyed" thing, and they're DEFINITELY fun to think about and talk about (and I LOVE hearing the ones here!), but I'm just not sure I've seen/heard enough evidence to be 100% certain. Orbs of light? Crackly sounds on tape? That just doesn't give me anything concrete enough.

But 'tis the season! My mom and I enjoyed watching some haunted places shows on the Travel Channel over the weekend.

Unknown said...

Seen no, experienced yes.

My grandmother's house always had people walking around upstairs, even when I was the only one home.

HeatherAM said...

I'm glad that someone else has felt one. No one ever believes me when I tell the story.

AngelOfDevs said...

I have one in my house. My husband scoffs but my mom and dad who have spent the night have seen him too. He doesn't freak me out, he seems to be curious or protective, checking in on you. The only time I felt scared is when he was in the entrance of my bedroom when I was home alone. I told him he was not welcome in my room and he has never been seen there again. I see him every week or so, just glimpses.

RowdyRodimus said...

My Grandfather died two years before I was born. I used to spend the night at my Grandma's house when I was young and my parents wanted a night out. This was back in the days when cokes had to be opened with a bottle opener (this is important to the story).

One night, I was 6 years old and I was staying with my Grandma. I went to bed and she went to bed a few minutes later. I don't know what time it was but I got up thirsty and needed to go to the bathroom. I was in the back room that used to be my Dad's old room and the bathroom was through another bedroom and then the hallway that led to the kitchen.

There was a man standing in the kitchen I'd seen before but never personally, I just knew him. He told me to sit at the table and asked if I wanted a Coke. I said yes but I couldn't reach the bottle opener, he said no problem and opened one for me and him.

He told me how good I was doing in Baseball and how good of a job my Dad was doing as coach. He followed that up with this exact quote, "I always told him he had the brains for the game and would make a hell of a manager."

We talked a bit longer and finished our Cokes and he said he had to go but he'd always see me. He picked me up and gave me a hug and then left through the front room.

My Grandma found me asleep next to the Washing Machine she had in the kitchen (it was a house built in the 30's). Then she asked me if I had been thirsty because there were two empty bottles of Coke but the opener was still out of my reach.

I described the guy to my Grandma and she turned white as a (pardon the pun) ghost. I used phrases my Grandpa had used and described him perfectly to her. She had always felt he was there and to her dying gay she swore he did come to see me that night.

I described it to my Dad that evening and when I said the part about "I always told him he had the brains for the game and would make a hell of a manager" he told me that the night before he died, my Grandpa and him had watched a ball game and he told him that exact thing.

Then my Dad told me that about a month after his Dad died, my Grandma finally went out with her friends to play cards and he was going out with friends, too. He was waiting on them when he heard something that scared him to death.

You know how people have a ritual they go through to lock up for the night? Well he heard footsteps in the other wise empty house and walking through the exact route my Grandpa took locking up for the night. He said, "Dad, is that you?", the steps continued two more steps and then stopped.

So yeah, I've seen a ghost. That's not even going into the thing in our hallway me and my brother saw one summer.

Basil said...

Why is it always haunted houses? Apartments have thousands of people live in them over time and people have died tragically in them, yet no haunted apartments.

a loose seal said...

There are two apartment stories above!

Anothergrayhare said...

Okay, several of your stories made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, but Rowdy, your's was incredible. I truly hope you're not pulling our legs, for lack of a better expression. Wow.

Unknown said...

I lived in a haunted house from 6-11. Was scary. Never saw a human apparition but a brown mist walked across our kitchen and a few nights at around the same time (about 2am) when we were all in bed something would run up the stairs in heavy boots and pace the hallway for 5 minutes. None of us had the guts to open our bedroom doors. Even my Mum until my Dad did one night it happened and the pacing stopped and nothing was there. Was too loud to not have been in the house. Happened a bout 5x over a year. We had no pets. Other things happened too. Doors slamming etc. We were relieved when we moved out. Was terrifying. Same pattern though everytime. Still can't explain it.

Bunni said...

I was doing my make up and thought my friend was behind me, as I saw a shape in the mirror. I turned to ask her if she liked the shade of lipstick, but there was no one there. My friend was downstairs, in just about the furthest point from where I was. No one else was home.

califblondy said...

I hear a man calling my name a lot. I wonder if it's the old man who lived in my house before me? I grew up next door so I had known him since the age four.

My weird thing that's happened lots of times is when someone I know dies, I see them. It's just once, but I will see them doing something ordinary like walking down the street. It always freaks me out.

Tigercat said...

I'm not quite sure mine is a ghost story, perhaps apparition?

Anyway, I used to have a neighbor who enjoyed being nude. After a surprise incident, myself and another neighbor were privy to his nudiness but did our best to ignore or avert eyes on occasion as he was a pretty nice person and it just didn't seem like a big deal at that time.

Nearly 10 years later, I was living across the country and had long lost any contact with the nude neighbor. Hadn't even thought of him over those years either.

I was asleep in my bed when I realized I was awake/not awake - things see and feel super duper real - and I see my old neighbor, lying across the foot of my bed, completely naked and grinning and wiggling his eyebrows up and down at me. I gasped in surprise and looked away to shake my head, but when I turned, he was gone. I was fully awake at this point and confused. There was a sense of mischief to his appearance yet it felt too real and I couldn't fathom why I'd think of him or dream of him.

2 or 3 days later, I received an email from the other neighbor, who I also hadn't spoken to in years. The nudely neighbor had passed away on the day that I'd dreamt about him.

Unknown said...

I do think a lot of ghosts are caught in the same moment of time. Like a recording that replays from time to time-like my experience. Not had anything else.

OKay said...

Haven't seen one, but I have definitely lived with one or two and have experienced the effects of that.

NaughtyNurse said...

Yes I did. I saw it and my husband saw it.

Jason Blue Eyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason Blue Eyes said...

I did have an experience with a ghost - I think. More than 10 years ago I was working at a talent agency - first job out of school. Cool job working with models and aspiring actors. One evening I'm all alone in this three story office building. I'm in a room upstairs as it was the only room that had a TV and DVD player. We were having a party there that night, so instead of leaving and having to go all the way back home just to come back again, I decided to stay. I'm up in this room when I suddenly see a figure standing off in the doorway who quickly just turns and walks back out. I chase after him and as soon as I reach the hallway, there was nobody there. Now this was a lengthy hallway so there was nowhere else a person could have walked into. I walked down the stairs to the main area where there are offices and a little kitchen area. Nobody. I checked the doors. All locked. I return back upstairs. A few minutes later I start hearing voices from downstairs where I just came from. Weird ooky laughing and muffled sounds. By this point I'm starting to freak. I stay up in that room for the next few hours while hearing what sounds like a conversation between a man and woman downstairs with ghoulish laughter spread throughout. I don't even go downstairs to pee I'm so frightened. Around 7pm, co-workers begin to arrive. The first person to arrive was this dick I hated working with named Dale. I didn't like him at all but when he knocked on that door for me to let him in, I'd never been so happy to see anybody in a long time. Later that night I told some friends what happened. A woman told me that happened to her there as well, one Saturday when she was the only person in the building. I learned that this particular building was used a place for soldiers to stay in during the war. One time, a soldier committed suicide by shooting himself right in the buildings main entrance. They say the ghosts of him and his wife still roam the place. I left that agency not long after.

sifichick said...

My old boarding school was haunted. My senior year I lived in what they called the independent living dorm. Basically it was a dorm with very little supervision that was meant to help us get ready for the real world.

I didn't have morning classes so I generally slept later than the other girls. One morning I woke up and there was a guy standing at the end of my bed. He was dressed in clothes that looked like they might have been from the 20's or earlier. I pulled the blanket over my head and shut my eyes for about a minute. When I pulled them down he was still there just watching me. So I pulled the blanket back over my eyes. When I brought it back down he was finally gone. I shot out of my room & went down the hall to where the hall monitor was & started banging on his door. He opened it and I practically screamed GHOST! at him. He went & checked my room & said there was nothing in there.

I heard a story about one of the maintenance workers was in the library. It was aroud Halloween & he was dressed up. (Can't remember exactly as what but it was an animal of some kind) He going around the library doing growling noises. Out of nowhere he heard someone say SHUT UP! Mind you this was around 10pm & no one but him was in the library.

After my dad passed away we had a TON of weird things happen. One of the strangest happened to me. I was at a grocery store & I was looking for a yogurt drink. I couldn't for the life of me find it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the doors open on it's own. I thought nah, it couldn't be there. I went over and sure enough it was in that section.

MrsPMFU said...

Seen, no. But one Friday I was sitting at my desk at work, thinking about driving to my dad's for the weekend (about 25 miles away). My coworker at the next desk leaned over, looking slightly freaked out, and asked if I believed in ghosts. I replied that I was a bit skeptical, but could see that she was worried so I asked what was wrong. She said that my guardian angel was standing near me, and wanted her to tell me not to drive anywhere out of town that weekend, as I would be in a bad accident if I did. I asked her to describe the ghost and she described my dead great-grandmother, who had apparently had dreams that accurately predicted the accidental deaths of a few close family members. Needless to say, I drove straight home, hardly able to make myself stop at the store for a few groceries. Other times, I have physically felt what seemed like an invisible hand pushing on my chest, stopping me from crossing the street, right before a car came speeding through out of nowhere.

MrsPMFU said...

That's awesome.

Pigtown*Design said...

We have a ghost at our office. She worked for us for 50 years and lived in the building from when we built it in 1909 until she died in 1946. The members used to give her bouquets of flowers. The highest award in her profession is named for her and we set up a little endowment to give the award winner a bouquet in her name.

A few weeks before the award was given this year, I was in part of the building where she spent a lot of time, and said out loud that the award was being given, and to continue her memory and honour her, we were giving the winner a bouquet like the members used to give her.

About 2 seconds later, something like a pencil dropped on the floor, even though I KNOW no one else was in the space.

A year ago this evening, we were giving an architectural tour and we were in that same space. I was talking about Marcia and the lights started flickering. Someone laughed and told me to quit flicking them, which I wasn't. I flipped the switch a few times, but the next day, I couldn't remember whether I had flipped it up or down.

When I went to check, there was an old oil portrait leaning against the wall. Clearly, it hadn't been there the night before, or any other time. I asked the house manager if he'd seen it or put it there and he hadn't. It was a painting I was looking for, and I think she left it for me.

Bikey said...

Wow, AWESOME stories!!! Thanks for sharing:)

Spiffypaws said...

1. I purchased a home in Kennebunkport, ME and renovated it. I moved in early, during the reno bec my condo sold. The kitchen and living room were completely gutted down to the studs. That same night, I was awakened out of a sound sleep by a man. He flung open the bedroom door, shook his fist at me, stomped his feet and yelled, "what did you do to my house!! I tried to explain but he kept on interrupting me and finally slammed the door. He bugged me a few more times during the reno. My electrician knew the man who built and owned the house who was dead; the description was spot on!

2. My boyfriend and I spent 4 mos in Charlestown, SC housesitting in a historic row house. I used to feel a cold spot on the stairs every afternoon and smell tobacco smoke. We turned off the ac and could still feel the cold spot in the same area, even though the temp outside was over 100F. We also saw a blurry image of a soldier; the uniform was confederate.

Unknown said...

Do you verbally assail them also?

Unknown said...

Yup. A few. And my father in law, die hard atheist, doesn't believe in ANYTHING was woken up in the middle of the night in our previous home. It was an old cottage from the Ballarat gold mining days. He thought it was our cat (who was in our room, so it wasn't). Went back to sleep and awoke to violent shoving. Turns on bedside light and there's a woman standing at the side of the bed who just started screaming. He remembered reading that ghosts cannot kill you, so he told her to shut up and bugger off. Tried to go back to sleep & ignore her (because, these things aren't real, right?) So then she starts scratching and choking him. He sat upright, told her to eff off, and she disappeared.

Sherry said...

Rowdy if this is true this is amazing.

Sherry said...

On some level I would like to have an experience like others have had but then maybe not.

I don't think ghosts like me much. I've never had a visit so doubt it will happen at this age.

Bit dams said...

I had a child that died at birth. A boy. Years later when my daughter was 3 or 4 she said a little boy was visiting her in her room at night. So she wanted to go to bed and see what he had to say each night. She had a big imagination, and I didn't think anything of it. A few days later she told me that the boy wanted to come out and say hi to me. I said okay. So she went into her room and came out and said, "It's (my sons name). He knows you're sad that he's dead and he's going to give you a kiss now". The she smiled and said "see, he's okay. And you don't be sad now". I have never spoken of this child to my other children, it's too difficult. I suppose I want to believe.

jensauce said...

i've seen several - one i'm convinced was my grandpa who passed away before i was born.

i actually saw one the other day; it was maybe 9pm and i was sitting on my bathroom counter grooming my eyebrows, and out of the corner of my eye, i saw (what i thought was my fiance) a man walk into our bedroom and go to his dresser. about ten seconds later, my actual fiance walked in to the bathroom.

at first i thought he was messing with me, but he was so adamant (and he has never lied to me) that i have no doubt it was not him. and i am absolutely CERTAIN that a man walked by me. he was wearing bluejeans and a long-sleeved grey shirt. totally freaked me out.

also, sometimes my dogs will stare at a random spot in the house (a wall, furniture, etc) and nervously growl/bark incessantly at it. they get so upset that they have to pace around the house for a good half hour or so before they're able to calm back down.

RowdyRodimus said...

I had another "experience", I didn't see a ghost or anything but it was definitely weird.

I'm sure a lot of you have seen the movie Rooster Cogburn (either the John Wayne original or the Cohen Brothers remake) and heard him talking about Judge Parker, the Hanging Judge. He was the Federal Judge in charge of the "Indian Lands" as they called it back then in Ft. Smith, AR where I live (In fact, the sene at the railway in the remake with the red building, was supposed to take place at the place where our mall now is).

His courthouse/jails is still standing and is now a historical museum and the gallows, while new, are still where they stood. The place it is has all of the original buildings from those days and I worked at a records keeping company directly across from it.

One day I was working on the top floor and it was hot as hell, so I go through and open the windows. All of a sudden a gust of wind comes up and I go to the window to get the breeze when I look at the gallows (Which I did a lot as a history buff) and there are three nooses tied. Two of them were swinging wildly in the wind and one was stiff as a board as if it were being held down. When the gust stopped the other two ropes were wrapped around the top post of the gallows and the other was there perfect.

Since it's a historical monument, I told my boss what had happened and she told me to go across to tell them about the ropes being messed up. So I did and I told them what I saw and we looked up the date back in Parkers time, and that day he hung a 350 lb. cattle rustler on the rope that didn't move.

(Oh and a few months later, we took some paneling down around the freight elevator to get some big objects in, and there on one of the boards was my Grandfather from my previous stories signature in pencil. We brought my Dad in to check and he said, "Yeah, that's Dad's signature". No idea how it got there, but it's still weird. And I feel he's always watching over me."

evie2345 said...

Haunted dorm room story!
The room next to me was a single, and my bed was against the shared wall. I would often hear the girl leave to go to class, and then would hear the TV turn on loudly, the chair scrape on the floor, etc. For a while I figured it was her boyfriend just hanging there while she was out, but then I eventually noticed that noise would always stop when she came back, and I'd never hear them talking, which always seemed odd. Never thought much more about it and move to a different place the next year. If you years after I graduated, I read an account of haunted places on campus- lots of the usual theaters and libraries, and then oddly enough, a room in my old dorm- that room! And suddenly all the noises and then silence when she returned started to make sense, and I was super creeped out!

I've never seen anything, but have had a few other odd experiences.


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