Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Today's Blind Items - The Con Job

This actor is probably A-/B+. He was A+ at one point but it was strictly franchise related. He has not made the most of his opportunities post franchise. He is foreign born. He is also being played for a fool by his new girlfriend. She has somehow convinced the actor to buy a new home and put her on the title even though she won't be contributing any money to the place. Friends of the actor are worried because she has been cutting him off from those close to him and he has radically changed from a booze and bar kind of guy to a hard drug and night club kind of guy who has his girlfriend glue to his side at all times. He does everything she tells him from what to wear or not to wear and how he should look each day. His ex, who is also an actress has tried to intervene but she is going through issues of her own and some very very big decisions she needs to make in the near future. Friends of the actor are convinced he is going to wake up in a few months and realize he has no money left and a wife who will slowly kill him off.


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toothy said...

Kristen cheated because he was NOT a female, THE END

FYI said...

fyi, Wrong Again was right. The AACTA's are the most prestigious award they give in Australia, and winners include Oscar winners Russell Crowe and Nicole Kidman.

The Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA) Awards are a continuum of the AFI Awards, which have honoured screen excellence in Australia since 1958. They just expanded to include TV in their ceremony, instead of being film-only.

This is equivalent to an Oscar or BAFTA. And again, Stewart has been snubbed for every award.

Fools said...

This is the story of a prince and princess that became a couple at the start of a shitty franchise and then went their separate ways right after the shitty franchise ended. Our lovebirds lacked chemistry, so they preferred their relationship to be private, instead sending hidden signals to their fans to let them know about their epic romance. One day, our princess was caught publicly kissing and being in suggestive poses with Director, a few months before the final shitty franchise movie premiered, but she and her PR team had a hideously lame statement published in People Magazine to make sure no-one missed it. Our prince was very touched, and after a short break, he took her back with open arms, towels, tea and all. Fortunately that too was before the final shitty franchise movie premiered. Previous to the cheating, the swarm of teenage fans had started to forget about the movie, but now everyone was talking about it, and it went on to outsell its predecessors worldwide. After the last shitty franchise DVD being released, the prince and princess highly unpredictably couldn't be together anymore. Director had disappeared right after the incriminating pictures being published, so our princess had her lesbian BFF move in with her. She needed to be consoled.

Jesus, how naive can your living in the fifties ass be? Did/do you believe Twilight was real too?

The best thing with this scandal is that it produced delicious Twitard tears. KStew can always look back and be proud to have rid herself of elements from one of the most embarrassing fanbases to ever have existed. Stew's and Patsy's indies are a huge upgrade from that god awful franchise. If they want to continue being actors, if anything, they need to work on their credibility. As for SWATH2, Stew (and Patsy) isn't in need of money, hence it was a good thing to be fired from another franchise turned awful. Her mistake is that she publicly should have "cheated" right after the first Twilight movie, to get out of that contract instead.

kt said...

She didn't break up a family. Daddy had the affair and broke up his family, I'm sure its not the first time he cheated, just the first time he got publicly caught. I dont give a rats ass about any of these people but I do get pissed when people balme the outside person. Its the cheater in each relationship that is responsible for destroying said relationship.

Sasha said...

lol, what world are you living in? She hasn't rid herself of the Twitards, they are her only fanbase. None of her indies has ever made a dime. She can't attract a real audience.

Those old grannies who think Edward and Bella are real are the only fans she has left, but they don't like to see her acting like a slut in OTR or WTTR. They didn't like her as a dyke in The Runaways, and they won't like her as a lez in Sils Maria, either.

Her good reviews are all she has to cling to because she sure doesn't have any indie box office receipts or awards to go with them. And her affair assured that she's never get near another franchise or big budget studio film. She's great at self sabotage, I hope she's good at investing because she'll never do anything but low budget indies again.

lenny said...

This is not about Kristen, it is about Pattinson, MOVE ON PEOPLE, Pattinson and Kristen are OVER, so why continue the hate?

Tate said...

It wasn't so much a PR showmance as it was just a convenience. She and Rob were friends with benefits who hooked up on the set when they were trapped on location together. That's why he would never say he was dating her or show her affection in public. If he never admitted dating her, he'd never have to explain why they broke up.

But she went off script when she stupidly got caught with Rupert. Rob was just pissed off that she was so dumb. So of course after a few weeks, he made it look like everything was cool again, but if you saw any of the promo he refused to do interviews with her and avoided her as much as possible. One pose, one smile and then he shot off like a bullet to do the red carpet by himself.

Then he went off to Australia for 9 weeks and when he came back, she had the paps on speed dial to make it look like everything was fine in fairy tale land. But he was totally fed up by then and refused to attend a birthday party that she had arranged for him. He knew she would just leak pictures from the party and he was tired of pretending to be her boyfriend. He wasn't going to play nice any longer. He was tired of trying to rehab what was left of her career. They had a huge fight and he left and never looked back. She had been with Alicia for about 4 months by that point anyway.

chopchop said...

Oh. My. God.


Potiphar's Wife said...

Reminds me of Hayden Christensen. First big role is a pigeonhole and the tweeners can't let go of the shipperstans.

Wisaway said...

Fka and Rob. Poor fool

Katelyn said...

He didn't upgrade, he downgraded.

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